Short Story with Moral Values – SATYA – Man of Guts and Honesty
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Photo credit: keeshu from morguefile.com
Present Day… Time:9:00 AM
It was one fine day in the strange village vijayapuram, all the people are standing near to the large banyan tree in the center of the village. All people were afraid and one can see the fear on the eyes of every people…
People were closely watching the blood strains in the big knife in the hands of “Satya”
“Satya” is sitting in the middle of the cement platform near to the banyan tree, with his head facing down to the ground with the complete blood stains in the knife in his hand and in his face & forehand.
From a huge distance people can hear the siren sound, a police jeep and ambulance van is coming with siren sound and all are in panic. Two guys from the van with the big tray carried the dead body which is near to “Satya” to the ambulance van and “Satya” was arrested and was taken in the police jeep. “Satya’s father and mother were crying and the entire village people shed tears and crying with loud noise.
After 10 days, “Satya” was taken to the court from police custody and he was standing in front of the judge,
He was deeply hurted and he has lot of wounds in his face and in his hands. Judge started asking him question, but he didn’t open his mouth for a long time. Judge Said only “ TRUTH ALONE TRIUMPHS” so please open your mouth and please tell the truth why that murder was happened.
Slowly “Satya” started to explain…
It was a happy family in the village and “Satya” was an ex-military person, who wants to create a fully disciplined village and everybody in the village should have an ethical life. He got lot of medals, many achievement awards for his sincerity, true & “HONESTY” in the work he does . He has a very good name for “HONESTY & SINCERITY” during his service.
He want to make all the children in the village should have proper education and everybody should go to school and all the government activities like panchayat office, government hospital (other government aided institutions) should run in a proper way with disciplined manner, without any bribery or don’t want any unwanted social activities.Simply he is the man for the village and his dream to make his village named “Gandhian Village”
He has a brother named “Jeevan” who is studing engineering college final year and “Satya” loved his bother most as he is the topper in all the 3 years of college studies and “Jeevan” is very intelligent and innovative guys who can make out lot of technical items, and some electronic items, and also a well designer and can draw and innovatively shape up few things.
The brothers, they love each other and they were the happiest family in the village where all the people in the village praises them a lot.
“Vinayak” who is the big landlord of the village, involves in some unwanted activities in the village like gambling, alcohol supply to the villagers, even runs the prostitution in the night, doing unwanted social activities which are done very secretly near to the mountain which is close to the village. All these unwanted activities was done with utmost top secret level activities, as everybody knows about the man “Satya” as he is a very violent person who fights honestly for justice, because he is the one who knocked some guys severely by seeing cigarette in their hands. “Satya can’t tolerate if something unjustice or unwanted social activity things that happen in that village.
So “Vinayak” knows about “Satya” and he is very careful. One fine day, “Jeevan” was deeply hurted and was admitted in the hospital, and after investigation everyone came to know that some group of unknown members with mask hits “Jeevan” and escaped.
“Satya” was in deep anger as his brother was deeply hurted and he wants to find out who has done these things, but he could not make it out. Jeevan also said that he can find out the person face, if he sees him again.
“Satya” also had a mild doubt on “Vinayak” because once he was caught in police for teasing a girl in the village. So he suspect “Vinayak” may involve in unwanted social activities.
Slowly there were some mischievous things started to happen in the village, some men were dead after consuming local alcohol from medical investigation report, “Satya” doesn’t want the village which he dreamt to be like this. He was confused and worried about this incident. Slowly he started his mission and started roaming in the nights in different get-ups, one day he roamed around the village like leprosy attacked beggar, and suddenly he found some cars were moving very fastly and vanishes away from certain distance near to the mountain . Satya was not able to find out what is happening and he missed that day.
Next Day, everybody in the village was shocked and found a girls dead body was found near to the pond and was informed to police also. “Satya” was terribly hurted by this incident and was in great anger. That day night, he again roamed around the village with different get-ups and found that again few cars where moving towards the mountain near to the village. He followed them fastly but could not able to find out them.
Next morning, they found the dead body of “Vinayak”, the landlord, every people was shocked and they all are confused and very much feared about the this murder.
Finally “Satya” planned that day night to find out the truth behind the scene, he planned and somehow reached the mountain earlier before night. Later he saw cars coming and some four to five people got down from the car with guns
and they walked towards the forest and finally they ended up in a cave. “Satya closely followed them and he reached the cave and slowly observed the scene happening there”.
“Satya” was terribly “Shockedddd” to see the things happening there.
He saw his brother “JEEVAN” with very strange and anger face sitting in the chair surrounded by some members with weapons. “Satya” had never seen before “Jeevan “ face like this , which was so ferocious. “Jeevan” was talking to his gang members-
“I want to become one of the main mafia gang leader and multi millionaire sooner in India by destroying major cities and that is my goal. So my starting point is my village, creating unwanted social activities my first move. I killed the girl to create panic in the village and even played a drama to create a belief on me for my idiotic brother that some unknown person hurts me and they are doing some unwanted things and I deviated his attention to “Vinayak”. I only funded and ordered to “Vinayak” to start the gambling, and other activities in the village slowly will make this village as the place for supply of weapons and people, for that first I need to kill my brother.
Even “Vinayak” poor guy was afraid about my brother strength and courage and Vinayak is my partner in all the activities. I only killed him, because one day he may even turn to be true guy because of the fear he had on my brother. I was funded from some group to create problems in the city which I will tell later. I also have immense amount of money to do all the things from my big boss. I can create and design new and good weapons and time bombs with my knowledge to destroy the cities. Slowly will insert the poison in the form of money to our village guys and make our gang bigger.”
By saying this “Jeevan” was laughing loudly, suddenly “Satya” came inside by breaking the door and started hitting everybody, he took the guns and shoots the people there.
“Jeevan” ordered his members to finish him off.”Satya” eyes were fully blood red and he started hitting everybody. He killed everybody and destroyed the whole place taking “Jeevan outside the cave”.
He started hitting “Jeevan “very severely and took him to the banyan tree which is at the centre of the village. It was very dark night… “Satya” started talking to “Jeevan” and he was deeply hurted.
I never thought that the black sheep is my brother; my heart was broken after hearing your words…………………..why did u changed like this????
“Jeevan” said, with trembling voice with blood coming from his mouth.. I want to invest my knowledge and gain more money out of it in short span of time and I want name and fame and become more powerful at young age. He also said, brother please join in our group we both can work together and earn more money and finish the job and settle in foreign country.
Immediately, the moment he heard, he took the knife and hit “Jeevan” very deeply and he was shouting aloud……. Ahhhhh
“Jeevan” is losing his life slowly……. looking at “Satya”.
“Satya” Said, I want a meaningful life for every person in this village. And that was my dream…. “Jeevan” was crying aloud… “Everybody should be first true to himself, true to his family, true to others, true to society, finally true to INDIA”. Because only “TRUTH ALONE TRIUMPHS “we are Indian’s and we know how we struggled to get this freedom. DON’T MISS USE IT….
That’s why even I have dedicated my life to military service and even after from service I m doing this sincere and honest social activities. These days I have lead an “HONEST” & “ETHICAL” life.
FOR anything FOR any reason , whoever it may be who kills the truth and do unjustice to my village or to my country… ………. even if it’s my bloodily relation…………
“JEEVAN” was dead in front of him.
Present day……
Slowly he recovered from his loud emotion in front of the Judge in the court… And he started speaking in low voice; I want to be “TRUE & HONEST” to my life and TRUE to MOTHER INDIA till my end of life….. I m happy to accept whatever punishment the court gives to me…..…as I should not have taken the law in my hand. He kept silence, eyes filled with tears… facing towards the ground……