Moral Short Story – DREAM…CHANGE OF others LIFE
Photo credit: Schick from morguefile.com
It is a story about a kind heart king having full of respect and prosperity and he has a good name across everywhere and done all the good things for the people of his kingdom. People from different villages used to come in his palace and share there problems, the king delivers all the things without any hesitation related to whatever problem they have. The king believes in LORD KRISHNA very much, he never used to forget to worship lord krishna.
One day the god came into his dream, he is very happy to see the right things of king what he is doing for the poor people and he blessed him that like same way if you help all the needy people whoever comes to you then i will give you two times more than that, it you refuse anyone of them i will take back from you ten times whatever you have.
In his kingdom there was a small village named-‘KUMBAT’,the story tell about another character,who is a poor man lives with his wife and a son, he has no food to eat and had has no work to do so he decided to go to the palace and will tell every thing what they have faced, the king decided to give him one field and give six month food, but the man want one more field because one field is insufficient to fulfill his requirement, the king thought he is a very greedy man and he refuse to give.
The man satisfy what he got and went village back, From next day onward he started working in his field and suddenly he saw that there was lot of big pots beneath the ground full of gold. From that moment his life has totally changed,he took out all the pot and leave the field empty and he did not have to do any work in the field because he become so rich man and the people of the village are very frightened to see how the change come in his life suddenly.
one day lord krishna came in his dream and blessed him the same what he told to the king. The man starts helping the needy people who ask for help. During this time,the king starts loosing all the things day by day whatever he has and the day comes he has nothing left, he cant able to know that why this is happening. At last he found that he refused the man who is asked a field, he realized that what he is did is wrong, so he decided to go to the man, may be he will forgive him. With this thinking he went to the village and he found him living a royal life, he also cant understand how it is possible within one month, he went to the man’s home, while seeing the king the man feel very happy and gave him full honour with great royalty.
The king told the man that i am not a king any more , I lossed everything what i had before. He asked to help him, by seeing his problem the man decided to give him one field, but the king asked him two field,The man thought that when he was needy the king refused him,so in this time he refused him and give one field and home to live, the next day onward the king starts working in the field.
Day by Day the time passed on, and day by day the man starts loosing every thing, he cant understand why it is happening, suddenly he found that what the Krishna told in his dream,he realized and thought of going to the king and ask for pardon. On the next day he met with the king,the king is in the field ask for forgiving for what he has done,the king replied to him why is doing this thing,the man told every thing about his life and about that dream also,the king was shocked that the same dream he also had.
Now They both realized what they has done and at last they decided to live together in the home which is given by the man and start working together in the same field for their livelihood.