Short Story of Teen – The Negative World
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
“Everyone thought the world was a different place. Until one day somebody said something or maybe another few. It changed the world forever. That one night, that one day. We still don’t know what happened. Well some of us do, counting me, I know happened. Some others do to but we still cannot answer the question and it will not go back to normal until it uncovers the true meaning of it. This is what I call a different side of it. Something different, something that we don’t know. When I walked outside that one day everything was like black and white. This, this is what happened to our world in a time of need. Are you serious? What happened to our world in a time of need, you know what happened, it became negative. What happened to our world, right now in a time of need in 2014”
“I was 16 years old. I went to school, had a great friend and a boyfriend. Was a cheerleader. And had horrible grades. Had a beautiful car. Lived with my Aunt. Life was good before it happened and this is how….”
Aunt D said, “Have fun at school.”
I said, “Whatever.”
Aunt D said, “Sarah, go have some fun, remember I am leaving in a few hours to go to see my friend in North Carolina, so I won’t be back for a few weeks. You’ll be okay by yourself, okay?”
I said, “I know, bye.”
I walked out and a kid ran up and said, “Hi, hey, can you take me to school?”
I said, “Ride the bus, kid. My car isn’t for eight year olds, okay?”
I got in the car and drove off.
When I got to school I got out of the car and my friend, Rachel, came up to the car and said, “Hey, Sarah.”
I said, “Rachel.”
She said, “Alex wanted to see you, he’s in the school.”
Alex is my boyfriend. I said, “Thanks.”
I walked in the school and saw Alex and walked up and said, “What did you want?”
He said, “There’s a party tomorrow and I was hoping you would come with me.”
I said, “A party? Depends the party. Birthday, absolutely no, not unless, well never. Masquerade, yes.”
Alex said, “It’s a negative party.”
“What’s that?” I said
Alex said, “Inside the house it’s negative. Like on your phone, you have negative. It’s like that.”
I said, “I guess it sounds cool. I’ll come. Pick me up, okay? Alright, later.”
“Tomorrow came. I was ready, waiting for Alex. A guy cam up to me and this happened.”
He came up and said, “Hey beautiful, what are you doing out here all by yourself?”
I said, “Waiting for my ride.”
He said, “It might take awhile, wanna do something to pass the time?”
“Get lost nerd.” I said
He said, “Fine. Well, you want me to take you wherever you’re going?”
I said, “No, okay. Please you’re getting on my patience and I wanna really hurt you.”
He said, “Okay, okay, I was just trying to help. You know, everyone is right.”
He started to walk away and I said, “About what?”
He said, “About you being negative. I wonder why? Because you’re mean to everyone except yourself. See you around.” And he walked away.
“I thought about it but I knew he was negative, not me”
Alex drove up and I got in. We drove to the party. We got out and walked in.
Alex said, “So, what do you think?”
I said, “It’s all negative.”
“That’s the point.” said Alex
They looked around and then Alex said, “I’m going to talk to a few friends.”
Alex walked away. I walked around and a dude walked up to me and said, “Come with me.”
“For what? I don’t know you.” I said.
He said, “I was going to lead you to the host of the party, not do anything else. It’s just my job.”
He walked away and I sat down and there was punch on the chair. I said to the girl next to me, “I hate this.”
The girl said, “More things will happen to you after you leave this party.”
I was about to to say, “Yeah whatever”, but she was gone. Like she disappeared.
I got up and looked for Alex. When I found him I said, “I’m ready to leave.”
“Why?” he said
I said, “I want to, come on.”
He said goodbye to his friends and we went out.
“When I walked out everything was, well, negative.”
I said, “I don’t remember it being negative out here.”
Alex turned to me and said, “Oh, you’re funny, it’s just negative in the house.”
I said, “No, I’m serious, it’s negative out here.”
Alex said, “Uh, no, no it’s not.”
“Then why do I see everything in negative?” I said
Alex said, “Oh, come on, seeing negative is impossible.”
I said, “Not anymore.”
“At that moment he turned to me and knew that I wasn’t kidding. I couldn’t see positive colors, only the negative ones like you see on your phone. I seriously didn’t know what happened.”
Alex said, “So you’re not making this up?”
“No, I see negative colors, not normal ones.” I said
He said, “You know, I know it must be terrible, but it would be really cool.”
I said, “It’s not, believe me. What am I going to do?”
He said, “I don’t know, how can it be?”
I said, “I was in there and well…”
At that moment a girl walked by (the one in the party). I said, “Her.”
He said, “There is no one there.”
She came up and he couldn’t see her and she said, “You will not see positive colors until you’re positive.”
She then disappeared and I said, “Okay, you couldn’t see her, but she just told me why.”
“Why?” he said
“I need to be positive for this to clear up.”
“Okay. Be positive, that’s easy.” he said
“Easy for you.” I said
He said, “Just try. Anyway, don’t tell Rachel or anyone else about this negative site. How are you with it?”
“Get your phone and turn the negative cam on, that’s how it looks.” I said
He said, “It must.”
“I don’t like this one bit.” I said
“For the next few weeks I tried to be positive but for some reason I just couldn’t because of my site. I was about to be expelled, I was cut from cheer leading, I couldn’t drive or do anything. It was horrible. And I didn’t tell anyone, only one who knew was Alex. And it got worse.”
Alex said, “So, any better?”
I said, “No, same site, same grades, same life.”
“How long has it been?”
“Over two months.” I said
He said, “You know, I am so sorry for you.”
“Don’t be.” I said
“Then I heard my name and ‘come to the principles office’ on the loud speaker.”
I said, “And my luck just got better.”
“It’ll be fine,” Alex said, “See you at my car.”
I walked in the office. The principle said, “Hello, Sarah, I bet you know why you’re here.”
I said, “No, actually I don’t.”
“Well, it’s about your grades. You used to have c’s, not you have f’s. What’s going on?”
“I guess it’s because of a lot of things.” I said
He said, “Like what?”
“Like me not talking to my aunt.”
He said, “Do you still live with her?”
“Actually no.” I said
He said, “Then where do you live?”
“With my boyfriend.”
“Which is who?” he said
I said, “Alex.”
He said, “Really, wow, he was like head of the school and now you’re not anything. Maybe that’s your problem, living with your boyfriend could do a lot of harm.”
“It’s not the problem, trust me.” I said
“Then what is?”
I said, “I know that, it’s something personal and only I understand. I’ll be going now.”
I started to walk out and he said, “Wait, Sarah, I don’t think you understand. When I said you aren’t anything, I meant it.”
“What do you mean?” I said
He looked at me and said, “You’re expelled and so is Alex.”
“What and why Alex?”
“Alex has been struggling and said that he doesn’t want school anymore because he wants to help you.”
I said, “So, we can leave and never return?”
“Yeah, Sarah, we will miss you, but it is for your own good.”
“I know.” I said
“I walked out in the parking lot and seen Alex.”
I said, “Now that’s why you said to meet you by your car.”
“Yep. He called me in and told me to. So, sorry.”
I said, “It’s not your fault, it’s my site. If it wouldn’t have came…!”
He stopped her and said, “We wouldn’t have come closer, be living together. It might have brought bad things, but it brought goof to. We’re fine.”
“I never thought about that, but I just it would go away.”
“Weeks went past. Alex and I were living a life. We tried to get my site back to normal, nothing worked…until one day….”
(Door bell rang) Alex opened it, it was Sarah’s aunt. He said, Hi.”
Aunt said, “Where is Sarah?”
Rachel was behind and said, “Yeah?”
I came up and said, “What?”
“What is with you?” Aunt said
I said, “A lot, okay. Leave now! Goodbye.”
Then I ran out the door trying to lead to them out and I seen her and she said, “You need to be positive.” Then a car hit me.
“I woke up in the hospital, hurting bad. Of course my eyes were negative, I looked up and Alex was there.”
He said, “I’m so glad you survived, you could have died.”
I said, “Before I got hit, the lady came back and said I had to be positive and then out of nowhere the car came and hit me.”
He said, “She showing you not to be negative anymore.”
“I wanna be positive, but I can’t be.” I said
He said, “It’ll happen in time.”
Then my aunt and Rachel came up and Aunt said, “Alex told us about the site.”
I said, “Yeah, the negative site.”
“Look at the bright site, it’s cool and you’re the only one.” Rachel said
I said, “It ain’t cool and I don’t want this.”
I paused and said, “I know I am a negative person, I get it. If I became positive I’d still be here, I am actually happy even with this. I have Alex, and you guys, that’s all I need. No fancy cars, being a cheer leader, or the expensive clothes. I don’t need it. I’m sorry I ever treated you wrong, can you forgive me?”
Alex said, “I do, honey.”
Aunt said, “So do I, and I will miss you at the house, but you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
Rachel said, “And I do to.”
“At that moment I felt really good and for some reason I closed my eyes and I seen the lady and she said, ‘You’re no longer negative’ and when I opened my eyes I was cured. I saw positive.”
Alex said, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m cured! I see normal, I did it!” I said
He then hugged me and we kissed and he said, “I told you, you could do it.”
“From that day on I never was negative again. I lived with Alex. We were expelled, but I told my story to the world. And I wasn’t the only one that had this happen. Alex and I were married, going around the world, talking courses. Rachel and my aunt became besties and it was cool. Well, that’s my story and I tell you, don’t be negative because it hurts you badly.”
story based on- The Negative World on YouTube
Story written by Ashley Grachanin
Don’t be negative because it does hurt you. I should know. I may have never had ‘negative site’ but I have been negative and when you are people give so much crap because of it.