Social Issue Short Story – UNANSWERED QUESTIONS…
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
It was a nice sunny bright morning and ARTI ,after bath headed towards her small worship corner in her room to accomplish her daily ritual of lighting diya which she did every morning and evening . Finishing her gayatri mantra an bowing her head to all the deities and photographs to take blessings. Her eyes glued on a very old and faded photo frame and a flood of memories took her to that phase of life in which she had experienced various colors of life as well as of people and their true faces and how she had to shed her delicate frame and mind to take the role of a strong ruthless lady vowing not to shed tears but face the realities of life .
That day is still vivid in her eyes when Arti was impatiently waiting for Rajan bursting with happiness to come and cuddle their just born daughter .But her wait went on and on from minutes to hours and finally holding the newborn tightly in her arms Arti broke into tears ..she never imagined such moments in her life .Those lonely hours in the maternity home changed her frame of mind totally. Arti knew she is going to have tough time ahead .
In the following few months to she had to face,indifference and apathy from Rajan and her family towards Jayati being a girl and Arti as she had done the crime of giving birth to a girL .Though the economic condition was not that household could not run without her salary, still Rajan was after Arti to join her school.She delayed it for a few months but could not do it more as Rajan’s behaviour changed from bad to worse and then the time came when he stopped giving any money for her and Jayati’s needs ,So one day with a heavy heart leaving the little one in the care of a maid Arti joined her job .
Time passing in its own pace.Jayati was growing in a beautiful girl healthy and an intelligent girl, Rrajan hardly ever spent time with her .Mostly he was in his room on the pretext of work ,never helping Arti in anything .Arti still remembers making chapatis with holding Jayati in one hand and tears in eyes ..
A heavy and serious s atmosphere the house all the time was taking its toll on the bringing up of Jayati .Arti used to take Jayati out in the Park or to some kids in the neighbourhood to play,that would make them both feel a little better . At times Arti wished Jjayati had a sibling so that she can have normal , healthy childhood, but she new its like a dream under the circumstances she was undergoing . As it is Rajan had never discussed any such plan .But with time Arti observed a change in Rajan’s behavior , as Jayati was around he would look lovingly towards her and slowly he started playing with her and taking interest in her studies .He seemed happy whenever Jayati brought her report card as she was always getting very good grades, beautiful remarks from her teachers. But there was something which was still holding him . As he was an introvert and a quiet person it was very difficult to read his mind. Since he was a nice person with no bad habit Arti accepted her fate and drowned herself in books ,her work and her daughter who was a blessing from the God . Often she would question God as to why has he given her such life partner .
Chanting gayatri mantra reading two verses from the Geeta everyday in the morning after bath was her only way to connect with almighty. This geeta was a gift to her from her father ..But one day while buying groceries Arti’s eyes fell on various photos of deities and she did not know what her made buy one of them.along with a brass diya. In the evening She chose a corner in the house , cleaned and set up the photo, lit the small diya in front of it . After chanting her daily mantra she looked at the deity and felt a divine peace she had experienced never before in her life. Since that day Arti continued this practice of her communion with her God.
After a few months what happened was beyond Arti’s expectation .News which she wanted to share with the whole world but had to keep a secret till a particular time as she was not sure how Rajan is going to take it ? Having sibling for Jayati was her wish and it was becoming a reality now ..Arti’s joy new no bounds . she went and thanked the almighty for being there in turbulent times .
In the meantime her parents were there for a week and Arti did not share her secret even with them .This she thought, not knowing that no child can ever hide anything from parents. When one fine day Arti received a letter from baba still not knowing that a shock was in store for her on reading the content .Yes baba had asked her to come to their place where he has arranged gender test for her in a clinic . Horrified Arti could not believe her father thinking like this whom she holds in such high esteem and who always loved her three daughters so much .What has made him so weak ?Arti went to her cosy corner before the photo frame, closed her eyes did her chanting asked the almighty to show her the right path .,bowed her head ..when she opened her eyes everything was crystal clear in her mind .She took the pen and paper and wrote back to her father making it clear that she is strong enough to live life on her own terms and with full faith on God .She will have a sibling for Jayati and there the matter ends. She is ready and strong enough to fight the battle of life alone.
Arti never told anything about this letter to Rajan .With time he came to know about the arrival of the baby.He showed no excitement or happiness as expected but such things did not disturb her anymore.
Arti went to her parents place for the delivery ..a few days before the due date Arav arrived ….Baba asked her to inform Rajan ,to which she refused . More than a month passed and there was no letter or phone from Rajan .
And then suddenly one after noon he landed with a big smile on his face and a lots of gifts for everyone ,.took them along with him the next day .On the way Arti asked who gave him the news, the neighbours , he said . okay yes she had informed them said Arti.
Everything changed after that day. Rajan was a changed man ,a loving father and a caring husband. He gave Jayati the best of education , sent her abroad for higher education while Arav had a normal education ,in fact Rajan and Arav never got along well , they could hardly sit together for more than a few minutes .
Life is a big puzzle Arti often asked herself .What changed Rajan ?Arav’s birth? What is there in the birth of a son that a man changes towards everyone ?What was stopping him to be a good father and a husband before his wife gave birth to his son?
Though Arti never got the answers nonetheless she is thankful to the deity in photo frame who always showed her the right path and showered peace and solace on Arti …………..