Photo credit: Scarletina from morguefile.com
No dude .. am not that bad. I can’t drink this. Is our freedom that cheap.
Luke was 18 year old carefree teenager. His life was cool. He used to hangout on bike . Basically he used to do all those stuff what normal teenager do.
But why Luke was so worried. Let’s find out.
8 hours earlier
Luke woke up at 8 a:m and as usual looked for his phone . He had many messages and notifications on his phone . and then he realized today is 15th august . OMG its independence day. After replying back to all his friends and after posting some patriotic posts on facebook he went to take bath .
At breakfast he was happy because he was knowing that he will get sweets. And as expected he ate sweets and puri. After that he got a call from his friend Vishal that meet me at tea corner. Luke went outside. He was very happy. Weather was awesome. Chilling wind were blowing. And after that he reached tea stall.
There he lighted one cigarette and suddendy his friend Vishal came. They greeted each other happy independence day. And suddenly vishal said let’s make this day more enjoyable. Lets drink whiskey. Luke became very excited and said its ok. But today is dry day,we wont get alcohol today. Vishal said I know a place where they give in black. Its few kms away. All they take some extra bucks. Luke said lets go. They reached after 30 minutes.
Vishal said , “you just stay on bike. I am coming in 2 minutes”.
After that Vishal went to shop and knocked on shutter. Then one guy said , “whats up ??”
Vishal said , “1 full rs(royal stag).”
Shopkeeper , “800”
Vishal gave money and came to vishal. The moment Vishal sat on bike one policemen arrived. Cop said , “what are u doing motherfu**er. Don’t u know today is dry day. Its illegal to sell or buy liquor. You both have go to police station .”
Vishal said , “ common man …why are u creating a mess. You are destroying your time as well as mine. Silently take 100 bucks and let us leave. And it wont happen again.
Cop said no. atleast give me 200 .
vishal said 150 is final .
Cop said , “ok..get away”
After that they reached at Vishal’s home. 2 guys were already present.
Luke was tensed. They all sat on table and Vishal served. Suddenly Luke said ,“No dude .. am not that bad. I can’t drink this. Is our freedom that cheap. Don’t we have any self respect. Where are all those morals and great teachings of mahatma Gandhi. Is uniform of policemen that cheap that we can buy it for 150 bucks. F**k you guys. I cant drink . shopkeeper was selling liquor coz we use to buy. He is corrupt but firstly we are corrupt. Police men is also corrupt but at first we are corrupt. 15th august is our independence day. Many people have sacrificed for this day. But what we are doing. We are purchasing liquor in black. Shame on us guys. ”
He took his peg and threw it in basin.
India is really great. We all have great Indian inside us. Just take it out. Don’t try to improve others. Just u become corrupt free ultimately you will become great.
Be proud to be Indian.