Social Short Story – Money Plant
Photo credit: blary54 from morguefile.com
Ragav was an excellent scientist, but could not invent great till now to make an impact. He was upto some big hunt from the day he did PHD.
One morning he was sitting in the tea shop and waiting for Swapnil very badly. Swapnil as usual came sharp at 7 AM like other days in the shop. Entering only, he found Ragav almost about to burst into crying. He quickly ran to him, gave a hug and said, “What happened boss. Please please dont cry. I understand, you might be in some deep trouble else you are not a person to burst into crying so easily. I would surely listen to you and try to sort out your problem. Please have a seat and have tea.”
Swapnil from there itself shouted and ordered two cups of tea, and sat after Ragav.
The tea arrived and Ragav wiping his tears continued, “Dost, you know that Chemistry has been my dream ever since I have gathered my senses. I though have done PHD, but could not do something great till now. I was getting frustrated thinking that, being such a good Chemist, what would I be doing in this birth, not for fame but just for my satisfaction. I had been trying to crack something when I indeed did something. I never thought of disclosing this to anyone separately but now have to do this to you.
Also you know that Ramesh is also a great chemist and was of my same batch. He and myself are good friends indeed. We both have goings to each other’s house as well very frequently. Anyway naturally Ramesh also wanted to do something great. But unlike me for fame. Also unlike me he does not have that patience. He also understands A-Z of chemistry, but wont be doing anything by his own hand. I am sure he could also have done something great even before me if he had tried. But he always like to get things easily and then bring in front of world for his fame. Here also the story goes something like this.
I very recently had invented one chemical after a long hard work, patience and dedication, which if applied to any plant’s or tree’s root, the plant or the tree within next 24 hours would turn into a money plant and all its leaves would turn into notes. How many would be 5 rupee note, or 10 rupee note or 100 rupee note etc would again be decided from beforehand while preparing the chemical. Swapnil I was overjoyed inventing this, as this could have been really great. I have even applied this to one of my tree and tested. I was all ready to bring my invention in front of whole world.
But suddenly that whole draft of my work went missing. And unfortunately I didnt keep another copy of that. The problem doesnt lie there as since I made this, I could make this once more, but to bring in front of world, I need to present the draft, which to write again, I need some more time. So I am scared within that time if that is brought in front of world by someone else with someone else’s name, then my satisfaction would again not be met.”
Swapnil till now was listening with full attention and was becoming happier seeing Ragav’s success. But hearing the missing of the draft was astonished.
He immediately jumped off, “Missing, you mean someone has stolen, and that person now would bring this in front of world with his name? And you mean to say you suspect Ramesh for this stealing?”
Ragav said, “Yes Swapnil, there is reason behind this also. Not only the one I said about him before, but also the day I invented this, Ramesh came to my house that night, and when I was away to make cups of tea, he also went to my study for sometime, I noticed. Also since that was my current work, the draft was on top.
Now that draft was on top for quite few days and many people came to my study, but I am sure noone is such great scientists to either understand this draft full of chemical reactions, nor could prepare reading the full draft also even if he takes seeing the name on top. Now Ramesh is so expert in these, that he could have prepared this very easily by himself, but as I told he wont do that hard work. But getting this readymade, he would surely prepare and test and bring in front of world with his name.
I know he has completely read the draft and have also prepared the solution and is just left with testing and then the fame. But as you know we are good friends, and so can’t blame him of stealing directly as I have not seen him stealing that. But its just my suspicion. And I gave the logic also for that. And if I am to wait till he brings that in front of the world to know that he only stole it, then it would be too late and I would have nothing to do, as you understand.”
Swapnil said, “Yaar I understand. I believe you and also support you hearing to your logic. So why not we hit him with his finesse?”
Ragav said, “I quite dint understand about what your plan is?”
Swapnil said, “I mean to say, since he is a good chemist and he has read the whole draft by this time, you do one thing. You once in front of him, pointing to others, pretend as if you dont know as well that your draft went missing. You tell that you have invented this and have come up with a solution, and have been applying to trees but in vain. So you are now upto what actually went missing and then explain why you never needed to touch your draft in these days, or else Ramesh would understand your wit, because this being your such a great invention, how could you have still not known that this went missing. Then you tell that now you have also found out the mistake and then tell, on such and such page you have missed out to add this particular chemical solution. You have now added that and tested and its working fine, so now you need to add that in your draft.”
Ragav said, “What would happen, hearing this he would simply try to go and add silently and then test once more and on failure he would again keep the original solution like before and test and get success. How could we prove that he has stolen?”
Swapnil said, “O no boss, there goes the trick actually. You remember I told you that why dont we hit him with his finesse. Since he is in actual a superb chemist and according to you could have made this invention well by him but its just that he is lazy. So dont you feel that reading your draft he would understand that all the things are correct and no more solution is needed in actual?”
Ragav seeing some light of success of getting back his invention continued with a smile, “but then if he understands, would not he simply let that simply go away and stick to the original solution? How could we prove that he is the thief?”
Swapnil said, “Its a general nature of people that more he is renowned for his finesse or work, more egoistic he becomes. You just then say, you bet that even the greatest of greatest scientists also been provided with your draft, could not have found out what was missing. And then see what happens.”
Ragav still not sure what could this statement extract out of Ramesh about his stealing, did as Swapnil said another day to some other guys in the tea shop, with Swapnil being present within the crowd and Ramesh sitting a bit far away.
And immediately as Ragav uttered those statements, Ramesh was at his toes, came near the crowd and said, “Who said this to you? I could have had said, and why have had, I am telling now, there is no more need of any solution, I bet.”
Ragav then never needed to be trained on what his next lines should be, said, “How come you knew this?”
Ramesh getting back to his senses controlled and said, “I mean, I have gone through your draft, what do you feel? I am quite often travelling to your house. So as I am also a chemist wont my interest go attract me towards your draft?”
Ragav said, “But I dont remember you been for so long in front of my draft that you could read the whole of it and could also recollect what was there in page 33.”
Ramesh seeing completely trapped just sat down, and burst into crying. He then softly told,
“Yaar I am sorry. Dont worry. I would come myself to your house and return back your draft. What would I tell? You know that its been one of my bad habits since long. I am very lazy and want to get fame on work of others. I understand how the pain goes when somebody’s creation is used for somebody else’s fame or satisfaction. From now I would try to do something, big or small, of my own.”