Moral Short Story – The Divine Tour (Final)
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
I woke up on the side of a lonely road. The atmosphere was horrendous!! It seemed to me like winter is catching up with all those autumn leaves in the tree blown up by the wind. The leaves were tossed up like the balls in the hands of a juggler. The sun looked sober as the whole world turned yellowish red. There was a feel of pain, hatred, anger and revenge in the air. The whole place was alien to me.I didn’t know how I reached over here. ‘I kill and had killed’ men for silver. I was always ‘wanted’ on the top altitudes. I should have been in some unfamiliar lands far away from faces of familiarity; I said to myself. Although detachment from civilization suits me, this subsistence today is draining me out. I just kept on walking through the road which looked never ending; but I still kept on walking.
My ‘Rado’ showed 12:09am. I walked couple of miles. I was exhausted and my watch till showed 12:09am. My adrenaline started pumping. I have gone astray and I want to get myself out of this place. But everything seemed hopeless. I moved myself ahead with no hope to get out of this vicious circle. AND THEN!!! A man appears at a distance. The man seemed to be radiant with a cupid’s smile. I just kept on staring I felt as if I was in a trance. The first word that echoed from him was “GOD BLESS YOU STEPHEN!”
A chill went through my spines and my instincts made me ask him “Who are you? How do you know my name?”
He smiled and said I’m GABRIEL- an agent from the heaven”.
I was totally stunned and asked him where I’m right now? .
He said you are in hell. A place where there is no limitation of time it’s a place of eternal suffering and punishment in an afterlife. You have to suffer the same pain which those victims have gone through.
Hearing this I was totally freezed up and I felt as if the whole world turned against me. I sat down on a bark of a tree that was lying by the side of the road. Then he said that he wants me to come with him to the place where people are punished for the sin they commend throughout their life time. I just never wanted to go with him but I had no other option except listening to him.
He took me to a place where millions of people were suffering. There were gigantic sized demons who were torturing the people. Then suddenly my eyes fell into a person whom I know very well, tears came into my eyes when I saw him suffering. He was my dad who left me and my mom when I was just four and got him married to some other woman.
Then GABRIEL came to me and said he is here for the sin he committed by leaving your mom unaccompanied and made her suffer. The hardship which your mom went through, the same hardship even he has to go through here, even Stephen you will also be here after your death because of the sin you have been committing from past many years by killing innocent people. You don’t have the right to take life only the cosmic father has the right to do so. Once you are here, you can never go back. So rectify your sin and mistakes in your life time in the earth. You will be tortured, brutally beaten and put into the well of boiling oil or into fire by these demons. The worst part is you have to do it forever and ever and ever.
These words from him made me realize my mistakes and suddenly I heard a thunderous sound that disturbed me completely and the impression started getting dim. I woke up, the noise was of my alarm clock, I was totally wet and when I looked around I found myself in my bed room. But, I understood what I just saw was not just a nightmare or some hallucination, it was a message from the GOD and he wants me to rectify my mistakes. God always gives us an opportunity to rectify our mistake. It should be we who has to understand our mistakes and rectify it in our lifetime. GOD is really an immortal power whom we call the cosmic father. May god bless you all.
A story by
Arun Kumar Valluvar