Social Short Story – A Day with a Diary
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
The monsoon had just started showing its spell and everyone in the city of Varanasi loved this time of the year. It brought a natural relief to people facing all the unnatural happenings in their lives.
As they say pickup of anything exciting is always a tough experience. For Raj getting up on a wet morning meant something similar.
“Can you please open the door Raj?” a voice echoed all around disturbing Raj’s dreamy highway.
“Who the hell is that?” Raj said
“It’s Vivek you lazy creature.” shouted Raj’s friend Vivek
Raj and Vivek were very close friends. They had learnt the meaning of friendship from each other.
Raj somehow managed to get over his dizzy attire and opened the door.
“Good morning Raj or shall I say Good afternoon?” Vivek responded looking at his Titan Wristwatch.
“It’s up to you dude. I don’t mind. Let me have a morning makeover.” Raj said
“Sure Mr. Raj. Go ahead.” Vivek said
Raj and Vivek, classmates since second standard resided in a very remote area of Varanasi where people had very simple living standards. Every family had their own agricultural land and each one of the members was experienced in farming. The ambience of the place and the inherent interest of the residents had collectively connected monsoon to their life stories forever.
“Here Vivek enjoy a cup of tea.” Raj offered
“Thanks. So what’s your plan for the day?” Vivek asked
“How about trying this?” Raj said showing a newspaper article
The article was about a literary function to be held at BHU central library where many eminent writers would talk on their latest releases. Following that was a story writing contest in which the best writer would get a chance to publish his/her story with the support of the editorial board.
“Are you crazy? Do you aspire to win this contest?” Vivek laughed as he finished
“It will be a great experience. I’ve already got two passes. Let’s try it.” Raj said with an overtone of confidence.
After showing minor signs of reluctance Vivek finally agreed to join in.
Soon the two friends found themselves surrounded by the cultural glamour of the University Library.
“Here we are. Doesn’t it appear the best location to let your heart speak?” Raj uttered in excitement
“Yes of course. We’ll definitely have a great time.” Vivek added
The event finally kicked off with a beautiful introduction speech by the Head of the Editorial Board.
After the usual lectures by the writers the story writing contest was about to begin.
“All the participants are requested to assemble in the central hall and take your respective seats. The contest will begin shortly.” A representative of the event announced
Raj and Vivek soon took their seats as per the slots displayed outside the hall.
There was a little delay in starting the contest and Raj was getting very impatient. Vivek sitting next to him was sharing the same feeling.
Raj then noticed a young boy of around 10-12 years of age sitting to his left. The boy looked very relaxed and was carrying a water bottle along with a nice looking diary.
In order to pass time Raj initiated a conversation with the boy.
“Hi champ. What’s your name?”
“Suraj” The boy replied
“How come you are interested in story writing at this age?” Raj asked
“Actually my elder brother was supposed to take part. He asked me to wait and so I am here.” Suraj said
Suddenly a bold voice interrupted the conversation.
“Hello everyone. We are very sorry to keep you waiting for so long. We further regret to inform you that the contest has been postponed till next week for some administrative reasons. We will let you know the confirmed date and time soon.”
Everyone was very disappointed and slowly started to vacate the hall. As Raj and vivek were about to move ahead, “Su….” Raj couldn’t finish the name as he couldn’t see the face. The little boy was missing.
“Hey Vivek where did that boy go?” Raj asked
“He would have left.” Vivek consoled Raj
“Hey look what he has left here. His diary.” Raj found the diary on Suraj’s desk.
“Let’s take it then. We will give it back to him next time we meet for this contest.” Vivek suggested
Both of them came out and decided to spend some time in a park to cut the disappointment disturbing them. Soon they found one nearby and sat on a bench surrounded by lovely flowers.
“Let’s have a look at this diary. Maybe we’ll get to know Suraj’s address.” Raj opened the diary
Page 1 :
The Gate
The entry to our sweet home resembles the gateway of dreams. But sweet dreams don’t always make a sweet home.
Page 2 :
The Door
A tough door is meant to endorse protection. But tough times open the door only for tough people.
Page 3 :
The window
Be it the passage of sunlight or circulation of air, window paves the way. But vision opens up with circulation of fresh thoughts.
Page 4 :
The Roof
It’s the roof that guards against climatic adversities. But shade of care is never a seasonal protection.
Page 5 :
The Family
The ties of relationship, the beauty of life,
The measure of faith, the degree of optimism during moments of strife.
Something which defines them all is family.
The elegance of entry gate, the arrogance of a rigid door,
The window to the future, security and base respectively of roof and floor,
One thing that breeds them all is family.
“Isn’t it beautiful Vivek?” Raj uttered in a low voice.
“Yes . . . It’s moving and . . . . I don’t know what to say.” Vivek commented.
“Here is Suraj’s address. Let’s get there and return this.” Raj read out the personal details.
It was evening by the time they reached the address.
There was a small wooden gate, door, windows and roof as mentioned in the diary but lifelessness seemed to reign the entire area. The building was in a pitiable condition.
A security guard, probably in charge of that area approached them.
“Are you guys searching for someone?” The guard asked.
“Yes, Do you know a boy called Suraj here?” Raj questioned showing the address.
“Well this kid has been missing since yesterday and no one really knows where he is. He lost his parents and elder brother in a car accident last week. Luckily this kid survived with minor injuries. Neighbours here say that Suraj was last seen near the hospital where he was undergoing treatment.” The guard explained the series of events that Suraj had to face and resist.
“That’s very unfortunate.” Raj and Vivek collectively exclaimed.
“Yes it is. I guess that boy would have completely lost his mind. So get going guys.” The guard walked back saying these lifeless words.
“What should we do now?” Vivek asked on a confused note
“I’ll take this diary with me and shall wait till we get to see Suraj again. I’m sure somewhere, somehow we’ll meet again.” Raj responded staring at the diary
As the two friends walked back home , one asked the other – “Wasn’t it a crazy day?”
The reply was – “I believe it was a day of learning. People use days of life to build a diary but I’ll use this diary to understand and build my life.”