Social Short Story – In the Bus
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
“Go to bank and withdraw money.” Father said.
I took the cheque. It’s for above five lakhs.
“We have to pay the salaries.” Father said.
I nodded my head. Father is always overcautious.
“Be careful. Don’t believe anyone. Money attracts bad people.” Father cautioned.
I nodded my head. I know that father is always overcautious.
I went to bank and withdrew cash.
I looked every side.
Nobody is looking at me.
I smiled for my father’s cautions.
I know that going by auto is not safe.
If anything happens, single driver cannot handle.
So I took the bus. It was overcrowded. I saw a short man pushed me and went ahead in the crowd. My looks were on the short man.
I was looking at him while he worked on the shoulder bag of the woman with the blade in his hand. The bag is cut deep and the money inside is in his hand. I could not keep quiet. I cried and alerted her. People tried to catch him. The bus was stopped and the short man was pushed in the crowd like a bullet, jumped out and ran.
“He was gone. Nobody cared to catch him.” The conductor said.
The woman was smiling after looking her damaged bag.
“Thank god! I have not much money in my bag. If it were evening, I would have lost my entire salary.” The woman said.
When she said about salary, I was at shock. I came to reality about my briefcase with heavy money.
The briefcase in my hand was missing.
I did not know when or where I lost it. In the follow up of the small thief, nobody could see the big thief who stole my briefcase.
I was ashamed. I was unhappy. Father will definitely call me a fool for some time for this incident.
I reached office and sat before father.
“I lost cash” I said.
“What happened?” Father asked.
I explained everything.
“Do you remember anyone doubtful in the bank?”
“No, I saw and nobody was looking at me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I am sure. Nobody followed me.”
“What about the man in red shirt with Ray Ban Goggles?”
“I wonder dad. I remember him who also withdrew heavy money, just before me.”
“He is our new cashier. I sent him to see that you are safe with the money.”
I looked at father.
“The short man with the blade, the woman whose bag is cut open the blade and the man who took your briefcase while you are looking the short man who ran are one group. Our cashier caught them and he had recovered our money in time.” Father said.
Just then our new cashier came in to the office room.
“Madam, money attracts bad people. They like to become rich overnight. Your father is very cautious. His cautiousness helped us save the money today.” He said.
“Blood is thicker than water. It is said about the family relationship.” Father said.
We were looking at father’s face.
“In fact, it is about the relationship of people who dream to become multi-millionaires overnight.” Father said.