Short Story Social – Yes, I am a writer.
Photo credit: octaviolopez from morguefile.com
Yes, I am a writer, an aspiring one. And I love being it. Because I was born to become a writer. Its the easiest and gentle way to portray what you feel in a simple set of words, within a bunch a sentences and cluster of paragraphs. So easier to indite, yet much harder to transmit the original thougts from the writers point of view to the readers.
When I was 17, just like other teenagers of my age, I found books and literature tedious, until once I read a book of a well-known author. The words he preferred to deploy in his book to convey his thoughts to the readers, had a very strong influence on my mind. Since then I adjudicated to be a writer, a professional one, not just to write, but to deliver my thoughts to the people who cannot read my mind, to make an influence on those people who would just choose to be a writer, infact on everyone who would read my write-ups.
There doesn’t goes a second when I am not surrounded by my thoughts. Thousands of ideas evoke in my mind just in a blink of an eye. Every time I left alone by people, its not actually I am alone, I am always smothered by my thoughts and ideas about how my next write-up would be.
Everytime I go for a shower, I take much time than I usually use to take first. No I don’t scrub my body or play with those soap bubbles now, but in the mean time I call up my old memories and recollect what had been happened with me few days back so that I can use those memories in my next story as a catalyst to my new story.
Its not always that I always adore the beauty of God’s creation when I sit across a window in a metro while I return from my job in the evening all alone, but I am in my own deep thoughts about what would be the role of protagonists in my upcoming story, how they would behave and how I would impose them in my story.
Every weekend when I go for a walk in the evening, I am just too scared when I think about what if I flunk in being a successful writer? What if I flunk in impressing the audience with me writings? These thoughts always play Hide-n-seek in my mind.
Every night when I jump onto my bed to kip, I am just very much aroused what fresh would happen with me the next day which I can try to pen it down into a new, fresh tale.
Whenever I read books of my favourite author I am always in a awe that would I be ever be able to write like him? Would I ever be able to portray my feelings and Ideas in the form of story as perfect as he does?
They say every human in this world is unique. ‘You should not be a second-rated someone else, you should be the first-rated yourself. You should always be yourself’, a line from the book ‘How to enjoy life and your job’ by Dale Carnegie sufficed me with the answer to my questions. If I would just write like my favourite author I would just become himself. There wont be any existence about my identity in this world. I wont get recognised as myself.
As it is said that every artist creates a masterpiece. If not today, there will definitely come a day when I will be known for my masterpiece. Just like Doctors are prefixed as Dr. and Advocates as Adv. the day is not far when I would be regarded as writer before my name.
I was born to be writer. I was born to impress the audience with my talent. I was born to flood the ink stains on the white piece of paper lucidly so that people can feel me and my thoughts, explore me, visualise themselves in me.
Yes, I am a writer. An aspiring one, but a proud one.