Short Story with Moral Lesson – Curses of an Old Woman

Curses of an Old Woman – Short Story with Moral Lesson
Photo credit: puravida from
It is an old saying, “As you sow so shall you reap”.
In my childhood I was concentrate to think that these sayings were the meaningless quotes and they are the burden on our mind to remember the same. But now I am quite sure to say that every proverb is an arrow which works when shot.
Mr. RamSingh, was a very simple minded man, who spent his whole life in a job to work for his family. His four sons Ramkishan, Moti, Krishan and Prem were his only assets on whom they felt to be proud as on those days a poor man having no daughter was a happier one free from his responsibilities. His only sister named “Bhaggo bua” , a widower, having no child, used to spent her life in the name of GOD,was a well known lady in the Bhajan-kirtan mandlis.
Slowly-slowly the time passed and as every soul has an end, Mr. Ram Singh left his body and his property was hand over to his legal heirs i.e the four sons. After some time another turn came for “Bhaggo bua”and as she has no near and dear from her family so she wishes to make a temple of all the property she was going to left behind.The four nephews were her only care taker who sat near to death bed & were giving an assurance to fulfil her last wishes. As she got a full assurance from them, she breathed last and left forever.
But like a Hindi movie , suddenly the scene turns into a ugly horror and all four shut the door of the room and passed cunning smile to each other. One of them brought all the property papers from the cupboard and marked the thumb impression of a dead body which declared that the property was handover to all of the four by her wishes.Time turns so greedy…no one knows but that was the happiest time for all of them.After the cremation ceremony, they all divided that property among each other leaning the fact that the money must be utilized to make a temple.
Years passed.
Life passed and after 30 years their fate turns alas! Ramkishan, the elder one, became a beggar of the street. Both of her wives left him & his children made him orphan too. He was a homeless wanderer in his last span of life and survived on the food that people generally offers to beggars outside the temple. His end was a painful end that one is unable to define.
The second one, Moti, is a man of moods but boycotted from the society and spending his time under the daughter-in-laws hatred and jealousies.
The fourth one, Prem, is suffering from a leg cancer And already spent 30-40 lakhs but still there is no hope of his recovery. Now He is a bed-ridden and a handicap too.
Now coming to the third one, krishna,f or whom I have some corner in my heart, is now going to be operated fourth time as he is suffering from hernia and piles. He too spent 4-5 lakhs and in the age of seventies now. Don’t know that this time He will be get back or not as a lot of surgeries in the old age shorter the life span too. But being a daughter, I always wishes best for him.
Now at this time ….I am in deep thoughts and analysing the pasts and comparing it with present that what we sow…we shall reap that very soon…as in kalyug there is no wait for the rebirth….one has to pay in this birth….and dont know that the curses of that woman will effect to our coming generation too. May God bless that soul & I from my pure heart regrets for all those acts in front of her…plzzz forgive us Bhaggo Ammaji!!