Story about Being YOU
Photo credit: digitallatina from morguefile.com
After a whole days work, I sat on my armchair sipping a cup of Darjeeling tea. Soothing music from my personal CD player soothened my buzzing mind and soon I was taken to a different world. A world away from the maddening sounds and pace. I have been craving to get some “me time” but my hectic schedule wasn’t allowing me. I tried recapping my past experiences and compared my success vs failure rate. Strange is the feeling when you realize that you had been slogging all through your life only to satisfy yourself. No one had actually asked you to work the way you do…it’s all about your priority…ambitions and fulfilling your dreams. Then are you at a position to sit and complain for having a hard day without any rest-the answer I told myself is NO!
As a kid I wanted to be a teacher, like many other kids of the same age due to the fact that teachers were the only role models in front of us then. Growing up, my role model changed from air-hostess to banker and then doctor. Taking up science stream was my parents’ choice. I still remember the look on my English teacher’s face when I told her that I am joining science stream as against her encouraging me to take up English literature as main subject.
I was a good student, good in the way that I scored pretty good marks and cleared state level engineering entrance examination and got admitted to the most prestigious college in the Capital city. I was happy seeing the pride on my parent’s face than my happiness in getting admission there. My college life has been the most golden period of my life. I was blessed with friendship of some real gem persons whom I share a good rapport even after so many years. I completed my engineering with distinction and soon got in to a job in a leading consultancy firm.
I have been a sincere and hardworking employee till now, struggling to maintain my balance and I feel I have achieved it with time. I have so many short comings like I am a day dreamer, on the verge of an obsessive compulsive disorder and I really feel good about myself. I love myself and that shows in my interactions with others which many people find as rude. I am an emotional and sensitive female full of rich dreams and passion and most men find me a threat. I am happy with the fact that men don’t consider me a soft female and I am always one amongst them. That’s the reason I have many male friends compared to female ones.
I have been writing since my college days but was a bit shy in expressing myself in front of the world.. Many of the folks whom I have interacted with do not know this hidden passion in me. After reaching my mid age, I felt emptiness and hollowness within me and this made me getting glued to the social media. I did find some like-minded friends there and soon I could wake up my inner passion which was writing. Sharing my works in a group where you do not personally know anyone was easy. I wasn’t judged there. Many kind hearted people complimented me, a few criticized. I grew wiser to take it all in my stride. Today most of the group members are my friends and I feel blessed to have known them.
My writing this piece of work has been done with the intention of putting my point across that however old we grow, every one of us do have a hidden passion inside us and no matter how you are placed, you should always find time to pursue it. It does really help to ease yourself,,, de-stress and last but not the least, it helps in maintaining your true self ,,your true personality before your own conscience.
So celebrate BEING YOU!