[Short Story Moral – Stupid is What Stupid Does]

Short Story Moral – Stupid is What Stupid Does
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
My mom never knew english. The title of my story is a “take” on “Forrest Gump” !. I am sure my mom would have said this if she knew english, because she was the most creative woman I ever met in my life !. I have earned the creative “side” of my self from my mother. That is the truth. My dad represented “logic” – the sick part of my existence !.
One day my mom just blurted out the following in her own inimitable style – like a tamil iyer !. I remember every word of it and I just wanted to translate it in the most creative way possible to entertain others who may read this post !. Thats all. So here it goes…
I never understood what human beings mean when they talk of suffering. To me not knowing where we come from and where we would all end up and getting frustrated and finally panicking without any answers cannot be called suffering. That is ignorance. Nobody until now has answered this question and so it must be ignorance . Since one cannot define something which one is ignorant of and since it is a painful thought (because there is no answer), one defines it as suffering !. Nice escapism , I would say !. There are no answers in any version of philosophy because the questions are themselves ludicrous. We all now know that everything in the Universe as man perceives it, is nothing but energy. No philosopher earlier to our time, ascribed to it so. Only science has explained it as energy. So the question I would ask (eternally) would be : why did some form of energy (which we define as humans !) create abstract energies like philosophy, God and religion !. These abstract energies create chaos while interacting with the energy which created it in the first place (us !). Thought is a form of energy. No other creature wants to know why it was born, what it is doing while it is breathing and what it would become when it stops breathing. Also it’s own thought energies do not collide with itself.
No goat ever created a philosophy that conflicted with it’s own existence !. Man created religion and it is killing Man !