Social Short Story – Garbage Gold
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
Hey Kareem…you know what I want to be?
I want to be like Amitabh, I want to be tall, long haired and I will put one hand on my waist, lean forward and say “Hayien”..see like this!
What you want to be? tell…tell na…
“Ali said he will give me 15 rupees/kg for plastic, so I want plastic…bottles, broken toys, plates anything.”
no no, not this, like what you want to be, like someone big, tell me..
“I don’t know Salimmmm…keep moving and keep on looking”
When I will be rich, we will go to Juhu by taxi and I will buy you a candy…
“Stop talking Salim and help me, give me your stick, see someone threw food on a plate, wipe it out and bring it here…”
Ohh yuck! this is rotten and these flies are sitting on my face..*hush hush*, Kareem, you sure want this??
“C’mon do it fast, it will be dark soon..clean it properly, use you shirt Salim..here, put it in my sack”
You know there is a fly catching machine, Abdul installed it in his shop, to keep flies away from mutton, it’s like a magnet, they stuck to it and die, I will also buy one of those for our home.
You know I heard Amitabh have ten cars, if I ever have ten, I will make nine of them as taxis, it makes big money.
You like cars Kareem?
Which is your favorite?
“I am leaving this sack here, you keep an eye on it, I will go and call Ali, he will weigh it and pay, do you understand?”
I like long white one.
Yes,yes, you go.
“Bhaijan here..”
Well this is 3.5 kg, 45 it is..
“But you said, 15 per kg, isn’t that 52.5 ??”
This type of plastic doesn’t sell, I am giving you way more than its value, if you want, take it, otherwise go somewhere else..
“Nothing nothing, it’s okay”
10..20..40. you have 5 rupees change?
wait..41..43..45, here you go!
“C’mon Salim, lets go”
How much did he pay?
“45….you like Kebabs?”
Yes yes, Kebabs..I love them, they are delicious, Kareem you are my best friend..