Photo credit: atroywy from morguefile.com
Though I was under my double soft cotton blanket on my extra cushioned bed all covered, that noise of the heavy rain outside was so louder that I was like half awake half asleep. The clock marked 2.30 am in the morning but was hardly able to announce the time again due to the noise of water falling from all the roofs. It was absolutely kind of chilling there, even after realizing that I can not cover myself more I was pushing my blanket all around because of the cold. I tried to sleep forcefully so that I won’t have to feel such freezing temperature, obviously a false try.
It must have hardly an hour passed I got up shockingly by a loud noise of a cry followed by a louder one of something falling or whatever it was. That was a CAT cry, and it was so painful that I could not pretend that I haven’t listened it. It all happened in a blink of an eye, and the next moment as the environment was melting the phase, everything was as dead as before, so after smudging my eyes twice and thinking it was SOME CAT or etc, I got back under my bed.
I just closed my eyes and “THAT CAT MUST HAVE GOT HURT!” thought ran in my mind. after keeping my eyes open for few seconds I intentionally threw that thought and closed my eyes again. Hardly a moment would have passed very far away a DOG barked very lousy.”WHAT IF IT’S A BABY AND HELPLESS ALL ALONE, THAT DOG SEEMED BIG” without my permission the self of mine disturbingly made me change the KARWAT and think about it. Being careless my leg got slipped out of my so soft and warm blanket and felt like entered in a fridge or something.
The Human inside me was now sitting on the bed even though myself was really sleepy, meany and not wanting to thinking about that one single CRY, and accepting the truth that I tried my best to ignore it (why wouldn`t I? there was not like I am only person and also nobody was watching me, I could have gone to sleep easily).inside of me voiced ”THERE IS NO WAY I CAN BEGIN TO IMAGINE HOW COLD,LONELY,AND HELPLESS THAT CAT WOULD BE RIGHT NOW”.I started to see things like a cat shivering and crying and hiding under small pockets or something in my views. Suddenly thousand of drums rang at a single instant,, actually A LIGHTNING HAD STRIKED nearby , which caused the electricity loss and everything more darker.
Even though it was pin drop silent I just don’t know why somewhere I was really feeling that A CAT CRY is calling me. I finally got up wrapped myself with the blanket and stepped to door, Before opening the door I had to convince myself that it worth doing and the reason is IM A HUMAN BEING. With whatever guts I had I finally opened the door, and started looking into dark spots in a way too much hurry so that I won`t have to be in the open in this so damn raining, ”THAT CAT SPENT HALF NIGHT IN THIS VERY NIGHT YOU CANT STAND FOR A WHILE” thought just spitted on my face in an imaginary way so deep that IT BOOSTED MY HUMANITY TO FIND THE CAT THEN ONLY TURN BACK.
The raining was so heavy that it was almost impossible to see anything, I was all ears looking into every single corner, dark spots, under things just to find that cat. An hour had been passed and I was still searching for that invisible cat, Whenever the meany myself tried to turn back, HUMAN inside me just mentioned YOU WON`T BE ABLE TO SLEEP IF YOU DON’T FIND THAT CAT.
And so the sun announced the morning by stopping rain and leaving everything behind wet and lifeless in that very moment of morning.
Its been YEARS have passed and now people know me as a good writer or perhaps a good human being. Often in nights due that awkward feeling and that voice of a cat cry somewhere in my mind I wake up and can't sleep so I write the purest of my in which comes out perfectly at that moment. And no doubt the writer inside me born in those nights only. I haven