Short Story – Keeping Faith
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
As Dena woke up the first thing that came out of her mouth was “Thank you Lord Jesus for waking me up today . Protect me from harm seen and unseen heard and unheard. Please Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins and forgive everyone else in the world for their sins. In your name I pray Amen”.
This was a everyday routine for Dena. She was a customer sales agent. She loved her paycheck , but could not stomach her job at all. She often got sick before she went to work. Doctor eventually told her it was stress. She always craved for a way out. She could never quit without another job lined up, but she craved getting fired or laid off. It never seem to happen.
As she was getting ready for work she looked in the mirror and said out loud “Today is going to be a great day” . She goes to kitchen to get a cup of coffee and seen unopened mail on her table. She opens a peice of mail and dropped her cup to the groud . It stated that her car was getting recalled for safe reasons. Dena is a emotional women who reacts to everything. To her this was the end of the world even though the letter stated the work that will be done on her car would be free of charge. All she can think is it is the end of the world they need her car.
After that pity party she still had to head to work and on her way out the door she gets a call from her mom who told her that her dad was dying. Dena reacts by screaming , hanging up on her mom. Then calling her job to call in for work and rush right to her moms place. This was all crumbling down for Dena. Her mom recently was diagnosed with Diabetes and had a serious health scare. Her parents mean the world to her . She has no children and is single. So she is close to her parents.
When she gets to her parents house her mom and dad insist she goes home and that they will be fine .That put Dena at ease. Now she is calm and feeling better even thinking about going to work after all. Then she gets a text message from a co worker telling her that the job is laying workers off. How worst could it be. Dena wants to yell and scream and cry ,but she puts her phone in her pocket and hold her head up high and says ” Thank you Lord Jesus for waking me up today”.