Social Short Story – A New Life To Live
Photo credit: rajeshkrishnan from morguefile.com
As my story unfolds I can see my parents looking at me saying there’s my boy but as I realized that everything I have done has affected everything and everyone I’ve came in to contact with.
This is how I had to get a new life and a new identity. It all started when me and my boys were planning a heist to rob the biggest bank in the world called The National Trust, the place had security from top to bottom.
Planning a heist this big wasn’t going to be easy we have rob every bank there was in my town but it was time to step it up a bit. I told Johnny that he could create a distraction while we took out the security guards with the snipers.
Then Kansas could blow up the vault we have to get everything prepared and ready for this could our last heist.
Today is the day of our biggest heist yet, the getaway car was out with the driver ready ski masks were on and out guns were loaded and we had some extra crew ready to take out the whole and entire police force.
Johnny distracted the guard by creating a problem by acting if something was wrong with his banking account, meanwhile me and Kansas had the whole crew in the bank with military grade weapons got the money and got away.
This is where I change my life. I faked my death and hid for 20 years and when the people didn’t recognize my face anymore I change my identity and move to New York City and started a career and decided to stop the criminal acts because sooner or later the police might be out there watching and searching and this is how I had a new life to live and I will always be a criminal mastermind and a legend.