Moral Short Story – Finding Talent
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
These days competition has really sucked out everything inside us. Days have gone when people were measured only by their nature and behaviour. Nowadays the only thing that defines us is our report card. I mean how can an inanimate object define you.
Its just ridiculous,isnt it!!!
Well, it is,but on the other side its true. Everyone wants a person who can deliver results ,isnt it. No one would like to waste money on someone who has no return value. You have an honest report card you get a good job, you show more skills you get an even better one, even better proficiency, an even more promising job.
Its the golden rule “MORE MEANS MORE”. Show me more and u will get more,but what i think is that instead of jumping into the never ending fire of competition,can’t we ignite our own fire, which nobody except us would have, which would distinguish us from the many around us. Would it not be great to have a special as well as a unique identity of our own self that would make us stand tall infront of all others who just compete with each other all through their life in order to defeat the rest.
Cant we change this???
I see no point in competing with other person when you have the strongest competitor so close to you, what still guessing!!!
You yourself .
Come on!!! its time we make proper use of our brains which nature has blessed us with. According to me competition is a primitive quality that had a major role to play in our evolutionary ancestors i.e. the “APES”. The male apes used to compete each other for the female, and after the fight the winner would get the female, but does that mean we would compare ourselves with those four legged animals with no brain?
The answer is a simple no.
Is getting a female still tops the chart in our priority list. May be yes, but thats just natural because still we havent fully evolved, still our natural instincts are as those of apes. I know there is a long way to go till the time a 3 year old child reads out E=mc^2 instead of twinkle twinkle little star and even that does not freak out the adults.
Mother nature has evolved us from those big giant muscle dumbos into sophisticated and intelligent complex machines capable of thinking and making ultra complex decesions, then why do we still behave like our far jungle ancestors.
Feeling ashamed or irritated!!!
That totally depends on you. Nature has given every human his/her own identity.Dont scratch your head! That is just going to trickle down dust particles on the floor and i hope you are a strong supporter of “CLEAN INDIA MOVEMENT”.
To understand all this in deep lets shift our focus on how nature works, and one thing is true and solid like rock that nature is not going to change its way of working for neither me nor you.
That’s one thing i am sure you must be knowing and and if you are not ready to accept it for any type or kind of reason either foolish or a foolish reason coated with your own glimpse of intelligence, then you are sadly mistaken my friend.
If you belong to the first category, you are on the right track but sadlly if you belong to 2nd category which i used to be sometime ago…
The only answer for you guys is..
Plz take out some time from your busy schedule (Saturday night will be best for you until you are a die hard fan of comedy nights) and take a dive in your memories. Just manipulate yourself and check out for incidences where you have tried to go out of league and no matter how much you tried to swim against the flow , you gave up at last. There’s one thing you got to remember for ever that we all are a part of nature and never dare to think it vice-versa.
According to me nature has blessed every single creature with a unique quality. Figuring out what it is!!!
Its talent.
And yes you need to figure it out. Its just that. Try out new things and see if you could do that easily and more efficiently as compared to others(try it out with your friends or anyone close to you), you will soon feel like the king of the world once you find it. Dont worry if you dont find it right now or even in a weeks time, just dont leave it, try,try,try, that is the only mantra.
Never loose hope. You are going to find it sooner or later and that’s for sure.
Let me tell you a fantastic story of my friend rajat.
I met him when he was in 6th class. He was a guy to hang out with. That cool look on his face and his never die spirit even worked as a back up for his friends and i was one of them. I always thought how can this guy remain so cool even when we all were tore apart and freaked out with our everyday tension. I remember he had his birthday on 14th of march so he called all his friends at his home for his birthday bash. At about 7:30 we all reached there and started celebrating. Well i will come to the point. 2 hours later all started leaving as it was getting late. All wished him once again and went out but i remained there as i had to talk about this to rajat. Now was the perfect time. I just asked him this in a friendly tone and he said come up with me in my room. I said ok and i entered his room.
I was astonished to what i saw. My god you are just one good painter rajat!!! I screamed in excitement. I was just bewildered to see a variety of paintings hung at his wall and kept on the floor. He said this is what i like to do, this is what my passion is and this is what i live for.
My ears were wide open and were hearing what all he said and eyes were still glued on those marvellous paintings.
I asked him what does that mean “This is what i live for”, he took a pause then slowly grinned at me and said painting is my passion and i have been doing this since i was 3. He even had all his collections right from his first painting till that of his recently made eifel tower with his imported oil pastels. It was like krishna reciting the verses of “GEETA” to Arjun.
He said when he picks up that paintbrush he just forgets about any misery in his life. His circle of life just surrounds him and his painting and he meant that because he emphasised on that statement a lot. He said that it refreshes him and then he goes on to do his daily chores. He said that he has already told his parents that he wants to adopt painting as a career and they already do support him in this. He showed me what all his father has bought for him. All those coloured pencils, oil pastels, water colours from everwhere around the world and not to forget the variety that he had in it. He had a seperate almirah for every type. His collection was truly amazing and at the same time huge…
After seeing this all a question crept in my mind and i posed it infront of him. It was an obvious one and i know it would have crossed your mind also. I asked him what was your parents reaction when you first told them this. He said ummm… my mother was with me since my childhood and supported me but my father was very much against this. When i was in 8th class he politely said that take this as a hobby and nothing more than that and said me to concentrate more on studies.
As i entered college i always tried to bring this thing to his notice but all i faced was his adamant looks.
One day i decided why not show him really how talented his child is, and i got a chance. There was an art exhibition in the nearby art gallery and i thought there would be nothing better than this to show my paintings to my father.
I got up early in the morning and took my finest art work till then which was the “Nigera falls” and went in the morning itself. I had asked my mother to bring my father with her to the exhibition in the evening. So, the plan was set and i was tirelessly waiting for them as to what will be his reaction when he will see this all. Heart was pumping and jumping and my body was full of adrenaline and then i saw my parents entering the hall and it was like a “DO OR DIE” moment for me.
I looked at me first and corrected my tie to its finest elegance. Then suddenly my attention turned towards my painting. I was just searching out for any mistake in it though i was knowing i could have done nothing if i would have found one. Thanks to god i didnt find one and soon as i turned my face up and saw that my parents were looking at my painting. My mother was as usual very happy to see that and then i was slowly and steadily lifted my face up so as to see the reaction on my fathers face. I just crossed my fingers and prayed to god “Please help me out”. And when i saw him he was like still with his eyes stuck on that nigera falls. He didnt utter out anything for about 2 minutes and then he looked at me and said did you make that?
I replied yes in excitement and the job was done and the plan succesful. He just hugged me and then infront of everyone held his ears and said me sorry. After that he apologized for never paying due respect to my talent and this was one of the moment that will mesmorize me for the rest of my life.
After that for some time i was just dumbstruck and do you know what happened after that? He patted my back and put his hand over my shoulder and said “sir what is its price, i want to buy it”. I smiled at him and said its free for you sir. He gave a loud laugh and then said come home early, i need you to draw a portrait of mine. I came forward and touched his feet and then said why not.
Then they both left and i could hear my father literally shouting at my mother that why didn’t she tell him that rajat was so much talented.
These days my father takes the slightest care for any help that i may need while painting. Yes sometimes that turns a little pricky when he goes a little insane and knocks my door every now and then to know about what am i doing and do i need any kind of help but then i always cool myself down by understanding his excitement.
This story really changed my view towards life and i stood in awe infront of him for about a minute, then after regaining my senses the first thing that i did was that i hugged him as tightly as i could and wished him again for his birthday and returned to my home.
That incident completely opened my eyes and i thought why the hell should we waste our lives in just senselessly competing around with people.
I am not a sworn enemy of competition but yes first of all we should discover our talent and then we should enhance our skills in that field.
It was rightly said in the movie 3-ediots where rancho quotes to farhaan that think if sachin tendulkar would have opted for a career in music and lata mangeshkar in cricket… we would have lost 2 of the finest indian legends, isn’t it…
So think over this, u just have 1 lifetime with you so why to waste it over what others want from us. Instead do what our inner being tells you to do. In simple words do what you enjoy doing the most and excellence shall follow you.
You like painting start painting, you like writing then get your stories published, probably you have the best platform that is Yourstoryclub.com,you like reading then read out, there is no shortage of great literary works on our planet,u like sports go get out and start it today, u like singing go get out your album,you like dancing go join out a dance academy or you can even learn it all on google,but certainly this doesn’t mean that i would suggest you to watch your favourite movie 100 times like a freak or waste your time on unecessary computer games, i believe you are mature enough to take such decesions. I am here to make you aware about talent not about addiction.
You should understand the difference between the two. So please friends take out some time to figure out your talent, the thing that you have been blessed by mother nature and once you get that then you know the formula “PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT”. After that you yourself will enjoy competing with other talented people in that field.
Sadly the truth about our society is that here only the people talented in studies are given due respect and only they are considered to be talented.
Today every student has just 1 aim and that is IIT. It is really ridiculous to compare the number of students competing to reserve a seat there and the total no. of seats actually available there. About 15 lakh students are competing for just a hanful of seats, but if we dont do that we are rendered as the lesser humans who can do nothing on their own and as if our life has ended then and there only. This leads to so many sucides all across the nation. Those people had some other talents in them, some other qualities that even IIT’ians didnt have in them but its just how societies see you.
Is this earth full of “EINSTEINS” and “NEWTONS”???probably you get to see only one “STEPHEN HAWKING” in this big fat world but yes there are manny wannabies who think to become like them and do what they do just because they are getting fame, and ultimately sacrificing their own talents. These people first of all never become what they thought and second of all they go down in depression due to which they either commit suicide or start getting involved in crimes due to frustation or indulge in wrong habits and malpractices.
For the present scenerio to change our society we will have to change its outlook. We all are the creations of mother nature and if she creates newton’s and einsteins’ ,our world also has people like Sachin tendulkar, Lata mangeshkar and Micheal jackson. There is no dout that Sachin is known as the god of cricket but are newton and einstein known as god of science, certainly not and remember that the term “GOD” has been given to sachin by us INDIANS only.
That means we do respect talent but its our duty to widen its sense in our society and the day is not far when all people in our country will respect each other by their talent and not rudimentarily by their own set of rigid and prehistoric limitations in mind that were once set up by our ancestors.
Time is changing and so are we and if really want to bring in the so called “ACHHE DIN”, its in our hand guys. Lets bring in freedom in our thoughts which has been silently missing even after 67 years of freedom and true freedom starts by having freedom in our thoughts and promoting talent in whatever form or sense it may be and the greatest talent according to me is the talent of “FINDING TALENT” within others and helping them to stand on their own feet… the day when we see INDIA in such a situation where everybody respects each others talent’s and free of every boundations of any sort in our mind… we get our true freedom and i beleive that day is very close provided you follow the voice of your inner being and start working on it…
And that begins by “Finding your Talent”.