Social Short Story – Car Parking
Photo credit: frenchbyte from morguefile.com
Once Swapnil went to the tea shop for his morning tea. He found Haru sitting and having tea. Seeing Swapnil, Haru just smiled and greeted him. Swapnil replying him, took his cup of tea and sat beside him. They busy started chatting with each other. They completed their tea and almost were about to leave, when Haru suddenly paused and said,
“Hey Swapnil, see I just forgot. Its not that important and big deal but still thought to solve this problem of my own. But as usual being a failure in this also thought of again consulting you. Would you mind having another cup of tea, listening to my problem and then giving a solution to it? I mean we could even discuss this later if currently you are busy.”
Swapnil, “Hey no problem. I could manage. Lets have another cups of tea and discuss on your problem.”
They each took another cup of tea and then Haru taking one sip from it continued, “I guess you know Mr. Vishal of our locality. Very recently he has bought one car. Now these are all fine. But the problem where lies is he couldnt find any permanent garage to park his car. All are booked. He also unfortunately doesnt have one in his own house. May be he dint have any plan of a car while he was preparing his house. That again is also fine. But then again, not sure what enmity he has with us, he would always keep his car just near our house’s main gate, and that too in such a way that a person has to face a lot of difficulties going outside or coming inside through the gate.
I have even requested him time and again to keep a bit forward or a bit backward rather than just keeping absolutely in front of the gate, and also told him about the difficulties that we need to face for this. But it seems he never cares of this or unable to remember or intentionally continuing this to take some revenge. Moreover even if we could have seen him parking his car, we could have then and there stopped him and requested to keep in some other place, but he generally comes very late at night, when we are in the midst of out night nap, and goes also late in the office, whereas we are early risers and start our work very early as well. So now I am sick and tired of this and to some extent have adopted this habit of facing those difficulties only to go out or come inside our gate than to request him again and again. So thought, for the last let me give one more try but this time by consulting with you, if you could give us one solution.”
Swapnil to this smiled and said, “O surely I do have a solution to this. This wont harm his car, or make you incur a permanent loss. Rather would kill the snake keeping the stick intact. But as I mentioned, though not permanent loss, but for one time could you make a bit high investment?”
Haru a bit confused said, “Investment? Where do you want me to invest. I guess you are not telling me to buy a car and keep in that place from beforehand so that he couldnt keep his anymore?”
Swapnil laughed and said, “O no, not that much investment as well, but a bit high than needed for buying our normal day to day lives’ necessities. I mean to say, just could you buy one 10 feet long iron chain?”
Haru shouted, “10 feet long? What plan do you have boss to do with that?”
Swapnil said, “Nothing, just buy and then you need to go to sleep a bit late one night when the next day is your off. I mean just after he arrives with his car. But just dont let him know that you are still awakened, else he might change his plan of keeping his car in front of your house anymore for that day and then you need to wait for another day to implement this plan. So then when he keeps his car and go away to his house, you silently come out with the chain and then tie that hard with his side looking glass and your gate and then put a lock in it. Next day whether its a off for him or not, dont let anyone know that you are awakened. You get up taking your time and then try to do everything staying inside your house.
Let him come to ride his car and seeing this, ring your calling bell. But then also don’t allow him to get his work done easily. Wait for him to keep on ringing your bell and become sick and tired just like as you are now. Then open the door and get out rubbing your eyes as if you got up from sleep just then. Then tell him that you are extremely sorry that you took one responsibility but forgot to take the other one. Tell him that now for quite some days a car thief has been noticed. You thought of informing, him only, but as known you get him as a person to talk to very less, as his time of leaving and returning doesn’t coincides with that of yours, being awakened. So its somewhat your responsibility to save his car as that is kept in front of your house. So you tied but forgot that he might need that early morning next day, so you needed to get up that early as well and open the lock. Since it was an off for you, you were sleeping late.”
Haru laughed, shook hands with Swapnil, thanked him and went away.
Haru exactly did as Swapnil said and then Mr Vishal said, “What man!! Just for you I am going to get a cross in my office today. It doesnt mean if its an off for you, it would be off for me as well. I am seeing I cant keep my car here anymore, not even there where the shadow of your house also falls. I am seeing you suddenly became so responsible indeed!!!”
Haru opened the lock and Mr. Vishal drove off but exactly as expected never kept his car in front of Haru’s house anymore.