Social Issue Article – GOOD VS GOD
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
Have you ever imagined walking along a road in the city closing your eyes and holding the hands of blind for walking? Have you ever imagined closing your eyes in the theatre and trying to enjoy the mooki drama going on? OK at least had you ever imagined closing your eyes and reading a story?
If you haven’t done that Let’s do it now, now close your eyes and start reading the next few lines of the story. Can you just do it with the closed eyes?? No?? Now try harder and harder bringing forth all the power in you and try reading the next lines closing your eyes. Not possible right?? OK no problem let’s try it for the last time by hardly chanting the name of God and try closing your eyes and start reading the next few or even 2-3 words from the text.
Have you got successful??? I can clearly see a firm answer with your eyebrows and temple been raised and telling like, it’s insane how can it be possible?? We are not prophets to speak directly with the god and predict the future. Ok I can understand you but let me just tell you that even if there is a prophet reading this text can’t really predict the next few lines of the story just like you did. You probably might tell that, no there are few people in this world who have the power of predicting the future.
Really??? If that is the case why can’t they predict and help the sacred people from getting affected from the natural calamities like earth quakes, tsunamis etc. Let us just elaborate it considering the lively example of kedarnath havoc which happened few years back, if there are prophets who can predict the future, why didn’t they help people who went there to visit a temple with the sacred hearts or probably the people who were about to confess their bad deeds and try being good from then. But nearly all the people the good and the bad ones had to face the same thing at the end. But It wouldn’t had happend if so called prophets who have the power of communicating with the god had helped the good ones from facing the calamity. What might be the reason that no one really alarmed the people?? OK let’s keep this aside for sometime and let me start off with my other few doubts.
Do you have the habit of watching the TV or just streaming the videos in the YouTube?? Arey yaar I became mad these days, We are all now modernized and even the people from remote areas are using the television and even the internet these days. So when you are just changing the channels or just while browsing in the YouTube had you ever accidentally watched a religious priest taking the name of God, praying harder and healing the people?? Yes?? Now did you ever think that why dont these religious priests start their healing process in the hospitals?? Why can’t they ever heal their people from the diseases in the hospitals. If that would be the case their wouldnt be that mess in the field of Science for trying harder doing thousands of experiments, and finally invent some medicine for the diseases. No answer??
Ok at least can you explain God?? Yeah think everyone can do it. let us consider few examples to explain God now. In case you met with an accident and survived it, the next word that probably comes is “bhagwan bacha liya”. In case you wrote a multiple choice questions and got your answers all correct when you just did inky pinky ponky the next word comes from our mouth is “god tussi great ho”. So there are lot of cases to explain God.
Now let us go deep to the points by considering a simple example of writing an exam. Generally as said by the elders, Our capacity to attempt the questions in an examination would probably be like this, 50% weightage for subject knowledge, 50% weightage for our sincere prayers to god to help us getting the simple questions and also the questions which we had read. Really??? So, if we are good to god and pray him quite oftenly he makes us getting good scores? Then the next direct question which arises from my mind is. All the religious priests so called as the gods messengers can they directly Crack an iit examination without any coaching only with the help of gods power? No right?? Even if they had bubbled something in the omr sheet and finally got them correct which made them pass the exam, here they are getting marks with the help of luck not the hardwork. so which means the name of God arises when we consider the cases of luck or the probability things, if I were the maths professor I would have surely included the topic in the probability chapter with the name “GOD” . ok let me clearly explain you what iam trying to say by citing an example
Q1) what is the probability of getting a head when the coin is tossed ?
Ans. Probability of getting head= required event / total number of events
So answer = ½
But what people believe to obtain a head.
answer) probability of getting head+ prayer to god before tossing the coin+ gods decision by checking all the past good works =getting the head, seem be to like a huge process to obtain a head I guess . Let us relate It to the cricket match to have a clear idea. Suppose there are two teams called A and B. Let team A won the toss, so according to us god reviewed all their deeds and finally came to a decision that they are good enough when compared to the other team and finally made them win the toss. But surprisingly team ‘B’ won the game. Oh now what suddenly happened to this team ‘A’? what is that big sin they had committed in few hours that made god change his mind to make the team ‘B’ win the game?
Don’t know about others but this throwed me to a greater confusion and made me to think that gods name should even be included in the chapter complex numbers where in I would replace the letter “i” which is the used to indicate the complex number with the letter “g” which means god, because I personally think it’s the most complicated thing I have ever known in this world or even in this universe because there are hundreds or even thousands of religions having thousands of ways, Thousands of rituals or the thousands of worship methods. Some religions cite to enter the temple barefoot while few with the wares. Some support eating the animals while some protest doing the same. Some believe in idol worships while few are in contrast to that. Some Neal down, while some stand to process their prayers. There are thousands of such different practices by different religions which made me to think that religion is the most complicated thing in this world.
But you might say that although the ways are different the destination is the same just like to obtain 5 it can be formed from 2+3, or 4+1 or even -10+15. So by reaching the religion in the spiritual way we can reach our destination. But what’s that destination now?? I can hear a strong monotonic answer from the thousands of different religious people that it’s Heaven where God reside. so now Where is this place called heaven?? And even where is this place called hell which is the other side of heaven.Did any one get to see it except in the Indian movies?? No?
But I think I know it. I know it since my childhood from the times when I was not willing to eat any of the food given, my mother used to frighten me that devil will take me off. Every time I do some mischief my mother was like devil will catch you, Which made me eat food on time and stop doing the mischievous things by just remembering the name of devil. So whenever we tend to do some bad thing there should be some alarming thing that would pinch people to do good. Now My mother is replaced by the religious priest uttering the same words whenever mind want to do some bad deed that we had to face hell where in there are tons of punishments, tons of cruelty and cries which provoke people from bad deeds and stick to good with a fear of entering hell.
Similarly heaven can be explained by General human tendency which is to desire more. Even the most richest guy in this world will have unleashed desires to have more, the last stage or the most higher extent of any ones desire is considered to be heaven where in its assumed to have the things that you couldn’t imagine nor even hundreds of Albert Einstein’s could do it. No precious thing in this world is available freely just like the case of heaven. In order to enter this place there is a requirement of a ticket, just like you buy a movie ticket with the money, here you have to buy it with all the good things you have done in the world .So people do good to buy the ticket with a belief to enter heaven.
These are my definitions about heaven and hell. Now irrespective of caste, Creed, religion people have oppositions about my definitions. Ok, I can understand, that probability is never zero and might be that my assumptions are wrong. But i am not that guy who would accept the defeat that soon. So to add more weight to my explanation let’s cite an example. Suppose you are going to a boutique along with a small 5 year old kid to buy clothes for him. Instead of selecting the ones that fits him, if that guy points out to a big suit and ask you to buy it stating that he would use it when he grew old enough. What will you do at that time?? Will you buy that big suit for him hoping him to wear after 25 years or will you just buy him good clothes that suits him at that age??
OK, let me give you an other option, would you like to buy him a suit that fits him at that age like mini suit and later buy that big suit when he grew old enough.which one according to you might be best option?? I personally think buying him a mini suit that fits him is the best option than buying a big suit hoping him to wear after 25 years. Now In the same example replace the cloth with the heaven. Now do you want to have heaven after many years or have heaven at that particular age place and time you are in??
Instead of hoping to wear after 25 years let’s have it now, let’s convert each and every time you spend on this world like a heaven. Just imagine how cool it would be to bring in the heaven to you instead of going to heaven after many years, And later after you grew old enough let’s buy that big suit. Let’s go to that real heaven after the time have arrived. It’s like a combo pack the heaven you created or the heaven on earth is like starters and heaven after years like a main course. Have both of these guys don’t restrict yourself only to the 4 walls of worship.
Do create heaven where you are in. It’s a very simple funda in life which most people don’t understand, and Now just tell me what according to you is the heaven on earth or the heaven that you want to create for yourself on this earth ?? Oh no!!!! There are oceans of answers that are flooding up with varying gender, locality and obviously ones mindset. Generally for boys it would be drinks, girls, bikes and for studious it can even be getting a seat to IIT’s or any IIM’s. For girls it would be shopping, jewelry, clothing, looking more pretty others and other stuff.
But according to me these are like the materialistic heaven where in you could only get plastic smiles. There are many things that are beyond this materialistic heaven, it’s not that it’s complex, it can even be a simple incidents that happen to you in your normal day to day life , just like soothing your friend when he is in deep trouble and making him forget his sorrow and finally end up laughing together .
When you help the poor and the moment he hugs you and tell how much that mean to them with their rainy eyes and smiling heart defines a true heaven. Spending time with your family, enjoying the nature’s beauty. Enjoying your passion etc. Is like the most beautiful things in this life and can be aptly called as heaven. Do strive for these things not for those materialistic heaven. And when you spread happiness and have such way of helping people I.e the ways of our heaven, if there is a real heaven after death i am sure that you will get a vip ticket for being so modest and helping people in need. So you are having heaven at all the places you are in. Isn’t that enough for a person to have a huge smile in his face??. It’s not about poor and rich. Not about the region you are in . Not about the religion you follow. Not about your educational qualifications and not even about your social status. It’s all about how happy you are with yourself and your loved ones. This defines real human life and true heaven.
Have you ever stood on the road and tried to watch the farthest place your eyes could see?? The farthest point looks like an edge, right?? and our mind and heart believes it to be true because we are watching it with our own eyes. But we know that earth is not flat to have these kind of edges. It’s spherical. And sphere won’t have edges. So our assumption is completely false but still our eyes do believe it’s flat. It’s the same case with the god, we do see god to a very smaller extent that our eyes could see and assume that to be true. We doesn’t even know what’s beyond that farthest point and start giving some theories that earth is flat because it looks flat.
God is completely beyond what our eyes could see. We look at the top part of an iceberg in an ocean and estimate it to be very small, but you will know how huge it is only when you get into the ocean. We think him to be something but he is very huge and absolutely beyond our reach.
Once I have been to varanasi and got across a river which was highly contaminated by the sewage and thought the river was very dirty. But I was shocked after knowing that it was river ganga which is considered to be most precious and purest river. At the point of origin it’s very clean and while crossing through the states, finally near the bay of Bengal it looks very contaminated. The things that I spoke through out the passage from the beginning is like viewing the ganga river near Bay of Bengal and presuming that it’s very contaminated. Most of the people see God at the places where the practices are bad and presume that God is very bad.
Just like I did It through out the passage viewing it at one side, but it’s really not. Do watch god at the place where it’s pure just like to watch ganga at himalayas where it’s clean. We see the cover and estimate the book, we see the title and rate the movie. Similarly we watch these freaking babas, saints, pastors, other religious priests and get to a conclusion that God is futile. If you do Remember i have given an example of a cricket match where in there are two teams ‘A’ and ‘B’. Team ‘A’ won the toss but finally team ‘B’ won the game. It’s gods way of doing things, gods vivid plans for the people. At the beginning it looked like God was towards the team ‘A’ by making them win the toss.
But it’s actually a master plan to make team ‘B’ win the game. In our life we might not directly get the success, we might have lost everything, literally every freaking thing in life,but never give up, be modest. You never knew how god gonna turn the game. He have the power to make poor to rich and even rich to poor in just fraction of seconds. He might even create destructions just like kedarnath havoc and might even make it more powerful and beautiful washing all the bad bugs that are present . God is considered to be the origin of everything, the earth, sun, uncountable number of galaxies, crores of animals,plants etc.
But many are contrast to this. They believe in big bang theory and other theories for the origin of the galaxies and the life on earth. But the thing that this theories couldn’t exactly explain is, how come a living thing gets originated from non living things like atoms and other physical stuff. Have you ever seen your table turn out to be a frog, or your fan to be a dragon. No?? Then how would you expect the life from the non living things like atoms, molecules etc.
Ok let’s consider that this big bang theory some how produced a living organism but how could it be possible that it would turn out to be this crores and crores of species. I have never seen any animal getting changed to others. I have never seen any lizard getting converted to a crocodile nor even the vice versa. If life could be created from molecules, atoms etc. then why isn’t that we had not created our own species?? There is some thing beyond our reach. There is something that our science could never explain. We humans who are considered to be the most intelligent people on this earth have tried centuries to find out whether there is water on Mars. We conducted tons of projects to send a space shuttle to moon or to the space. We hardly found the things that are in our galaxy, And what about the thousands and thousands of other galaxies that are present .??
You know how small we are and how smaller our works are to the universe, yet we consider ourselves to be intelligent. With this intelligence do you think we could figure out where the god is and conclude the presence of God who is the origin and the controller of crores and crores of such things. But,inspite of being so small in this vast universe its said that God created us exactly like him, making human beings very distinct from all the species in this universe. Wow, so in this tons of galaxies we are the people who are gifted to resemble god. We might think that we haven’t achieved anything in our life, but our birth itself is an achievement which crores of other species didn’t succeed. Now the main point is,are we worth our birth?? Are we really worthy to resemble god?? Do keep your hands on your heart and ask yourself. Am I really worthy for such a huge gift from the creator. Don’t say yes because you have accepted your friends candy crush request or telling some unknown to turn off their bike lights or to open up their stands. Do confess it with the appropriate things. If it’s yes then hat’s off to you and your works. You will surely be registered in the hearts of people who are near you and God would be very happy for his right choice. If no, don’t bother people, I guess 99% of our other friends in this world would fall under this category. So, Now how to become worthy?
Do you think walking on the super heated coal will make you get rid of your bad deeds and make you worthy?? Do you think whipping on your back with the sharp edged chains will make your sins demolish and make you worthy?? Do you think taking the bread of God will get you forgiveness and make you worthy? If it’s yes, No worries to any people in this world. You can just enjoy your life. Be a murderer, Be a pschyo,Torture people. But Just before you die don’t forget to walk on the super heated coal or to whip your back with the sharp edged chains or to take the bread of God and confess that all you have done is very sinful and you doesn’t know how bad it is and ask God to forgive. How simple this process is.
All you need is a special ward in the hospital where in the people who are about to die are brought to this ward and you will be provided with heated coal, chains, bread and other such things to make god clean your sins and you become good before you die. This kits will also be provided to your home. You can even buy it online at amazon, flipkart and other e-commerce sites. Fast delivery is also available. Might look bit funny but this would be the case if such practices will make a person good. Now, what is the correct method then?? How to make yourself worthy?? Now I don’t want to give a big lecture like your religious priest, but I would like to tell it in just one sentence. Just treat all the people as you. When you are beating someone feel that you are beating yourself and you are getting hurt.
When you are cheating someone feel that you are cheating yourself. You obviously don’t try to get beaten or to get cheated by someone . so when you treat all the people like you. You won’t do any bad and eventually lead you to be good and worthy. But an atheist reading this text might think what the heck is happening here. I don’t believe in God and why in this world that I want to prove myself worthy? Your theories might be absolutely true and everything about God might be a well written fairy tale. But, To the people who doesn’t have proper food to eat, proper shelter to adhere, proper friend to share. God becomes there only way. They forget that they didn’t had anything in there life today, hoping god will atleast make some way for them tomorrow. The small cross or small thread that is given, make them feel stronger with a belief that God is with them. God becomes there only hope and without god, hope would be at its ground level and suicides may be poor’s daily routine .
All the words that are spoken about God through out this paragraph is very ideal and its like viewing ganga at himalayas, but today it’s almost near Bay of Bengal, contaminated by religious priests and the ways of religion. So when you get a situation, to choose between good or god,what will you choose?? Will you choose god because he is our creator and we shall stand on his side or will you choose good leaving your religious morals set by god?? It’s similar choosing between your parents and the society that needs a change. What will you choose, your parents or the society?? Obviously one would go for parents. But let’s consider we are living in 18’s and Suppose you have been sent to a very far place to learn a skill, on those days since no mobiles where there to directly communicate with the people, there need a physical medium, Like Pegions to broadcast messages etc. In this case let it be a man who travels between both these areas forwarding messages between the people.
But instead of forwarding it faithfully, if he manipulates the actual messages that’s been sent,to make out some money out of it and finally leading to the quarrels between your parents and you. Now it’s not that your parents are bad. It’s that the physical medium to transfer information is bad. So instead of trying to communicate with your parents through that intermediate person, it’s better that we excel the skill that we are doing and be useful to the society, making your name flourish and finally reach your parents. Don’t you think that your parents will feel happy after listening that you are very helpful to the society ?? Obviously they would be the most happiest people in this world . Here you are not communicating with your parents with the bad intermediate but trying to excel and help society,and make your name reach them and feel them proud. And finally after excelling and done with your help to the society, do go directly and reach your parents. Now in this same example replace your parents with god and the skill as your life in this earth and intermediate to be some bad religious priests or some bad rituals.
So instead of trying to communicate with God through this bad intermediate let’s live in this earth with a target to help the society we are in and make your name flourish and make him feel proud about his creation.
So if you have to choose between good or god. Choose good because it will eventually lead god but choosing god might result in miscommunication because of bad intermediate. So, If you want to fast that day give the food that you didn’t eat that day to the poor. Instead of offering money in a temple,Give it to the poor who are in need of it. Instead of coloring the faces on holi do color the life of people. Instead of lighting the crackers on Diwali do light the life of people. Instead of cutting the grand cake and having a rich feast on Christmas, give small bread to the poor.
Instead of preparing Haleem with rich ingredients on ramzan do go to some orphanage and give chocolates and spend some small kids.God doesn’t stay in heaven but in the hearts of good who ought to do good. God is an entity and good is his characteristic. So my title good vs god should be turned out to good=god (or) god=good. 😊😊😊
Thank you for reading it so patiently. I know that I had written thousands of mistakes, apologies for it. And each and every line that is written is based on my perspective and not intended to hurt any of the religion or their ritual. Thank you.