Short Story Social – Irony Of Life
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
The eyes were blood red, the calmness upon his face didn’t reflect upon his eyes. A spear in his hand, blood was dripping from the edge of blade. The sky above his head was losing its calm orange texture. Cool desert winds started his neck; precisely he was enjoying the silence of the desert.
‘Antonio’. The loud distant voice on the far end of his back shuddered that silence. The man wearing the same military robe as that of Antonio’s only his helmet bore a sign that resembled his rank,the man came nearer to the crusader and dismounted from his agile horse.
“You are a coward Antonio” said the man in firm tone.
“Perhaps Claudos you have shunned your moral obligatory soul, and the difference between the cowardice and courage “said Antonio in a defending voice.
“Your Enthusiasm to run away from critical situation proves that you are a coward. A soldier does not approve of leaving the battlefield and also not rebuke the orders of Authority, just because he cannot face a mass slaughter.”
“Killing the unarmed is not the sign of a true brave, but the very act is conveyed by those who fear from facing the real opponents” Antonio’s face lit by the orange peel of setting sun.
“Your eyes show that you have not the slightest of guilt for your action. You are a disgrace to your homeland, to the military and to my trust …..” he was cut short by Antonio’s swift turn
“Disgrace, as if killing a month old child would place me in the honorary ranks of The Romans…..’Claudos cheeks were flushed red with anger, his hand were placed on his sword sheath but he didn’t put out his sword but rested his palm on its handle and started speaking rather calmly
“If I were you, I wouldn’t have rescued the child, because pity or mercy is not a sign of brave.” He paused, wiping his blood tainted face and spitting it on the ground.
‘’Where is the child ….?’’Claudos fired the question
Antonio-‘’Far away from your wildest imagination’’
Claudos-‘’I perceive my sword is thirsty for your blood, but your horse and sword cannot be present in this showdown’’
Antonio-“The spear is still sharp and thirstier than yours.”
Antonio and Claudos move swiftly across the distance between them, like chameleon changing its color.
With no more words the general took out his sword from its cover, Antonio held his spear against the general.
After few moments, the spear had pierced through Claudos’ abdomen, he was breathing heavily but holding his blade tightly, he pushed it in Antonio’s bare chest.
While both bodies lay bruised and still. Silence again resumed.
The moon rose in its full length, the sky turned dark blue. The earth was flushed with blood streams flowing towards a leafless tree where it formed a pool. The reflection was clearly visible in that pool.
15 years later…………
A small town of Agatha- dusty roads, old houses, unauthorized markets and corrupt officials were some of the characteristics of this town.
Urchins playing hide and seek used to be a common scene, the group constitute 4-5 boys, among them a boy named Antonio. His father was a cobbler. As was the case he was not financially well off, so were most of the people in that town in fact the whole country suffered from the distressed, prolonged war. Heavy taxes, high prices and extreme government control over essential commodities.
Every day they used to visit the sweet shop of Marcus .Marcus was the only gentleman in the town, the children could find at their disposition. He used to give sweets for free to them. In return he just wants one favor –To taste the new delicacies he had invented and tell their opinions, the urchins were quick to return favors of this sort.
Once, in a bright morning he called Antonio and his friends to try on a new sweet.
‘These are fortune cookies’ said Marcus pointing towards the half-moon shaped golden colored biscuits.
Everybody took one each and started to munch the cookies. A piece of paper stuck in mouth of one of the brads, he complained
‘Oh! These are future prediction’ Marcus paused, everyone jaw’s were dropped and they started to watch and eat carefully some spit their half chewed cookie on the table and checked for their prediction
Some predictions were related to money, health, work etc. But there was only one chit with nothing written on it.
It was of Antonio’s, he was sad that he has no future. Marcus on the other hand explained him that a blank chit means that he would choose his own future.
That noon the roads were empty, shops were closed; inhabitants were taking the afternoon nap. A horse rider with a royal trumpet entered the city; he was the royal messenger with a public announcement
“Anyone above the age of 14 is asked to be a part of Kings Royal army therefore serving the nation…”
Such announcement were a common affair that in country, people were casual about such announcements, the only interested souls were young blood like Antonio, They feel excited about the army and thought that war is a adventure. Last year Antonio’s pleas were rejected by his parents, but he was adamant of going to militia
When evening came, at the time of supper. Antonio asked for the permission knowing that the answer will be a strict no.
But to his surprise the mother said yes and tears rolled back from her eyes, his father went to the storeroom. The mother was mumbling ‘I know that sooner or later he will join the army’ his father came out of the store holding a sheathed sword and a white cloth with stains of blood all over it.
He said in hush voice “We are not your real parents; this sword belongs to your father, his name inscribed on it you borrow his name’’ Antonio was shocked and snap his hand on the sword.
His father continued “One night, a horse neighed at our doorstep you were wrapped in this cloth cuddling your eyes famishly at us; we were childless and happily considered that God has gifted you to us. Your father might have been a great soldier.” Long Silence prevailed; he said ‘Go, fulfill your destiny….’
The next day Antonio bid farewell to his parents, relatives, friends and Marcus and boarded the caravan.
The journey was long, the path difficult. Finally after two long days of travel they reached at the military base camp. The camp was situated in the middle of forest with dark shadow of long pine trees falling over the canvas.The Caravans were unloaded, drum beat welcomed them. The general in his military robe, his face brutally scarred, overgrown beard and heavily breathing.
He addressed the line softly “You all are very brave, leaving your loved ones for the sake of country. But if anyone who feels that he has committed a mistake by coming to this camp, he is free to leave at once. He can stand aside from the line now!” The last five words exaggerated.
Three boys came out of the line; he came near to them, smiled, turned around with rapier in his hand and slashed their necks.
“‘NEVER EVER MERCY A COWARD.’ They are worms of the society. I guess now there are no cowards in my troop, you all can occupy your beds for now your training starts from tomorrow.”
That night in the camp was the longest in Antonio’s life, his heart has never throbbed like that before, the fear he faced, he slept with his sword that night.
Days past by like sand out of hand. In this period Antonio practiced with his sword and almost achieved mastery in weaponry.
One day the general observed Antonio’s sword skill and decided to send him to Samcara where enemy forces were roaring at each other. The next week he was sent to Samcara
It was a dreaded sky, the valley was full of corpse, bones were scattered through the valley and hyenas wagging their tongue at the wounded ones.
The enemy lines occupied the opposite sides. Antonio’s side draped in red and the rival in blue. Silence prevailed on the Warfield and the dreaded silence turned into chaos.
Antonio stood bewildered in the chaos knowing nothing. All of a sudden he saw a soldier pacing towards him, with one blew his shield had fallen down, on another blew Antonio fell on the ground. The third blew taken away his spear, now he was completely disarmed, the fourth blew was coming at fast pace, suddenly he remembered his small knife hanging at his waist; he threw his knife at the foe. The knife pierced the heart of the attacker and Antonio saved his own life.
They fought until they match the color of sky with the color of earth; Antonio took an active part in the war.
At the end of day there were no winners just survivors and Antonio was one of them.
18 years later…..
Antonio has excelled in the army and was made the captain of a special unit. Their main work was to raid the border towns stock, he has a reputation of harsh and cruel militant, his colleagues fear him and seniors adore him.
One day they attacked a small village. After taking the stock, Antonio ordered to burn each house in the village. He asked his soldiers to check the houses for inmates. The houses being burnt down and the inmates were held by the soldiers.
A woman in her middle ages and her husband were screaming insanely, when the house was turned into a wreck, the woman ran towards it held the ashes in her hand and wept. Antonio came around at his white horse holding his beloved sword upright, the woman turned around and struggled herself out of the soldiers grip. She went straight to him and spitted on his face
Antonio came down from the horse. The woman started beating her hand on his chest and swearing insanely at him, he has a broad smile on his face.
She soared “You killed my only toothless child; you burned him alive God will punish you for your sins”
Antonio laughed, pushed away the woman, saddled on the horse and went away.