Social Short Story – Being A Dumb For A Day
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Someone said Talking is like silver and silence is like gold but we cant talk more also nor less because in some situation we have to talk and in some situation we should not argue but we argue useless things and hurt others which is became very common now a days. Let me come to the story now ,I saw a boy who is trying to ask something to a shopkeeper but he is unable to understand the boy what he want to say or ask . So the boy left and started to ask others at last someone guided him later I came to Know that he is dumb,I was paused for 2 mins then i realize by speaking harsh how much i hurted to others. one one time we can talk but we are unable to express it but the dumb boy is expressing well and moving. Some were misunderstanding the signs of dumb boy and making fun of him and the boy didn’t reacted to him he controlled himself and left the place but we normal people if someone make fun of us we use to fight to abusive him.
I thought let me became dumb for a day whether i can manage or not took as challenge. My day started being dumb in home got uped and straggling hard to tell mother to make a cup of tea finally succeed then went to college where i have to spend 6 hours with friends problem started to put an attendence how i can put as dumb so tried to tell my friend to put my attendence and he did. Later seminar was there after seminar madam told me to give my opinion about the seminar but how i can give as a dumb who always talk in the class and doing mischief that boy is not talking madam got shocked but convinced her that time i realize how the dumb peoples suffer when something happens like this with them . we all friends sitting in the garden after class there all started making fun of me i was totally angry just to blast them but remembered the dumb boy how is quiet and controlled himself, i consoled myself thinking of dumb boy that time i realized how much i hurted the peoples by making fun of them and by speaking or by talking harsh with them.
The day came to end as dumb i was lying in the bed and remembered all what all happened with me today as i was dumb whole day not reacted to anyone some how i managed but the dumb peoples manage it whole life so sad their feelings were unrealized or unexpressable for normal peoples . Friends try to think before you talk with others because making fun and hurting is easy but when samething happens with you it is very bad feeling it takes lot of time to recover youself so try to being a dumb for some hour then you will definately understand your mistake friends. Next day i meet the dumb boy and said him silence speaks when words cant. Words hurt others but silence makes us different from others. Try to make yours words feel happy to others sometime silence express more than words ………………..