Short Story Social – Love…. a life left incomplete
Photo credit: yli from morguefile.com
There is a guy name Love, felling very depressed because of his board result out and he scored below average marks. Everyone around him was disappointed because of his shocking results. Even his family members and friends, soon start ignoring him as if he make some crime. Love also started felling lonely and remain quit most of the time and never show his interest in any thing. Soon it seems he is living a life of puppet. What every his parents ask him to do he do that, even his little brother start ordering him do this for me, do that thing, this is not good for you. Soon this become a daily routine in Love life and this making him mentally sick and depressed.
A month pass ago and a very next morning doorbell bells and a sound come from a room, Love …… Love ………Love have a look to door… Love are you there, that was his dad continuously shouting and doorbell continuously going on. Suddenly his dad came out of the room in an anger and open the door. It is Love close buddy Nitesh.
Nitesh : (looking too happy and replied in a joyful nature) Hi, uncle.
Love dad : (in an anger) What? Why your are in so hurry? What’s your problem? Are you sick?
Nitesh : (controlling his emotions and replied in a low tone)Sorry… sorry uncle , next time i am not going to repeat this mistake.
Love dad : Its ok, come inside.
Nitesh : Uncle, where is Love? i have a good new for all of you(with a smile).
Love dad : That stupid, even i don’t know where he is and what he wants, good for nothing. I call him so many times, but he haven’t replied yet.
Nitesh : Uncle please ( in little anger), he is your son. Why you doing this to him.
Love dad : Doing what ……!!!!
Nitesh : Nothing uncle, its my mistake. Anyways i have a good news for everyone.
Love dad : Good news (little shocked) , good news for us… what it is Nitesh?
Nitesh : Uncle Love scored 98 % marks in boards results (with lots of joy).
Love dad : Nitesh what are you saying, are you making fun of Love. Everyone knows he made a blender in his board exams and He score below average.
Nitesh : No uncle, i am not joking at all. And yes you were right, Love score below average but…
Love dad : But what? What is you trying to say.
Nitesh : I mean uncle, below average marks was his previous result. I had filled revealed form from his side.
Love dad: Are you serious.
Nitesh : Yes, uncle i am. You can check his marks on internet.
Love dad : Love, Love where are you, did you hear that… there is a good news for you.
Nitesh : Uncle where is Love.
Love dad : May be in his room dear, come with me we gone give him a surprise. I am so happy.(in a whispering manner)
Nitesh and Love dad outside the Love room and start knocking his door, son are you there. What are you doing?
Hey, Love its me Nitesh, open the door budy, i have a good news for you.
Son…son….. son…………… (Love dad start knocking the door more hardly and calling him more loudly Dear, Son, Love).
Nitesh tried to see inside the room through a window, suddenly he shouted uncle… uncle…. uncle and start crying. Love dad also see from the window and shocked too and start crying loudly, Love my dear son Love. Suddenly lots of people gathered outside Love room and lots of people trying to make Love dad silent please stop crying. In few hours, police is also there and open the door, everyone get shocked seeing Love hanging inside the room.
So my question is what was the mistake of Love, he studied well and did his job. But when he need support no one was there and making him more sick because of that he come to a decision of suicide, if his family supports him may be this one was a different story and he gone be alive and may be one of the best future for his country and family. Or say this is the mistake of education government who done this job not properly. Education system has to me more perfect and have to take care of such cases, just because of there small fault many peoples have to suffer.