Social Short Story – Love Is Eternal
Photo credit: Scarletina from morguefile.com
Ravi is so different from this world . He thinks differently . He lives differently. He behaves differently. Its now two years since we are in love. Like other girls I also had dreams about my prince charming.
“He must be a tall, dark and handsome man, sitting on horse, comes to me, bends on his knees and asks me ” will you marry me?”. A romantic tune plays in background. Its full Moon night. And there is a rain of flowers” .
Did I dream differently from other girls ? perhaps no .
I remember the day when I saw him first time. I was on my way to my office. My stoppage came hence I stepped out of the bus . My office was at a walk able distance.
Suddenly I stopped. I saw a pretty old woman begging on the street. A boy came near her and gave her thousand rupees . I was shocked. Before i could think something, that boy left. I saw a pretty smile on his face. Perhaps he didn’t look at me. But his smile was saying every thing. It was a smile of satisfaction. It was a smile of hope. It was a smile of humanity.
He was Ravi. I followed him. He stopped near the bus stop. I followed too. I stood near him. I was looking at him. I said-” Hello ” .
He looked at me. Smiled and responded “Hello”.
I told him ” I saw you giving thousand rupees to that old lady “.
He smiled and told ” Yes. She was too old. I thought thousand rupees will help her a bit “.
Conversation started and we were friends. More i knew about him, more i liked him .
Now we started dating each other. Although he was so much simple. but still I loved him. He was my prince charming . He was a good human being . He was different from other boys. He was full of positivity. He used to live in present. He used to help people. He didn’t go for movies, he rarely used to buy cloths. And all the savings he used to spend on poors . He used to say ” Happiness is the money we have to earn “. People spend thousand of rupees on watching movies,doing shopping etc. He used to spend same money on poor people. It gave him more pleasure than movies. He was away from social networking sites.
In this busy life style, where people wish birthdays to their friends buy just posting on FB and Twitter, Ravi always tried to wish them in person .
“Wishing some one in person is necessary. The way you wish a person, the way person responds back, the smile on person’s face. Every thing is live and can be felt. Its all about showing your love and emotions ”
He used to stay away from technology as much as possible. He used his cell phone for only calling. He hated the people keeping earphones on their ear always even when they cross the roads. In the metro cities, where people don’t know who their neighbour is, Ravi had hundreds of friends from his neighborhood .
He had adopted 10-12 old men women. It was a big family. Ravi was orphan. He had always missed a family. But now he had a family .
He was loved by entire society. Every one respected him. He was having hundreds of helping hands. Ravi had opened a school with help of some local youths, where he along with some other youths from his society used to teach poor children living in slum areas. He used to get funding from his society for this Nobel cause.
He always used to say ” Many govt came and gone, but no one taken care of these street children .These children have enormous potentials. And they deserve a chance to prove their worth for our country.”
Slowly i also started following Ravi’s foot step . And i felt how much happiness i had missed . Its the love which taught me a different way to live . A life where you sacrifice every thing but actually you don’t lose any thing . You understand the real meaning of humanity . You feel your responsibilities not only as a human but also as a responsible citizen, as a true follower, and as a lover too.
Now a days people go for external look. they ignore the internal beauty. If its true love, it should be from heart to heart, soul to soul and not from body to body. Love teaches us about sacrifice, it tell us about trust, it makes us more responsible. Often we hear ” love at first site” . That’s not love. Love is understanding each other, complementing each other, knowing goods and bad of each other ..changing ourselves for each other.
Remember ” body is mortal, love is not “. Love is eternal.