Social Short Story – To Find Sleep at Last
Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
The day was bright, my forehead was hurting badly.
The yellow sunlight pricked my eyes; I gingerly walked up to the window and closed it. A few rays still stole their way through the crevices of the wooden frame into the dark room. I tried to focus and at length found the box containing my medicines. The black coloured name printed on the silver packet confirmed that it contained my sleeping pills. I took one and gobbled it down. The medicine showed its effect and I fell into a deep sleep.
Under layers of profound sleep, I heard a lot of noise, drawing near me, many familiar faces which seared my eyeballs. “Go Away”, I muttered under my breath But they had no intention of leaving and my brain frantically wanted some rest. A known voice thundered deflating my eardrums and I woke up with a shudder. “Twenty years, how long is it?” I wondered. My eye lids felt too heavy yet I could not sleep. “I should have stopped myself……”
Sleep lulled me into oblivion for a few moments but no! Again the voices surfaced. Their evil intentions were clear and they smiled at their finished work, a cruel smile, they smiled at me.
My eyes were open again. Forgiving known enemies is the worst mistake one can make and I had paid dearly for committing that. A cost which can only be calculated by counting the cumulative effects on me. I had no one to hate other than my own self because I had trusted them, I had trusted my family, and I had believed their verbal testimony.
So it was I who committed the crime, I gave them the chance.”Is it too late?” I questioned myself involuntarily. My own reflection in the cracked mirror gave me the tangible answer.
There was no time left to return or retrace but it was time for decision. I was indeed too weak for their intricate plans and living in this weakness had culminated into a brooding existence.
I heard a bell ringing somewhere. A voice whispered, “The deed must be done” and I was ready to make my exit in order to find sleep at last.