Social Short Story – Employee of the Year
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
‘I am glad to inform all of you, this year’s employee of the year is very special, because of whom our company is now an industry leader and a trend setter’ a man from Human Resource department was anchoring annual Rewards and Recognition event.
My heart was palpitating, I held arm rest of the chair tightly leaning forward I was ready to stand and walk towards the podium to collect the award. I looked at Prashant he was sitting next to me his eyelashes fell as he winked. I shook my head feebly with lips stretching over the cheeks signalling my anticipation. Speaker’s words were echoing in my ears. I closed my eyes took deep breath to regain composure.
‘Nilesh, you are going to lead the team’ my manager pronounced. I grinned my forehead went slightly upward as my chin rose out from shirt’s collar.
‘Sir, I thank you for having faith in my abilities.’ Sitting in the chair my body went back to its natural relaxed position.
‘It is a tough job but looking at your past achievements I am handing over this to you’ manager arched his brow right hand holding a slim metallic Parker pointing at me.
‘I will achieve it.’
He gave such a task which no one has achieved yet. It was to increase the bottom line by 40% in the span of 3 months. It has not happened in the history of my company but I accepted it as challenge. Someone has rightly said if you think like a pigeon you will stay in nest; think like Shah Jahan only then you can build the Taj Mahal. I stood pushing back the chair turning left I walked out of the cabin to my desk.
I planned in detail over one week. A Cricket match is won not due to best captain but team of 11 players. I picked best team members for its execution keeping its structure lean so that anyone could approach me anytime. I studied the short falls to convert it into opportunities in current quarter. Every day we had status meeting to check the progress.
After two months I went to manager to discuss the status of the task ‘You are going in right direction my boy, if you work like this you will take over my position huh?’
‘Boss will always remain boss even if his subordinate is working harder than him’ I gave a sarcastic reply. We achieved 27% growth in our bottom line at the end of two months of Q4.
‘Do you think you are going to achieve the target?’ manager asked
‘Actions have been taken, only confirmation is awaited. You can see the progress in Q4 results.’ I looked at my imported shoes dropping my eyes down the floor to rub on the mattresses.
‘Good, I want you to involve Prashant in your team henceforth. Give him some tips, he is a quick learner.’ He rubbed his chin and started working on his laptop. There can be two types of people in an organization either a fork or a spoon; former hampers other’s progress and latter work in harmony with others to grow. Prashant was yet to be tagged as fork or spoon.
He was a keen follower of national politics the consequences of the move played by leaders were accurately predicted. He says everyone plays politics each one of us is a king and a pawn on the chess mat of this organization. Politics is not harmful but the intention behind its use.
‘I am proud to announce employee of the year’ words ring in my ears I woke up from flash back opening my eyes.
‘Mr. Nilesh Sharma’ everyone started applauding as I walked to the podium before twisting my left ankle on the steps. I was shaky on my feet. Executive Director presented the gold plated trophy a man squatting down holding globe over his head. I could feel the soft touch of her hand on my Armani suit as she patted back congratulating me. I kissed the trophy with closed eyes and stretched the right arm holding it in the air.
Coral beats the street with 42% rise in profit and 30% increase in sales the Today’s Times newspaper printed on its first page. As I entered in the office every one gave standing ovation. My cabin was full of flowers and bouquets on one of it a note was left over on behalf of manager Meet me at oval square today at 8 pm completing my work I went to the business lounge. Manager was sitting on the couch with a glass of Vodka in his right hand.
‘Welcome Nilesh have a seat, congratulations man you made it.’ I grinned and sat on the cushioned chair in front of him.
‘What’s your future plans buddy?’ manager was bit cozy unlike in office.
‘Future plans in what context?’ I shrugged
‘Let me come straight to the point. When are you leaving your job?’ manager was took small pause before he stressed on leaving the job.
‘Why should I leave?’ I asked leaning forward.
‘You have to’ he banged the Collins glass on the table.
‘You moron’ he spoke with high pitched voice ‘look you have two choices pick one of them one – you will come to office tomorrow with your resignation letter; two – I will sack you if you do not choose first option.’
‘What did I do? I don’t understand.’ holding my anger I asked.
‘I have given this company a status of an industry leader among the competitors. Because of me the company’s profit has increased substantially and you agree for that.’
‘That’s where my plan failed. I gave you this target hoping that you will never achieve it. I could kick you out of the office very next day of the financial result announcement.’
‘But, why me?’ I interrupted him.
‘Come on do not be childish you know very well every year we get targets to save cost and laying off employees save lot of money. This year’s figure is large I picked you because you are a big ticket spending for us. We cannot afford you even if you are outstanding.’
‘I hate this and you are aware of that’ I regretted ‘under the pretext of cost savings you fire employees. They feel their hard work will be appreciated someday and people like you kill their dreams.’
‘Someone has to bear the brunt, I cannot reciprocate always to them with a reward.’ He waived his hands in air.
‘If you stay in this company you will take over my charge as your promotion is due. I have hired Prashant, he will replace you, he is new, by the time he gets promoted I will join the Board of Directors. Frankly speaking you are a threat to me you will spoil my dreams of becoming Director of this company.’
I gave a surprising look to him ‘To fulfill your dreams you are spoiling my career.’
Exchange of words continued for couple hours manager was aware that I can beat him hands down if I get promoted. I came to know my whole team was bribed to speak against me. If I don’t resign some of them will lodge harassment case. Manager had put tail after me for few days. I decided to quit. I joined at higher management level with one of our customer that has lion’s share in revenue source for Coral. Now I could easily take away complete business from Coral and make my manager taste his own medicine but I didn’t.
Do not exploit someone because you have more power. Destiny will turn the tables someday.