Short Story Social – SMOKE OF FIRE
Photo credit: matthew_hull from morguefile.com
“Smoke is from fire. It is not small to ignore, it is devastating the whole world. It is the mother of many diseases like cancer. Stop producing tobacco, stop killing so many people in the world with first-hand, second-hand and third-hand smoke. Smoke of Fire is the smoke of death, smoke of death is coming as the smoke from the people smoking.”
Passive Smoking is the inhalation of smoke, called second-hand smoke (SHS), or the environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), by persons other than the intended ACTIVE smoker.It occurs when tobacco smoke permeates any environment, causing its inhalation by people within that environment. Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability, and death. The health risks of second-hand smoke are a matter of scientific consensus. These risks have been a major motivation for smoke-free lawns in workplaces and indoor public places, including restaurants, bars and night clubs, as well as some open public spaces.
“I know you don’t smoke. How many smoking friends you have Peter?”
“Austin, tell me how many people around us do not know that ‘smoking is injurious to health’?”
“The ads are coming and we do not pay much attention to them. We think that smoking is just fun, we drink and smoke to kill each other, and many more people around us and even people away from the smoking.”
Austin’s words made Peter pained more. He is over-sensitive and he cannot see any one suffering before him.
He asked him, how ‘people away’ are affected by this smoking.
Austin looked at Peter with some pity. He knows, Peter is smoking now-a-days with some of his friends while drinking with them.
“You know, ‘passive smoke’ or ‘secondhand smoke’ is the smoke inhaled by the persons other than “active smokers’. It occurs when tobacco smoke permeates any environment, causing its inhalation by people within that environment. The exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability, and death. These health risks of second-hand smoke have been a major motivation for smoke-free lawns in workplaces and indoor public places, including restaurants, bars and night clubs, as well as some open public spaces.” Austin said with vivid explanation.
“Is it so serious Austin?”
“Yes. You know, second-hand smoke causes 600,000 premature deaths per year.”
Austin’s words extremely disturbed Peter’s young and budding mind and he thought, why this “DEVIL” cannot be killed with the united power of the world.
“You know Peter, when you are in the habit of smoking, the power of tobacco becomes addicted to your blood and even after ten or twenty years of leaving tobacco, it may call you back and you will start again using it. The tobacco is that much powerful and strong DEVIL to take you back.” Austin said.
As Peter is contemplating the dangerous travel of the smoking, Austin again said.
“Peter, the first-hand smoke refers to what is inhaled into the smoker’s own lungs, while second-hand smoke is a mixture of exhaled smoke and other substances leaving the smoldering end of the cigarette that enters the atmosphere and can be inhaled by others. Now, there is a third-hand smoke, by that token, is contamination on the surfaces of objects that remains after the second-hand smoke has cleared. So the smoke is attacking the human race in a dangerous three-fold attack.” Austin said.
Peter’s father had a tobacco industry. “BERNARD TOBACCO INDUSTRY” in gold plated letters will attract people.
Bernard is Peter’s father. Peter liked his father’s name in golden letters like that. Whenever he passes by the factory, he feels very proud of his father.
It was the past. The present story is quite different to the past.
He does not like to see that board. He does not like to see that the tobacco industry works perfectly.
He wished that some unexpected dangerous cyclone should come and wash away the entire factory completely.
Then he will be the first man to be happy. Not only that, he wished that all the tobacco industries in the world should be washed away like that.
Austin’s father Bill Cosby is a big farmer and he is the biggest producer of tobacco in that area. He had been honored by the government as the “best former of the state of Pennsylvania”
Pennsylvania is the 33rd most extensive, the 6th most populous and the 9th most densely populated of the 50 United States. The state’s five most populous cities are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie and Reading. The state capital is Harrisburg.
Austin was unhappy for his father’s interest in growing tobacco.
“Father, Let us stop producing tobacco. It is eating the world with so many perils and cancer is the biggest menace for human race. ”
One day, Austin tried to change the mind of his father. Cosby is very hot and angry on Austin.
“What do you think of farming? Tobacco is our family crop for centuries. How dare you to ask me to stop growing tobacco?”
Austin tried to cool his father and tried to make him understand the dangers of tobacco.
“Smoking causes many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases. We are growing tobacco. The tobacco industry is also viewing public concern a serious threat to its business. Despite the industry’s awareness of the harms of this, it is coordinating scientific controversy with the aim of forestalling regulation of their products. How far this is right?”
“They know well. They are right in safeguarding their interests.” Cosby said.
“Cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, brain tumors, ear, nose and throat risks, circulatory system risks of heart attack, Cognitive impairment and dementia, low birth weight, premature birth, Damage to children’s carotid arteries, women exposed to environmental tobacco smoke while pregnant are catching higher risks of delivering a child with congenital abnormalities, longer lengths, smaller head circumferences, childhood exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with an increased risk of the development of adult-onset atopic dermatitis etc., so many problems…” Austin said.
While Austin is saying, Cosby stopped him in between.
“Why are you saying all this to me?”
“I am trying to make you feel the adverse effects of the tobacco we are producing.” Austin said.
“Stop talking nonsense. If we are stopped, do you think that the whole world is following our footsteps? Why unnecessarily waste my time and my mental peace? Go attend on your works. Forget all this.”
Cosby is firm in his voice and Austin understood that his efforts to change his father’s mind will be futile.
Peter is also unhappy with his father’s tobacco industry.
“Dad, Of the over 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 are known to be harmful and more than 50 are known to cause cancer. An estimated 200,000 workers die every year due to exposure to smoke at work. Our industry is killing people ruthlessly with the adverse effects.”
When Peter is telling this, Bernard is disturbed to see him speak like this.
Peter is Bernard’s very lovely son. He likes to give him every comfort. He was unhappy for his son is unhappy. Bernard said like this.
“I know, son. Our doctor told me about all these things. He told me that I am susceptible to cancer.”
“Yes father, Forget about active smoking, the passive smoking is also responsible for about 3000 lung cancer deaths annually among non-smokers in the country. This is the US Environmental Protection Agency’s estimate regarding the second-hand smoke. I am worried about people’s deaths in this long scale, dad.”
When Peter was so much disturbed, Bernard was yet more disturbed, for the thoughts of Peter.
Austin’s mother is a victim of cancer. Cosby is a ring smoker. As a result of passive smoking, Austin’s mother Jane was recognized as the cancer patient.
Cosby was upset at Jane’s cancer. He spent millions of dollars on Jane’s treatment. But she is not cured.
One day Cosby was sitting with Jane in the hospital. Her health is completely deteriorated and she is about to die at any moment. She expressed her last wish.
“Smoke is from fire. It is not small to ignore, it is devastating the whole world. It is the mother of many diseases like cancer. Stop producing tobacco, stop killing so many people in the world with first-hand, second-hand and third-hand smoke. This smoke of fire is the smoke of death, smoke of death is coming as smoke from the people smoking. ”
Cosby was silent. He cannot answer immediately. Jane said her final words.
“On that day, I heard what Austin was asking you. He said that let us stop producing tobacco,it is eating the world with so many perils and cancer is the biggest menace for human race. He is right, Stop tobacco production. Stop smoking for me, dear”
After few minutes of giving a promise to Jane, she is demised. Cosby felt like he lost everything.
He called Austin and he promised him that he will stop producing tobacco to fulfill the last wish of Jane. Austin was happy for his father is changed by his mother’s last wish. He presented his nice plan before his father.
“Dad, let us build a cancer hospital on our tobacco fields and we have no problem to run the hospital as we have earned a lot of money in tobacco produce. Now, let us spend that amount for treating cancer patients in our area. By this, we can serve people and our sins will be slowly washed out.”
As Austin said this, his father Cosby thought that his son has grown to an unfaltering stalwart by his noble thoughts.
Cosby followed what his son said in action and the hospital has been named “Jane Cosby’s” and it is functioning well. In no time, it has become a very popular cancer institute in that area.
Bernard fall ill and after medical tests, he is found as cancer patient. His family doctor suggested Jane Cosby’s is the best place for his treatment.
Peter met Austin and Austin consoled him.
Bernard is treated in Jane Cosby’s and peter was happy to see that his father is completely cured of cancer.
He thought that Austin’s actions helped to establish Jane Cosby’s and it is doing wonderful service to people.
His service reflected in saving his father also. He saw with his own eyes that how this hospital is working in saving so many lives affected by tobacco.
Austin said that they could not save his mother Jane at that time as they have no better hospital like Jane Cosby’s.
“We have heavy traffic of patients here. Sometimes I feel that one hospital is not enough.” Austin said.
Peter also accepted for that thought and it infused a new thought in his mind.
In few months, Bernard’s Tobacco industry is closed and in that place, BERNARD CANCER CURE is opened.
The employees of the factory are slowly converted as the staff of the hospital. As Bernard also earned a lot of money, he employed great doctors available in the country in his hospital.
Now both the hospitals are very popular and thousands of tobacco victims are treated freely there. People say that this type of medical service is not available anywhere in the world. Just ‘Jane Cosby’s’ and ‘BCC’ are the best.
Austin is the managing director of Jane Cosby’s and Peter is the founder of Bernard Cancer Cure. The two hospitals are shining like stars with their round the clock work of service. The government of the state awarded the two hospitals for their memorable services.