Short Story – A Day of ‘Independence’
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
Today in the morning Mr. X went to his office. He met to the boss who was recalling some work which she assigned to him. Within a second she came up with a number of questions like have you done this, have you done that. You visited there or not, you met to them or not and if met then what is the progress in work etc. After getting the answers of all the questions she started narrating the tasks that Mr. X has to do today. But today Mr. X was not anxious to listen that all. He was feeling quite comfortable first time in front of his boss. There was no sign of worry on his face. He listen all the orders with full patience.
Then at last he said,” Madam, I have to say something to you.”
And as soon as he got the permission, he taken out a letter from the notebook that he was holding in his hand and pass it to the Madam with the words,” Madam, my resignation letter.”
Of course she was not ready with this type of sudden response. She told, “I want some time to think on accepting your resignation.” She went and discussed with her superiors and after an hour she came with a decision that she is accepting his resignation.
Mr. X took a long breath, which was showing the peace running in the deep of his mind. First time he was feeling happy since he joined this office and that too after leaving the job. There was quite satisfaction in his eyes. His heart was full of joy and he was the happiest person on the earth that time. He thanked the Madam and came out of the office peacefully.
He was not sad of losing his job but he was happy of coming out of the place where nobody believes on him, where all are having doubts on his ability, where all feels that he cannot do anything, where all the time the employer is comparing him with the others, where in each hour somebody reminds him that the Madam is not happy with you and may ask you to quit your job at any time, where he feels insecure himself and his future all the time, where the bosses never miss any opportunity to remind him to work according to his salary that they are paying to him. Is this the way to treat any employee working in any organization? Where the humanity gone?
The co-employees of Mr. X were always blaming him for the mistakes that he never made. But he never complained to anybody. Complaining was not in his habits. He was quite serious to his duties. He was trying to give his best for the quality work but most of the time he was unable to do this due to lack of support. There were few bucket putters around his boss. This was the one work, which he was unaware with and he never done like this throughout his career.
There were a number of qualities in Mr. X also like Honesty, Selfishness, Truthfulness and Morality. He was thinking that why his boss didn’t notice these all. Is there no any necessity of these values in the present job scenario? It may be. That’s why they were having negative thoughts about his capabilities.
Now he was feeling good because he was going away from that place where people were not accepting the truth, where always they feel that discouraging somebody is good. Where they blames others for their own mistakes, where for the sake of their promotions they didn’t listen to their hearts during recruitment of others. Because their superior asked them to select his relative in a particular interview and if they will not do the same, their career also will suffer.
Today he got the freedom in real manner. Now he needs not to be worry of any boss. He is his own boss. He is free to do whatever he desire.
Now he need not to get up early in the morning, prepare for the breakfast, and run for the office. He doesn’t have to be worry of reaching office in time, failing which he has to get scolded. Now he doesn’t have any bond of completion of any work in a particular time. Now he need not to show anyone that he has completed this much percentage of work assigned to him. Now nobody can restrict his ideas. Now he doesn’t have feelings of what the other will feel about the work that he completed. He needs not to think about that how the boss will behave if the work was not fulfilled according to him. Now he is free to do anything. The whole time of his life is just of him. For the first time of his life, he is the owner of his own life. First time he is realizing that how it feels to be owner of your own life. Each minute of his life he will utilize to decorate the attributes of his life. He will work with the Joy, He will hug the Sorrow, he will kiss the Kindness, and he will do the friendship with the dreams and will fly high with his ambitions.
He will fulfil all the responsibilities towards his family and relatives that he was unable to do due to his selfish job. He will meet with his parents. He will try to make happy to his grandmother who has left with just few years of her life. He will meet with his all old friends, whom he didn’t see from the last three to four years. Once again he will go for playing to the ground of his college days. He will visit the place where first time he felt the sense of love towards a beautiful girl.
He will meet to his childhood friends with whom he was roaming all the day behind the butterflies. He will join the company of his friends and will try to pluck some fruits from the garden of an unknown one and will run if the owner followed them. He will not be worry of dark clouds and will go out to enjoy the bath under the open sky during the rain.
There are unlimited desires. How he forgotten these all. What he desired to be and what he became. If he doesn’t have left the job, how he would have realized the beauty of life. Earning money is not everything. The real thing is to do the work what your heart says.
Now Mr. X is free, so he will fulfil his dreams one by one. He will never lose this freedom now at any cost. Because his freedom is not attached with himself only, it may bring the smile to others face also. He knew that he is a useful person. All the people who have positive thinking and never dying attitude always are assets for the society. And he has that.
In the competition of being a successful one in life, he had forgotten himself. Now he found himself once again by the God grace. This one day of ‘Independence’ taught him how to live. So from now onwards he will enjoy the each moment of his life under the shadow of his ‘own’ dreams.