Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
One evening when I was in my way to a park for walk which is nearer to our home. My wife was not allowed me to go far distance because of my old age as she takes utmost care of me.
While walking on the road I was quite irritated by the crowd of the people and vehicles which is being inevitable now-a-days. Later when I emphasized the works performed by the people on the road made me to go through my earlier days.
Suddenly a little boy stopped me and asked “Sir, can I get the address of my house?”
I stunned to hear this. After few seconds I observed the boy. That boy is looking very smart. His clothes are very shiny by which it is easily understood by everybody that he belongs to a rich family. At Once I got angry. I thought that he confusing me and want to make me fool. I answered him rudely saying that “I don’t know, go away“.
I left from there immediately . I could understand his situation if I stood there for two more and heard that boy but I couldn’t do that.
In the park I walked for an hour and got tired. I sat down on a bench in a corner of the park. As I felt thirsty due to long walk, I reached to a near by store to get a drink to quench my thirst. Other people in the park are with their children to play, some people are walking as I do and some others set up in the privacy and chatting. I was observing all of them. Some children were playing, some children are enjoying with their parents, some children are eating, some people are selling their food items and accessories to the people.
I don’t know when I felt asleep, I think it’s because of cool and pleasant weather. I woke up by hearing a women’s voice who was searching for her little child . When she asked me about the same, I replied that I haven’t noticed the child and also asked her about his son. Then wiping her wet eyes she said that her son is too little and forgets the way to home due to the disorder which was there from his child hood in the brain and we can also name it as a mental disorder. As I was unaware of him today due to some other work I didn’t see that he went out. Not yet completing her words she saw her child entering in to the park and she took her child and signed off me.
The way the boy stared at me innocently when he entered into the park , made me ashamed and also showed that my arrogance was stupid towards him and I have no words to talk with his mother. Then she advised me sweetly ,saying that being judgmental could not be fine always which was also realized by me.