Short Story about The Aashram System
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
The ancient literature has played a vital role in shaping the Indian Society. Indian Society is based on the Ashram system, where the person’s life is divided into four stages namely, Bhramacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprashta and Sanyasa.
A human being’s life is hundred years as per the belief and the entire life span is divided into four quarters of twenty-five years each. The first quarter Bhramacharya indicates the life of a student a period to acquire knowledge, learn qualities like perseverance, discipline and self-control. The instructions given by the Guru (Teacher) are followed by the pupil and they live a chaste life.
Once the Person gets married the tier changes to Grihastha Ashram, the period in which one takes care of the family system gives happiness and gets it back.
The third tier is the Vanaprashta Ashram. This is a period of playing a role of a guide to the progeny, detaching oneself from the earthly attraction and shredding up the responsibility to their broods. This is the stepping stage towards sanyasa, the forth tier in the system.
Asrama is the time for the person to leave the family and walk on the path to seek Salvation an ultimate goal in a human’s life. But in today’s world the entire ashrama system is crippled, Brahmacharya has lost its value cause students are heading towards a confused life with no respect for teachers, no discipline. The Grishasta ashram has dwindled as love is being erased by lust, ego and dissatisfaction. The third tier of vanaprashta is being eaten by the demon of selfishness, distrust and disbelief. All this has led to the extinction of sanyasa and making the life of the person pitiful and disastrous.
Give a thought to the ancient literature and get out of the dismay.