Social Short Story – Chains Of Life – Part 2.
Photo credit: jeanniet6 from
I stood in line with everyone as life bound us as its slave forcing us to submit to its commands. As its troubled air hit me I quivered in pain as I ask life,
“life why do you bound me to be your slave why are you treating me like this please life take it easy on me for I can’t bear your troubles what have I done to you for you to treat me like this? ’’
life give me no answers for my pain. I gazed off into the distance thinking, when I felt a push, I look back to see what it was and behold it was a man, a white man speaking to me but I didn’t understand him but from his expressions I knew he was angry. His voice was thundering words, strange words that I just decided to follow what I saw the other men like myself doing I was confused and in a lost world.
The chains dangle as I walk towards an open field with coco. I saw other men picking it and filling their baskets as a man on a horse watch over them. They all speak the same language something knocked me over I fell to the ground with all my weight I could braised myself for I was bound. The hard boots of man was kicking me in my ribs I felt like my life was bidding me good bye but I try to hold on to its legs as I saw it going before my eyes, darkness surrounded me I couldn’t hear anything or anyone I couldn’t even feel my body. Jumping out of a painful night my eyes saw the light of day I look around and I was in hut I taught I was home until I hear the strange language coming towards my door. They grab me by the arm and told me to say Kevin, I reply “Azubuike ’’ they laugh at me but I kept saying my name and they kept saying theirs. The white man tries to rename me but I didn’t respond to that name for that name meant nothing I rebel to them but sadly I landed up in trouble. As the life whip strike me I try to stay strong life mark me for death I hang as the pain drive me crazy while women and children looked at me sorrowful. I decided to submit to what life brings to me in ordered to live.
I finely learn the language of the white man but I never forget my language or where I came from I worked hard every day but I was not happy even if I received food and cloths. I made friends with the other men and children. One day I decided to run away but I told no one my plans I steal food form the house of pain and the kitchen sorrow I eat the bread of affliction but I made up my mind that I must go no matter what happen. As the sun set on my day I ventured out not walking but running. I ran like a quick deer in my forest I leap form high rocks like a cat as I try to run away from my pains. Tiredness started to get hold of me my legs started to fail me so I had to stop, I lay in grass and slept for a few hours and I went again.
“ there he is, get him get him” the white man was after me this time with dogs as they came after me I can hear their violent growls and teeth clashing against each other but that didn’t stop me from running it motivated me to run even faster. I ran and ran until I meet up to a Cliff I stood there as the men walk slowly towards me.
“So where you running to boy?” the man ask me but I don’t answer because I was angry.
“Come here let’s take you back we got something nice for run always like you” I didn’t want to go but I didn’t had a choice because life trap me with its nature. Not for once life helped me in this strange land. They bound me again and tied me to a horse dragging me back to the house of pain.
“Well boy since you ran off we have only one thing to bestow upon you and that is licks” I stood there angry as they tie me to a tree and whip me soundly, my body shake in pain but my strength kept me alive. The next day I was walking among the coco when I saw my friend Bamidele, “Bamidele!!!!!!!!” I shouted as he turns around in amazement “Azubuike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted in excitement we hug each other I was happy to see him as he said to me
“Azubuike please take me home I really want to get out of this land of sorrow and troubles I can’t live here anymore please take me home to land where I belong”
I replay sadly “ Bamidele as much as I want to get us back home life has bound his here its nature trapped us for we can’t leave its lands or its people life as chained us here and we are bound forever I am sorry but let’s just do what it ask us and all will be well”
he looked at me with some much sorrow in his eyes that I could feel his pain but I was strong enough to stand with my friend.
“Bamidele what about Fulathela?” I asked him, with sorrow in his eyes he said,
“Azubuike I am sorry to say but the white man took him to a land far away from us so I know not weather he is safe alive or dead by the chains of life.”
Life has over powered me I couldn’t fight life like I fight the cat back at home, I couldn’t free myself like I free my she goat back at home, I couldn’t do anything to free myself for I was chained I was trap like birds in a cage. I felt like a rabbit in a sneer but the only difference was I was still alive being afflicted by life. The chains of life choked me excessively but I couldn’t die by its chains for I was strong its pains hurt my heart so much but it didn’t give up it kept beating day after day. I slept that night hearing the cry of Alile I awake thinking she was there but when I look around it was only darkness of sorrow. I pray to God to free us form life chains and pains every day I just wanted to be free again. I curse life for trapping me and bounding me to be a slave for her evil people. I shouted “ your chains are too heavy for me to carry, my strength is leaving me and I can see you have finely over powered me please set me free so I can be happy again life please” I cry in my room that night for I was weak in sprit and loss of hope.
“Azubuike!!!!!!!!!!!!” I sprang out my sleep to see Bamidele over me “yes” I reply “it’s time to wake up to work come on I don’t want to see you suffer by the whip again come on” I got up and go to pick the coco I was angry because I don’t like picking coco, I set my eyes on the man who was watching over us and I said to myself I am going to kill him and learn to ride that horse and I will ride back home every day I look at the man when I work and I trained myself to fight for I know I will have to fight for my freedom.