Short Story Moral – Life
Photo credit: rollingroscoe from morguefile.com
As a little kid, I knew I wanted to be more than just girl playing with dolls. I wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer. As I grew up those choices changed for me,I saw the world in a different light. People aren’t what you expect them to be. I got a different feel on what I wanted to become, but in order to achieve that I have to grow through several obstacles. I mean life isn’t what its sought to be it holds surprises and challenges you probably wouldn’t think you could handle but you will surpass them.
In the early to late teens of a young lady you have crushes, break ups. You go through heart break. Some people make that change them,you turn cold hearted, you keep to yourself in order to not make such a mistake again, yet in order to surpass those mistakes you have to take a chance. Yes it might take awhile to get over it, but it will be worth it, wouldn’t you have rather gone through it now then later, just so you know.
This all shaped me and what I wanted to become. In high school where its a diversity of people no matter what you’ll find your crowd. When your finally done with it all you’ll realize there’s more to life then just waking up, going to work, get your paycheck, come home sleep and repeat the whole process again. At least that’s how society makes it look in my eyes. You have to be your own spark to start your fire.
No matter what you might have family and friends that are there for you and care for you but yet you paint your own picture in your life the people you want in it or out its you who starts the process and you are also the one who finishes it. Whatever problem you have or whatever your going through always look on the bright side cause in the end the bright side put a smile on your face, with God all things are possible.