Short Story Moral Lesson – Animal You Have Become!! Human I’m
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Someone is gasping for breath, I can hear it. My eyes are fixed on the closed door, and my bouncing heart is worrying. I guess that someone is in danger. I’m not good at decision making. It’s a shameful thing; I’m not fit for my job. Don’t deviate, concentrate, concentrate, it’s the need of the hour. Quickly approaching footsteps, I can hear three different voices, so they are a team of three. It’s already mid-night and what work have they got to do in my apartment? I know things are not moving in the right direction. It’s my responsibility to save a life. I have to do something for Madesh, my boss to be happy at his home. I have to somehow convey this to him and get him out of this troublesome environment. Good that Mad is having a sound sleep in spite of this noise.
It’s a very cloudy day, and I feel a bit tired because I was awake the whole night. That ok, I can sacrifice anything for Mad. Finally Mad is awake but his face was pale. I was not able to make out as to what’s bothering him? Last night when I heard some peculiar noise in my next flat, I was able to guess that something is going wrong. How can I convey about the confusions running in my mind to him now? Today, I dint go for a morning walk with Mad, because I should somehow make out as to what’s fishy in my next flat. Unusually, Mad dint compel me to come for a walk. There are totally 2 flats in our floor, it’s ours and the one opposite which has no residents, and it’s always locked, even now. As soon as Mad left, I was out in the corridor. I checked if someone else is noticing my presence there. It’s empty and I decided to somehow reach the window so that I can get some clue. After 10 minutes of struggle, I jumped high and opened the window. The hall was dark and empty. I was starring at all the things reachable through my eyes, for around 2 minutes and I could not notice anything. I just turned back to see if someone is coming and suddenly I heard some noise. It’s was a kid gasping for breath. I was sure from the noise that it was kid. She/he is making some moaning noise. I think that the mouth is tied. But, I’m not able to see the kid anywhere in the dark house. The sound is from a very near distance, and finally I found the kid. She was right down the window. I tried to peep deep through the window but was not able to see further downwards. Oh!!! A child is trapped.
Oh God!!! Fast approaching footsteps coming from the stairs, I guess Mad is back after a walk. I jumped from the window and came running to reach my place before him. He entered the house and saw me lying on my bed. I thought that I should somehow explain him all that I saw. I sat near him and pleased him by obeying his orders, so that he can help me out in saving a life. Busy with his work, Mad dint bother to pay attention towards me. All my efforts to attract his attention were a great failure. Mad dint bother to spend time with me as I’m getting older. In the initial days, we had a good relationship. He spends most of his leisure times with me. He used to listen to my thoughts; there was never a person on Earth, who can understand my inner feelings better than him. I left two of my best friends to spend the rest of my life with him. There is no point thinking of the past life. I’m least bothered if he doesn’t take care of me, but I need him to save a life. I’m pre-occupied with thoughts of that poor life. I wish that I should take some steps before it’s too late. I lost one full day, wasting time in making Mad understand about the seriousness of the problem. Also, he is working from home today and dint bother to have food the entire day. I understood that its mere waste of time to rely on him. I can’t force him when he is not willing to pay attention. If I force him further, he will not permit me to go out of the house. So, keeping all this in mind, I should somehow save that kids life.
Throughout the night, I stayed awake to get some way out of this problem. All stupid ideas are striking my mind, but nothing is useful. Mad is in his room busy working with his laptop. He dint bother to mind me. That’s good in a way so that I can go on with my plans. Again some footsteps on the floor, and I can hear someone open the door. I was thinking about the pathetic situation of the kid. I know that if I open the window, they will trace me, so without making any noise I tried to see the face of the guys through a small gap in the window. The man who is trying to open the opposite flat door is looking tall and well built, the other guy to his right is short and stout and the third guy to his left has deep sharp eyes, a clumsy look and he is looking around to find traces of people. Suddenly his eyes got struck on the window and I turned to see the opposite flats window. Then is when I realized that I forgot to close the window. They were confused to notice the window open, and after ten minutes they concluded that it was their mistake to keep it open when they came the last time. Finally, I’m saved. I saw that short guy carrying something in a cover, maybe it’s some food for the kid. Gosh!!!! I dint have food throughout the day and Mad also dint notice this. Anyways, I can stay hungry for days together for the sake of that kiddo.
All three entered the house; I can hear someone locking the door from inside and closed the window. I was starring at the closed door throughout the night and early morning around 4 AM I saw them leaving the flat. I felt like I should go and assure the kid that I’m there to save him out of this trouble. But, I can’t open the door myself as the key is with Mad. I feel that Mad is disturbed a lot because I have never seen him so restless. For sure, I should spend some time with him tomorrow. At the same time, I should someone try to solve this problem without Mad’s knowledge.
Finally, I got a way out. I have decided to seek help from two of my old friends. Though I’m not in touch with them, I know that they will help me out. All I have to do is, to meet my friends at the most earliest. I’m waiting for the right time to meet them, when Mad is out. Already it’s 11 AM and Mad is still in his room. I went close to his room to see if he is still asleep. I was nearing his room and could hear his voice. He is speaking in a low voice on his phone. Suddenly I can hear him repeating the words SMALL KID, SMALL KID…. I was eavesdropping and I know it’s unfair. I did this because he was speaking about some kid. He revealed to someone on the other side of the phone that, “I saw three persons in the parking lot, carrying a kid from their car. The kid was in an unconscious state. They took the kid to the flat opposite of mine. Also, I guess that our apartment watchman should be a part of this plot, because no-one can enter our flats without his knowledge. I went to the watchman’s room and had a look at the visitors register kept in the entrance. I dint find any entry made for the CAR NO – TN 1111. It’s their car and it’s a black Bolero camper. One of the guys noticed me checking the register. He came near me and I was able to feel his revolvers tip on my stomach. I started to sweat like hell. He warned me to keep away from them. He also added that if I misbehave, anytime the bullets may reach my intestine. He pushed me down and walked towards second floor. I’m feeling completely insecure now. I wish that I should vacate this flat soon.” When I just crossed his room after his conversation with his friend, I saw a gulp growing in his throat followed by weeping and sobbing tears rolling down his cheeks. I really feel bad about my coward Mad. I should somehow help him out. So, if I solve this problem, Mac would be a relieved person. After the phone call he got ready for his office and left around 12:15 PM. He locked the flat and bid me a final bye. He cares so much for me that he doesn’t want me to go out and end up being in some bad company. That’s why he always put me inside the house whenever he is out for work. Finally, the right time has come. I’m into the mission.
I should somehow leave the house soon. I thought for a while, but no idea peeped into my mind for around 20 minutes. Wow, a superb idea struck my mind. I got hold of a pipeline fixed to the wall near our balcony, and somehow reached the ground floor. I just looked around to check if someone noticed me, none did. Now, I have to cross the apartment entrance without the watchman noticing me. I waited for around 15 minutes for the right time and crossed this hurdle too. It took me an hour to reach my friends place.
The moment I reached their place, they came running to see me. Both of them bumped on me with lots of love. I too shared my love. Without wasting time, I narrated them the entire stuff. They blindly told me to take their help before me asking them. I’m really happy about my relationship with them, because no one on Earth other than my friends can make me feel like heavens. I was not in touch with them for the past few years but still they came forth to help me. I keenly noticed the activities of the three strangers from my flat for a couple of days. They usually come late nights and leave early. So, I have asked my friends to come to my flat tonight. We have already made the plot. Hope that things will move in the right direction. Also, I asked them to take some of their other friends for our help. I was really happy that I made the right choice to seek their help. Now, it’s time for me to leave to my house before Mad comes. It’s really painful to move away from my dear friends. After a long time, we met today and fate wants us to part ways again. But, I’m left with no choice and I have to. I came running to reach my house. In the parking area I dint find Mad’s car. I’m not able to climb the pipeline at the backside of our flat. So, I took the stairs. I reached our floor and it’s really shocking to see my flat door open. The moment I entered the house, I was expecting Mad to blast me. But, he is sitting idle on his bed and I’m able to make out that he is in some deep thinking loop. The sad cum happy part is that he failed to realize that I’m missing and he dint recognize my presence now too. I think that he is depressed a lot, because he is even able to forget the presence of living and non-living being around him. I told to myself that, “Don’t worry Mad, just bear with it for tonight. Everything is going to become fine.” It’s 6 PM in the evening, and I was just re-collecting the plot which we were to execute tonight. The plot seemed to be absolutely fine. All stupid thoughts are running in my mind, “What if the three strangers don’t come??? What if Mad catches me red handed???? What if my friends are caught in some trouble??? Is the kid still in the opposite flat???” Oh!! let me stop thinking about this, but I’m in an excited state of mind. Mad should sleep soon today, so that I can very easily execute the plan.
Its half past eleven. I’m expecting the strangers anytime. I went to Mad’s room to see if he has slept. He is in a deep sleep. I slowly closed the door without making any noise and I came to our hall. By now my friends should be waiting outside the compound of our apartment. I was readily waiting near the window. I can hear the approaching footsteps. As expected, the three of them came and locked themselves inside the flat. After 10 minutes, the entire atmosphere was damn silent. It’s the right time to give signal to my friends as planned. I slowly walked towards our balcony and was searching for my friends; they also saw me, readily awaiting my signal. The moment I waved my hands, one of my friends shook her head and waved her hand back. My heart beat was pounding high and I was very much tensed. My mind is occupied with just one thought, I should save that kids life. I took my old position near the window. My friend’s gate crashed and came to second floor. They stepped slowly inside my flat, one by one from the gate and came safely without disturbing the watchman’s deep sleep. They are waiting in the second floor stairs now. No should notice them. When I saw from the balcony I was able to see six members totally. So, we seven as a team will make things happen.
Now, its quarter past twelve, and we have decided to start our mission. I took my friends inside my house. They are all in the hall area now. We confirmed each other that our mission is going to be successful. Also, even if we find them having some weapons we have decided to face it bravely. We were cautious enough as to not to make any noise. I slowly opened the door, and steadily approached my opposite flat. I developed courage in my mind and hit the door hard once. I was able to make out that someone is trying to peep from the window. But, as I was short he was not able to see me. After 5 minutes, someone opened the door and that very moment I jumped on top of him. Then my friends one after another entered the flat. We seven were comfortable enough to handle the three strangers. They are in our trap now. We were able to see a scary, frightened look in the stranger’s eyes. Even though they had some weapons they dint dare to hurt us because they know the consequences of fighting with us. One of the strangers smartly tried to hurt my friend with his knife. My friend bit him on the right shoulder. He shouted in pain and the other two were staring at him, dumbstruck.
Yes, don’t wonder as to why he bit. What more do you expect a DOG to do other than biting and barking??? Don’t say it’s being faithful, because it’s not part of our job, it our nature and its deep carved in our veins. We are always loyal to our owners (even if they fail to be). YES I’M A FAITHFUL DOG. My stories apart. Let me not forget the fact that I came here to save a kid’s life. We barked loudly at the top of our voice, and Mad hurriedly came running in the direction of the noise. He was shocked to see seven dogs together, that too opposite to this flat. He stared at me and rushed to our flat to inform the police on the phone and the rest of the residents also came and was discussing about stray dogs i.e., my friends. Then the strangers were arrested by the police. I was watching the kid noticing the entire incident and I was pretty doubtful if I should go closer to her because I’m a dog and I look quite ugly too. But, these humans dint bother to approach the kid. They all are busy gossiping about the incident and stray dogs. Then I went closer to the kid and un-tied her hands. Then she removed the plaster put on her mouth. She hugged me tight and kissed me on my forehead. I was awestruck for a moment. I’m really happy that at least the kid understood and appreciated our work. She was able to make out that I did all this for her. Later only I realized and searched for Mad. He was standing in the corner of the flat, explaining the police about the incident and then he came close, even closer to me and thanked me by smoothing and patting me on my back. But, I too felt a little bad because Mad should have saved this kid long back only. Dogs will not be able to speak at least you humans who are capable of, should have spoke and saved this kid. The police took the kid with them. The kid turned and waved her hand to our team. Oh!!! shit I forgot to thank my friends. We shared the pride among ourselves and we were speaking (Sorry, BARKING, that’s how you human describe it right?) to each other about our brave deed.
When I was about to come out of the opposite flat, all the other residents complained to the apartment secretary that pets should not be allowed inside the flat. Mad tried to defend him but finally they did not agree because of the fact that my friend’s gate crashed and entered the flats. Also they placed some points like, pets like dogs will cause infections to their kids and dogs are of no use as there are enough security in their flats. Mad has to agree to their demands, because he cannot move out as he owns this flat. Finally, we were all chucked out of the flat, Yes including me. I was not able to bear the grief of moving away from Mad. I’m going to miss him a lot. The prize for saving a kid’s life is to miss my own life. I’m not missing my luxurious life instead it’s Mad. I was thinking so far that only dogs are not able to live a life of their own, but even humans are the same. If Mad was stubborn in his decision, I would have not become a stray dog like this. Anyways what matters is, he should be happy and I know that he will be. The happiest part is I’m back to the life with my friends. I can anymore enjoy my life with them. For the past few years, I was living inside a small room depending on someone for everything. But, now I’m a free spirit. I can enjoy my life to the core possible. Still, I will be missing Mad a lot. Because being faithful doesn’t mean being loyal alone, it’s unconditionally showing your love and care towards them even if they stab you at your back. I’m happy that I’m a dog and not a human, who will change their nature occasionally. So, it would really make some sense if I say that WE ARE HUMAN and U HAVE LOST THAT HUMANITY IN YOU…..