Social Short Story – NUMERREOLOGEE
Photo credit: Kevin_P from morguefile.com
Once again it’s a big day for me, it’s my 11th interview today and I want everything to be right. All my certificates and resumes required check , neatly ironed dress check , matching tie check , watch check, pen check yes everything is in its place but I re checked everything once again.
Virat come and have your breakfast my sister shouted.
Sorry sister “I don’t want to be late for interview, I will eat something over there “, I said wearing my shoes.
“Going for interview uncle”, my nephew vijju asked changing channels in TV and before I could answer my sister pulled him from the sofa shouting its your bath time. Before I go out of house I was once again checking everything and there was an ad in TV.
“Do you have problems ?”,“Are you not able to get a job?” ,“are you suffering from health problems?”,”are you suffering from financial problems?”
Any problem one solution , change your name as per numerology and get lucky, you cannot believe yourself a man who worked in a gas station is owner of a five star hotel now after changing his name.
So to get lucky contact these numbers.
Some numbers were displayed with their company name “Anceint Numerrologee”. I laughed at it and went to my interview.
As usually after long hours of waiting among a bunch of competitors for the job , now they are calling one by one for the HR interview .
Announcer called out a name Srikanth and three people stood up and he checked the list and said G.Srikanth, then one of the guy sat down and other two were still standing , then he spelled the name Sreekkanth and one of the guy went forward .
I thought there is one advantage with this numerology thing , it is easy do differentiate people with same name with their diverse spellings.
After some time it was my turn and I went to the HR chamber and I requested “may I come in sir”.
HR: ya sure get in , take your seat.
And he started off with the routine question tell me about yourself.
Being done it ten times before I was answering in a flow and after some normal questions about my qualification he just said “it’s nice meeting you , do you have any questions to ask?”
I was shocked with this and said “don’t you want to ask me anything about my technical skills or my ability in programming etc?” and he said “it’s no need for that and you can go and wait in the hall”.
I silently went to the hall not able to understand what was happening and the announcer came there and said to the Sreekkanth guy to wait there as the HR wanted him and turned towards me and said you can leave for the day.
That sentence made me feel as if I was pushed from a mountain. With a broken heart I headed home.
My sister opened the door saw the look on my face and silently went in brought me a glass of water and breaking the huge room of silence vijju shouted “what happened to your interview uncle?”
I did not understand he wantedly shouted that much or I felt it that loud. My sister scolded him and sent him to play outside.
Sister: don’t worry virat your brother-in –law said he knows someone in other company . so everything will be all right.
I : its not about that, I am confident that I can get a job but I don’t understand why don’t they test me every time I do it all right but still why this happens to me.
Sister : it’s ok don’t lose courage . everything has its own time just be patient. I am going to shopping do you want me to bring me anything.
I : no.
I was still thinking about it and once again in the TV the same add repeated and the words are you not able to get a job even after working hard was ringing in my mind.
Desperation makes us do anything , the same morning I laughed on this ad and the guy with ee and kk stuff and now I am calling one of these numerologists.
After a long trials of connecting the call at last I got an appointment for tomorrow.
It was a small building with two rooms . In one room people were waiting and after using some of my precious patience in waiting I was called in.
There was an old man sitting before laptop and said “welcome , what is your problem? , job, marriage, enemies, financial problems anything we have a solution”.
I said I am not able to get a job, I completed my computer sciences engineering and I am good at everything what it takes to become a good software engineer ,but still I am not able to get it.then he asked my name . I said virat then he asked to spell it I said V-i-r-a-t . Then he typed it in his laptop and said your destiny number is 7, you’re are a perfectionist you always try things to be perfect around you, you are very strict about things around always repeatedly check things happening around.
Wow he is right I was surprised with this and that moment made me a believer.
Then he asked my date of birth made some calculations and said according to your time of birth your destiny number should be changed to 5. We will see all the combinations that can be changed in your name to make your destiny number 5, for now you pay the advance and we will call you later.
The payment was a bit big but I thought it was worth it.
After two days they called me again and when I went there they gave me a list of names with different spellings and told me to choose one. First time I thought a name can be spelled in these many different ways .after a lot of thinking I thought veeraat was better than the other.
Then he told me that I had to do make this name official and every day I have to write this name as many times as possible so that I can get positive vibrations of luck.
The next week I ran around a lot of government offices to change my name in my birth certificate, license, and my bank account biodata spending a lot of money and when get relief from this I used to write my new name so much concentration .
Seriously I did not feel any vibration but got a bit lucky in some situations around .this built my confidence and finally the D day arrived my 12th interview.
I was called for the HR round and before I could say may I come in HR said come in my boy take your seat.
I thought yes its working my luck is working. Routine question and answers took place first time I was satisfied with more questions asked to me and I was really happy answering.
Finally he said it was very happy interviewing you and suddenly he looked at my resume and said what’s with your name virat, what’s this spelling?
I proudly said I changed my name sir , it adds me luck.
With a serious look HR said how do you expect me to believe that a person with no individuality and who depends on luck would be the part of development of this company.
It was like a nicely blown balloon suddenly pricked by a needle. This is new veeraat blasted like the balloon.
This story is not to hurt any one’s beliefs or practices but just a comical way presenting the ads and people practicing them. My sincere apologies if anyone got hurt.