Social Short Story – Folds Unfolded

Short Story Social – Folds Unfolded
Photo credit: singhajay from
By now its quite obvious that Swapnil is the hero of all the stories that I write or post. Sometimes he depicts the role that of an investigator or sometimes that of a common man or sometimes of a farmer or of a carpenter or even sometimes like in here that of a head panchayat.
Once one man borrowed five hundred rupees from a farmer. After that whenever the farmer used to ask for the money, he used to say, he would be returning in another some more day’s time, but never used to return. Like this the farmer got frustrated and went to local Panchayat with the complain. Swapnil head of local panchayat knew the nature of the man, who borrowed the money, very well and so had no other option than believing the farmer.
The borrower was called for and the man as known, straight away started refusing of his money borrowing story. Swapnil then pointing towards the farmer said,
“Panchu, give that paper where you took this person’s signature while lending the money describing the fact.”
The man was stunned. He could not remember he signed in any such paper. The farmer took out the paper which he was given to keep by Swapnil from beforehand, and gave it to Swapnil. Swapnil folding the paper and holding the lower part of the paper showed to the man and pointing to a signature asked him,
“Is this not your signature?”
Seeing the signature the man was overjoyed and shouted, “No, this isn’t.”
“I know you are lying”, told Swapnil.
“Fine”, Swapnil then taking one more paper, again folding and placing the lower part told the man,
“Sign here and I would compare.”
The man signed and immediately Swapnil unfolded the other part of the paper where it was written that the man borrowed five hundred rupees from that farmer and is yet to pay him back the same.