Short Story with Moral Lesson – FRENEMY :D

Short Story Moral – FRENEMY
Photo credit: matthew_hull from
They act as they are your indeed, Trust worthy and the most Reliable persons.
Often they stay with you, laugh with you in happiness, but they aren’t same at the bad times of your life.
They are called FRENEMIES…. (FRIEND+ENEMY)
None of us wants to suffer in bad times, but personally I think that One should face the opposite circumstances in a lifetime… because that is the time where you realize what actually you are…and the funny thing is to look on them when curtain falls.
I guess that’s the best part… And one thing you come to understand that how good they were at their acting part…. You must be standing in front of mirror someday in the evening and instead of crying you laugh at yourself..loud..loud..and louder…and believe me that this is the best laugh ever in your life when you laughed at someone…
We sometimes keep on asking our self…was i fool?? …or I’m dreaming a dream at night??…. and sometimes we pinch our self to check that the conditions what we are facing is actually true or not???
Hard to accept the reality that,, they were not yours and you go through a flash back of all the moments you were fooled by them…you hit yourself and think a thousands of ideas to escape from all those rubbish things when you were back-stabbed by some self centred people which you called “FRIEND” .
But. . . That’s the part of life the moment you fall….you find a fewer hands to help you…and on the same side a many to break you trust and laugh upon you standing on the other side….
But that’s not a matter to be depressed…their will be some hands always to help you to come out of the situations…. some shoulders always to lean upon…. to make you comfortable to stand and face those cruel people who have hurt you more then the bad situations…. and most importantly to make you forget them…to start a new beginning….
And someone has truly said….
“There are always some peoples who cant stop speaking at your back,,not because they don’t like you but because they feel jealous of you…and don’t have the courage to accept the fact…”
Leave them . .. . because that’s where actually their place is…!!!!
“AT YOUR BACK….!!!!” :) :)
All I’ve learned is –
“Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead”
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