Social Short Story – Confusion
Photo credit: diciu from morguefile.com
Part 1:
It starts off, slow and steady like the waves of an ocean, swaying over the sand of the shore.
As that first wave sways into the safety of the water after its curiosity has been settled, another wave slips over to do the same.
This gentle sway and its every slightest movements tells a story to me. It’s an explanatory and sad story of the ocean and the life that it surrounds.
It is humorous to watch the height, eagerness, and impatience in these waves. Going so fast, they trip over themselves in the heat of their rampage. Now it rolls over, tossing and turning, until it sees the hot sand. Slowly and gently the wave passes itself over the shore. Swaying so gently, almost as if to embrace the shore.
Unfortunately, this display of such intense emotion and affection only lasts for so long before the other gentle wave comes along. The wave is given a piece of the shore to carry, so that the piece of shore could also be satisfied of its curiosity.
The wave, now satisfied and with a new mission, begins its journey, staying close to the bottom of the ocean. The wave and the piece of shore realize during their expedition that they’re soul-mates. Although content with one another, somewhere along their journey the piece of shore had been separated from the wave.
Part 2:
The poisonous rage building up within the gentle wave, second by second, minute by minute, was enough to drive it mad. The wave, now mutilated by rage and adrenaline, rises up and roars the loudest roar that it can muster at that very moment. Which, in turn, made the sun hide underneath its covers, the sky tear up in sympathy, and the wind voice its concern.
As enraged as the wave is, as shattered as it felt, and missing its soul-mate, its lover, the missing puzzle piece to its happiness–
The wave rushes to the shore so fast, that it trips over itself. Tumbling, tossing, and turning. Searching desperately for its piece of shore. As it sees the hot sand, it begins to calm, and then sways gently over as though to caress and embrace the other as long lost soul-mates do, a puzzle that has finally been completed.
Unfortunate as it is, the cycle repeats itself.
Unless there were another way… Though,
Only time will tell.
-Monica & Suekey
Thank you for reading!