Social Short Story – The Dawn Awaited
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
A lot of noise was coming from the school. It was a single floor building with three rooms, two for classes and one for teachers. Even school principal used to sit there itself. The promises by politicians and social activists to make village better than city in all aspects were yet to be fulfilled. And still many hoped that they will see those people again. Nothing changes unless a pure heart, a clear mind and a dynamic being takes things in-charge.
That day there were neither teachers nor principal to keep children in discipline. Ramlal sounded the bell. Few children ran out to the field and some to their homes. It was lunch time and sun was beaming straight on Ramlal’s head. He had heard from children about something by name “cap” which is worn on head to keep it safe from angry rays of sun, especially on summer days. He hoped someday he will have it.
Seeing the condition in which school used to run, he prayed for some miracle that would change the condition of village and its people. School was one thing. Apart from that there were no proper medical facilities, as doctors & other medical representatives appointed rarely used to come, similar to their counterparts appointed for school education. Water was another issue, it was there for survival but sometimes scarcity would be so much that it would end up taking lives of few villagers, every summer.
Thinking all these, Ramlal closed the school gate, kept keys in his front pocket and started for his hut on his cycle. As he was thinking and cycling his cycle way back, Chandraprakash, a fellow resident of village, a friend and a cobbler by profession stopped him for a talk. Such casual talks are common in India, irrespective of village or city and people usually stop to discuss and talk on various issues, important and unimportant both.
“School is over?” asked Chandraprakash knowing it was but he needed something to start upon.
“Yes. It may not start at right time but will end always at time before it should”, replied Ramlal in anguish.
Chandraprakash sensed his distress as he knew Ramlal wanted to see village functioning the way his ideal Swami Vivekananda had dreamt of. He said “I can understand how you feel, everyday seeing the pathetic way the school education is going but keep hope, and someday some miracle might happen. Someday some angel might come and change the way life is going in this village”.
“I also hope it happens someday, but it has been years and no one has come till now”, said Ramlal. “I have lost hope in these so called leaders and politicians and government. As Swami Vivekananda had said that the youth of this country will bring renaissance. My heart says that someday someone will come and the good days would start then for this village”. A drop of rain fell on his hand and slowly it started raining. Rain God had already blessed his wish. Cool wind also started blowing and Wind God also blessed him. Though he did not understand the subtle play and both went off to their homes in a hurry. None wanted to get sick by getting wet in the rain. Their family members waited for them for lunch.
The clock was about to tick 6. Sun was still on its way to earth. There were few minutes left before it would reach the balcony of Ryan’s flat and give him a sense of time. He wanted to get up but thought of going to office would not let him lift his body up. But his favorite piece in his flat, his yoga mat was calling him. Something he loved and cherished and made sure never misses his yoga and meditation sessions, doesn’t matter what. His survival depended on his yoga and meditation practices and the knowledge he used to listen and read. Else it is tough to survive in Kaliyuga, leave alone being happy and joyful and smiling. Adding to present time falling in Kaliyuga, employed in IT job is an added blessing. What can be worse! Despite all this Ryan got up with a big smile for he had another day to breathe, live, sing, dance, meditate and serve. Soon he was on his yoga mat in no time. Soon he did series of asanas, pranayamas and meditation and was ready to start his day. He took a heavy breakfast, took his office bag and set out for office.
For few weeks, he had been less involved in service activities and felt hopeless in life. His gang was equally waiting for him to get into action. The gang was group of his friends’ who used to get together for serving the society and needy people around, apart from frequent yoga and meditation sessions.
On way to office, Ryan was happy about the fact that it was Friday and that the weekend was close for another adventure trip. It was part of their ritual that every six month they used to select a nearby village and go and do on-field research and survey, jot down a plan to bring renaissance in the village in all fields and then start working on it.
Thinking and being happy about all this, he reached office. The way he walked in and around radiated a sense of upcoming weekend and an adventure planned. He logged into his system and checked mails and in entire duration of day did not have much work and happily moved out early in evening. A free bird he was till Monday morning and all time was his now. He checked his WhatsApp and there were already messages regarding road trip to a new village for a new initiative. He confirmed his presence and was back to his flat. As he was packing his bags, got a call from none other than his mom. He was pretty sure that all sons and daughters all over India must be getting call simultaneously from their moms, as a part of daily ritual.
“Yes mom, how are you?” he asked.
“So you asking me today first. Must be highly energetic for next trip. So which village is this now?” his mom asked.
“So you know! This is near one by name Chirakapalli. We have targeted this one for now”, he replied.
“So when are you leaving?” his mom asked.
“Tomorrow morning, by 3. Will reach in 3 hours and stay there will Sunday evening and will be back by Sunday night” he answered almost all questions he expected from his mom but knew that more would be on way.
“What will you eat? Where will you stay? Is it safe to be there? Will you get phone network there? Call me when you reach and two-three times a day”, he mother gave a command which Ryan knew would not be followed as he rarely used to call anyone.
“Everything will be taken care of. We are going for a good cause, only good will happen. Will talk tomorrow, lot of packing to be done” he affirmed his mother.
“Ok do call once you start”, another command from his mother.
“Ok, will call” affirmed Ryan knowing that if he didn’t his mom will definitely call.
Ryan continued his packing and wanted to finish fast as it was already 9 and he needed to sleep early so that he could wake up early also. In next 15 minutes he was done with packing and checked once again if he left anything. He was all ready and confirmed to his friends on WhatsApp that he was ready and was happy to see that, other were already put this message. He then put an alarm on his cell phone and went to sleep.
Saturday, 06:00 hrs
Ryan with his gang, was flying their recently bought SUV on the highway. Making most of it as he knew roads would go bad once they enter village. They were about to reach Chirakapalli and were totally prepared. Few laptops, drawing boards to map ideas and get to some solution, water, food, night camp items , few extra cell phones and lot more things that they might need in their two day stay. A board on left of road required them to take left to reach Chirakapalli. He took his SUV on that road and in few minutes they crossed a school. The name of school followed by place name confirmed that they were in right village.
Ramlal was headed towards village school and to his amazement saw a big car coming towards him. Nothing made sense other than the two flags in front of car on two ends, one was of Swami Vivekananda and other was flag of India. He got a sense that at last he was heard and his dream would come true. As he was thinking all this the car stopped beside him.
“Namaste, where can we find sarpanch of village? We want to meet him”, said Ryan.
“I will take you there. Can I know where you are from and why have you come here?” asked Ramlal hoping and praying that the answer should be what he had been waiting to hear for so many years.
“Actually we are a bunch of youths from nearby city Hyderabad and we choose any village and then work for next six months to develop it in all aspects. But to do that we first will need to talk to sarpanch and other people of this village. Without them we won’t be able to do much”, explained Ryan.
Ramlal was happiest person on the planet, for that moment. At last his wish was fulfilled and he was now confident that some things will change, for better. He could never end up thanking these young lads who had come to his village to make sure village and its people are healthy and prosperous and in peace.
“You follow me. I will take you to sarpanch” said Ramlal to Ryan and looking at all others with hopeful and teary eyes and then got on his cycle. He started riding it and signaled Ryan to follow him. He was taking the road to Sarpanch house, the sun was just at the horizon. It was another dawn, another morning. But the dawn today was very special. It was an awaited dawn. A dawn that carried hopes for hundreds of villagers and will bring happiness and fulfillment to their lives. Ramlal was sure of this and rest of the villagers were unaware of the upcoming dawn that will lit up their life for years to come. And another thing was that this year’s Deepavali would be special for everyone. For Ryan and his friends it was their new home and for villagers they had a new guest this festive season.