Social Short Story – The friend I can only feel
Photo credit: Alvimann from morguefile.com
Who are we, What is truth, what we have or what we forgetting to see. You know, any person so far I have interacted, including me are nothing but thoughts. Can you believe, we are only thoughts. Honestly, we all are slaves to our own thoughts. Trust me, what runs in our head is what we decide and what we believe to be ‘the truth’. This goes true for every single person on this planet if we can see from their own shoe. But, the truth in itself can be very different.
Different people will have different truth, Very interesting! Every experiences shapes us as well also prisons us by our own thoughts. The fun part is, we have no escape to it at all. May be, until something else happens, gives a clue and shows where we are, how we are and what we are. After all, life is nothing but a journey.
I am a research scholar. In my previous lab I was working to solve the mystery behind regeneration, not bad . To reach lab I used to take long road. Infact, I had to cross almost 35 trees every single day! That’s my lab located deep inside campus.
One fine morning on the way to lab, I saw trees were shimmering in the sunlight except one tree. She lost all her leaves, I was seeing her: the tree, huh!! That’s empathy. You know, within a week time that tree was in full bloom of elegant, purple colored flowers I have ever imagined. I was stunned, totally amazed by the beauty of lovely flowers that took attention not only me but everyone passing by. I too loved her. In-fact, we all love beauty.
That day I got a good results in lab and went back with the experience of amazement. Next day morning I took the same way to experience the beautiful flowers; shockingly, I saw those flowers were attacked by lots of insects. My eyes saw insects and my mind immediately perceived that as a pest. With zero effort I decided God! these insects are attacking this lovely tree, may be I should make a complain to incharge of the gardeners that they can spray insecticide to save tree. Days went by, even the months. Everything faded away, flowers withered, season changed, new leaves sprouted and that tree became green again. Over; seven months after that incident in my work I found a new interest. I realised the importance to study and understand behaviour of any living thing. I choose to study honeybees. I shifted the lab and started to study honeybee behaviour.
Honeybees are very useful not only to humans but also to plants, they help plants to pollination (sexual reproduction) in turn we also get benefited by having fruits and nuts from the market. Without them we would perish. Today, I work with tiniest honeybee in the world. Tiniest in the sense it as the size of an ant. I am so happy to study, understand the behaviour and to grow with nature. My work place changed drastically. Everything around me became green, I hear birds calls and different insects dancing in the field. From spiders to butterflies and a ray of sunlight from the canopy all around me.
One fine day, exactly a year after I ought to take same route I used to walk before, crossing 35 trees in search of honeybee colonies. Suddenly, I noticed exact same tree bloomed with exact same purple flowers. I felt wowww and went further closer. Slowly, I also spotted the tree with exact same insects; but, to my surprise today what my eyes saw was, is simply amazing. My eyes saw the exact same insects are those tiny little honeybees I am currently working with, Miraculous! They were flying and collecting nectar and pollen from flowers, busy bees were working very hard. That moment took my breath away and I was speechless. I was stunned by the exact same experience, everything was the same with one difference that’s my understanding towards the exact sameness. Same moment, I could clearly relate, how stupid I was, I decided to kill all those insects who is so important to this ecology. I knew exactly how I reacted a year back. The same exact mind which perceived those insects as pest is perceiving it as pet today. So whats happening here? am I wrong before and right today? But, I was right before also. To clear, it’s called ‘the ignorance of the mind’. What happened with the time was, I got an opportunity to understand the reality. If I would have not known honeybees, I would have not known the truth of the nature and the message nature wants to tell me. It is just to know how my thought can fake not to experience the reality.
I believe the world constantly teaches us wisdom, for me through nature for you it can be any person or any living organism you meet including plants. All of us are as a part of this nature itself. Today, I very much learned that my thoughts never going to speak the reality. It is can only tell the experience of the past. You see, the truth is very different, it’s not right or wrong and it’s not what we perceive. The truth is, it is just there till you see it, till you know it, to grow as a human.
The experience changed everything, made me humble and not to react immediately. Interestingly, I found no escape from my thoughts, even though I utter, I learned not to decide immediately and that’s how time comes into play. That moment I experienced was gift; gift from nature itself. I call it as my life; and, its living because it constantly teaches me, tries to interact with me. When I found this, I am in love with my life. With all the pain and pleasure my life is always with me, constantly gives me teaching and a big support to my heart. It took 28 years for me to understand that I have a living, interactive life. To me, my life is my own ‘forever friend’ who I only feel yet I am living with.