This short story became SPIXer (Most popular story) on 22 Sep 2012 and won INR 500 (US$ 10)

Social Short Story – Hunger
Photo credit: savanne from
The pangs of hunger banished the entire bright outlook from his heart.
Three days have passed without food, and the uninvited ill took the last drop of energy from him.
The spider pondered all ways of getting some bite, but nothing practical enough came to his dull mind. He couldn’t move properly.
Legs numb, body unwilling to follow the mind, but hunger worked well; not just well, but exceptionally well!
Though making a web and catching prey seemed a herculean task, he gave it a try.
But each time the thread fell short. Dejected, he dropped out.
“What to do? If this continues, I am going to die, bit by bit…going through all those pain …I HATE IT!” The spider sighed.
His train of thoughts was hindered by a fizzing!
He saw the bee, his friend, near.
“What happened?” enquired the bee.
“Too ill, no food, can’t make a web, each time I try, I fail! I will die soon!”
“No, you should try again!”
“I can’t!”
“You can! Haven’t you heard that story of a king inspired by a spider?”
The spider was in no mood for a story. Hunger has already started killing him, his gut was getting gnawed.
Stories or religion or advice with hunger always made the worst pair.
Power drained spider has already started feeling dizzy.
The chunky bee nearby lured him.
“Delicious he would be….!” His mind put the friendship into oblivion.
“Hey my friend, I can’t hear you well, will you come a little close, so that I can listen to your tale?”
The poor bee came near to continue the story.
“Once there was this king, who was beaten by his enemies six times. Losing all hope he was resting under a tree and noticed one of your ancestors making a web above his head. The web was a failure six times, but its maker didn’t quit and in the seventh trial the web was ready…..”
The spider was gathering whatever energy that was left in his body to make a web, not a perfect web, but perfect enough to quench his hunger. It was not easy though.
“……the king fascinated by this, called his men, inspired them and fought the battle for a seventh time. And he became victorious!…..Like that, you should also try again ……..”
The bee’s voice got choked as the web got spun all over his body.
The spider engulfed the plump body of his friend; it seemed like the best food he had ever taken.
Hunger has always been strong enough to question moralities!
The spider then took a nap.