Short Story Moral – WITHIN ME
Photo credit: fedegrafo from morguefile.com
1: YOU,Never care me
Taxi, Taxi, Airport. How much?
TAX DRIVER: Fixed rate Rs 250/person, Sir.
1: No change man, Full of Rs 500 and Rs 1000.
2: Shall we cancel the Ticket?
1: Shut up!
1: Nothing Let`s start.
TAX DRIVER: Nice evening, isn`t it sir. Weather was cool and pleasant.
1: Will u stop talking and speed up the gear; I have to reach within time.
2: Yes, Yes, We have to.
1: Shut up! (Loudly).
TAX DRIVER: What, Sir?
1: Nothing (loudly)
After Few Minutes
1: Stop here. Ya keep Rs 500.
TAX DRIVER: Thank you very much, Sir.
Staff: Your passport please.
1: Is there any delay.
Staff: Actually, one hour sir.
1: Thanks.
Phone Rings
Father: Did you reach the airport?
1: Yes, Father.
Father: Are u feeling well and your voice is so dull.
1: No, the weather is warm and i am sweating.
2: Yes, yes it is warm inside, not outside.
Father: I`m telling you about this job from the past six months.
1: No, not again. I will call you later, bye.
2: Shall we sit in that corner chair?
1: No, I will sit in the middle chair.
2: Thank you, God.
1: Why?
2: We are talking at least.
1: What am ‘I doing from the last 6 months on listening to you. Lost many job offers and never care of my father words and I’m no more interested.
2: Yes, we have to take the plane, what next?
1: Join the job.
2: And earn salary.
1: Yes.
2: But if we are here, we can give salaries to others by establishing a Company.
1: Any Guarantee.
2: How many days do we want?
1: What?
2: These are the days of warranty not guarantee and we have to rebuild ourselves every time.
1: But winds are not favour to me, u see what happened in the last 6 months.
2: Here we come from a customer to sailor. We decide which direction to go then we have to talk about the winds.
1: Shut up (loudly).
Person sitting Beside: Is everything alright, my son?
1: Sorry, sir.
Person Sitting Beside: It`s alright.
1: See everyone is looking at me.
2: Don`t bother about them, there are just like mirrors with one exception.
1: Tell that one also.
2: There don`t carry our feelings like mirror.
1: Just like U……U.
2: Tell me one thing from when did the word `u` comes into exists.
1: What?
2: Yes, differentiating me by using the word `u`
1: Ok, Now leave all this. At present I`m listening to my brain and going to take the plane.
2: Oh, my sweet heart sorry, my brain “ In a conflict between us , we have to follow me“.
1: Who said that?
2: Who…. Who Swami Vivekananda.
And why people r looking at us because u r talking to yourself for the last 30 minutes.
1: What` WE` have to do now.
Silence Everywhere
What ` WE` have to do now.
Reply me ………….Reply me……
Where r u?
2: What?
1: Why did n`t reply me?
2: No reply because you made my exists by using the word` YOU’ at first and we already became one by using the word ` WE`. I`M YOUR SOLE MATE.
All this happening
“ WITHIN………YOU’’………..AND “ I`M WITHIN ………YOU’’
Silence Everywhere
1: We r cancelling the ticket dad.
Father: Is u going with your friend?
1: Sorry, I`m cancelling
”In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart. ”
― Swami Vivekananda.