Photo credit: dhester from morguefile.com
Anand is a bachelor. He works as a freelance film and video editor. His work pays him enough to cover the rent of his Versova one room apartment and day to day expenses. His dream is to make a movie some day but somehow the luck doesn’t support him.
He visits his native town during Diwali vacations and meets her childhood girlfriend. They discuss marriage but Anand reluctantly tells her that he won’t be able to support a family till he is struggling in the industry to become a director. On her suggestion he fixes up an appointment with her family astrologer.
After studying his horoscope, the planetary position reveals that Anand has got Rajyog. The only hitch is his name Anand, which doesn’t match up with the planetary position. Hence Pundit ji suggests that for a prosperous future, he should change his name to start with the letter ‘R’.
Without any deliberation Anand changes his name to Rajyog. Now Rajyog starts believing that his dream of making a film will surely come true. He registers his company with the Producers association.
He decides to make film about ‘The politics in the making of a modern Mythology’ and pens the script. The story is about Gods making a commercial feature film in the modern times and how they struggle to cope up with the technology and hazards in completing the film successfully. He shows around the script to various script doctors who warn him against using religious examples and making Gods as character in his film. He takes their suggestion for writing a final draft.
Since he had edited religious discourses and documentaries for a particular sect, he knew that their spiritual master Swami Muktidham possesses a film camera. Anand was in good books of this spiritual master. Swami was particularly fond of Anand because he was a vegetarian and didn’t smoke or drink. Hence Anand approaches the Swami thinking that he would support him by lending his camera……
Rajyog, in the kings’ attire and a 3D goggle on his eyes (totally into a Rajas’ character), starts climbing the stairs towards the bridge. Above the stairs in the shadow of the bridge is Swami Muktidhaam, in a saffron robe, with a black belt, and holding a Gandhi stick, patiently waiting for Rajyog to join him. As Rajyog climbs each step he turns around to pay obeisance to the stones on which his feet touch.
Finally when he reaches to the top he bends to touch Muktidhaam’s feet.
Muktidhaam: Tell me Rajyog, what do you want?
Rajyog: (Taking out his 3D goggle) Swami Muktidhaam, I want to make a film.
Muktidhaam: But how can I be sure that you’ll make a worthy film?
Rajyog: It hurts me to walk on these galaxies (pointing towards the ground and stones on the stairs) and ruining many civilizations. I am sorry for that but my life is not worthy if I don’t make a film.
(Swami had preached in one of his discourses about the micro level of life which could be living on the ground level and we might be ruining them beneath our feet. This life is invisible from our naked eyes and their life cycle is different from ours. For example our single limb movement might be equal to hundred years to them.)
Muktidhaam steps back, opens a suitcase lying on the ground and takes out a thick black book out of it. Holding it in front of Rajyog he asks for a promise.
Rajyog (after wearing the goggle puts his hand on the book): I promise I’ll make a worthy film.
Muktidhaam (keeps the book back and takes out a film camera out of the suitcase and hands it to Rajyog): Here, take it and keep walking. You’ll take one step towards the film, the film will take 108 steps towards you.
Rajyog brimming with happiness takes the camera, touches Swami’s feet and starts walking down the stairs again paying obeisance to the ground where his feet touch.
Rajyog in possession of the camera and a bound script feels all powerful. He calls his cinematographer friend to discuss the technicalities and finer points of the camera. They do a test shoot of Vidya, his house maid, doing her daily cleaning work and check the rushes. Now the next step was to do the casting for his film.
Once, when he was not keeping well, Vidya, who was in her mid 30’s, had taken care of him. Now Vidya was a film buff herself, watched all new films on the DVD player in her shanty, and was happy to work in the house of someone who was associated with the film industry. She also used to regularly borrow films from his DVD collection. Her husband used to work as a driver to a super star. Hence she had even visited the sets and seen shootings.
Rajyog is sitting on his sofa reading the script when Vidya kaamwali who is cleaning the floor gets up and asks for her remuneration…
Vidya: It’s been three months now since you’ve paid. It cannot go on like this forever.
Rajyog glances at Vidya and hands over the bound script to her.
Rajyog: Here read it. Draupadi’s role is for you. Work for nine more months, by the time you’ll become the best heroine this country ever produced.
Vidya flips around the papers and seems little disinterested. After all who would want her sari pulled in front of a crowd?
Vidya: Laxmi. I want to become Laxmi.
Rajyog puts his head down and thinks for a while.
Rajyog: For Laxmi’s role you’ll have to work for another 21 months.
Vidya: (keeping the bound script on table) Laxmi for another 9 months.
Rajyog: Here, sign the contract. (Gives a set of papers to Vidya who flips around and signs)
Through with the pre-production, and with the help of his industry friends and borrowed finances, Rajyog starts shooting his film. He starts with a scene in which all the character artists who are playing the role of different Gods in the film go on strike for not receiving their daily allowance.
Various Gods like Bhrama, Vishnu, Shiva, Laxmi, Ram, Hanuman, Ganesha, Kali Maa etc and all kind of demigods like Garuda, Narad etc with various weapons taking out procession with placards in their hands which says “Chalo Filmcity”.
Rajyog: (seated on a crane taking the shot and shouting in the microphone) Keep Walking Johny (real name of the character artist), don’t stop keep walking.
After canning a few shots lunch break is announced. All the artists run towards the table where the food has been served.
Laxmi is having an Ice Gola and relishes the red color juice. Her tongue has turned red due to it. All the other junior artists, in the garb of different Gods are sitting in circles and enjoying chole bhature. Ganesha walks out of the Men section of Sulabh Shauchalaya and Kali Maa entering into the female door.
A black car drives in and stops. The window glass slides down and Don Recyclone, in black old fashioned suit, looks around. Don Recyclone is a filmy don as piracy and overseas distribution is his area of work. He is also an expert in talent search and is popular for introducing many new comers in the industry.
There’s a story why he is called Recyclone. Once after having a liter of his favorite poison “Directors Special”, he had boasted about his image in the film world, how in his hey days directors and producers wanted to cast him as a hero in their films, how the actresses were mad after him, and whenever he entered the sets one could hear the sound of a cyclone approaching as he walked.
Ok cyclone understood, but why Recyclone?
Now this guy also had fetish for the filmy costumes. He kept tab on what clothes the famous stars wore and had specially appointed Bai’s who exchange utensils for old clothes. These Bai’s were directed to the studios, bungalows and apartments of producers and actors and asked to procure as many clothes as possible from them. Then he would choose the costumes for himself and his various girlfriends to flaunt around. Remaining he would sell online on facebook market.
This trade was no more a secret among his cronies, and so they christened him Don Recyclone.
Rajyog was a fan of the Don and his facebook friend. He had purchased lots of dresses from him online. He also had earlier approached him for film finances. Don paid him on the condition that he would take back only cash and was not interested in the film, as he didn’t like mythology or anything related to the costume drama. He was more of a thriller and action guy.
Don was visiting the sets to check if the shooting has started and how was it going on. He spots Rajyog who walks towards him and stops in front. Then Rajyog starts making different poses just like a fashion model (without removing his eyes from the camera, as if announcing that he has arrived). Don Recyclone gives a smile, slides up window glass and car goes away.
Rajyog calls for his crew and the shooting continues.
Laxmi, smilingly, is standing and at the backdrop is a poster of currency notes from various countries. There are electronic graphs and bars on the background panel on which the readings are changing constantly. All other Gods and goddesses, who are in the printed costumes of currency of different countries, are praying to her. Vidya is proud to play the role of Laxmi.
Rajyog, to popularize the principal character of the film, plans to introduce Draupadi sari Barbie dolls in the market. Since the movie has the famous Draupadi cheer-haran scene, a lot of money would go in costume(length of the sari). Instead that costume can be later utilized to manufacture the dress of Barbie dolls.
Movie starts taking shape and the novel idea and treatment makes it hot proposition and most awaited release. Rajyog ties up with public relation and marketing people and they start publicizing the movie in magazines and news papers. Shooting of the famous cheer-haran scene takes place.
Duryodhan is pulling the sari (a film print with sprocket holes) of Draupadi (who is not seen in the frame and we can only hear her voice, which is actually voice of Vidya). The pulled sari is going inside a dark room [with red light] behind Duryodhan.
Draupadi: Leave it you jerk, it won’t be of any use to you. Its polyester and is very hot. Try something new you dumb fellow. Go digital. Scrabble is better than a print, dust proof. An audience doesn’t understand the difference between film, 2k or MPEG4.
Rajyog (on the camera taking the shot): Keep pulling.
The sari being pulled is entering into the dark room with red tint. This room has a factory like structure. Various Gods are sitting in circles with various accessories like scissors, sewing machines, ironing press etc. The first batch of Gods cut the sari into various small pieces and passes them on to the next batch. The next batch is stitching the border around the cut pieces and passes them to the third batch of Gods. The third batch is sticking decoration stars and zari work on the cloth pieces and pass on to the next batch. Another batch of Gods is wrapping the nude Barbie dolls with these small saris and they pass them on for the next batch to pack them and put it in cartons. The carton is taken out of the dark room into an alley where various gods with many faces and hands are distributing the dolls to the handicapped children who are standing in a queue for their turn to receive the gifts.
Meanwhile Don Recyclone, who initially proposed just to finance the film, seeing its popularity and hearing positive reviews from the insiders, wants to buy the film outright. Rajyog politely refuses the proposition which makes the Don angry. Don starts demanding his money back before the due date and warns to interrupt the shoot if his demands are not met.
Rajyog explains the situation to Swami Muktidham of how Don was harrasing him and if he didn’t pay him back, the Don will use force to sabotage the shoot. Swami Muktidham asks Rajyog to show him the portions from the film which he had shot till then. Rajyog shows him the rushes from the film. Swami has got a lot of industrialist disciples who want to turn their black money into white. The Swami gives a loan to Rajyog from his trust which then he uses to return back the loan taken from the Don. Now Don becomes more agitated.
Next day at film city the shooting continues.
God with five faces and ten hands gives the Barbie doll to the handicapped child and says: Keep smiling. Just then Don Recyclone, carrying a carton, in his old fashioned overcoat walks in with his four dancers who are also wearing old but stylish dresses. He signals the dancers to move inside the dark room and meanwhile he keeps the carton on the table and opens it. All the handicapped children start pairing themselves (a boy and a girl) and walk towards the Don. Don takes out a plastic apple from the box and hands it to the first pair of kids…
Don Recyclone (smilingly): Here take this, but do not eat it. Just play with it.
All Gods and goddesses are praying to Laxmi who is smilingly standing at the backdrop of a poster of currency notes of various countries. Just then the four dancers walk in and start dancing. Laxmi gets angry by the interruption and walk towards Shiva. She pulls the trishul from his hands and starts doing tandav dance showing her tongue which has turned red by having too many ice golas.
Rajyog and Don Recyclone are standing in front of each other and staring into each other’s eyes. The shot intercuts with the tandav dance of Laxmi who has transformed herself into Durga.
Don has forcefully stopped the shooting and directly confronted with Rajyog. He has made his displeasure known to him and now Rajyog must definitely negotiate with Don so that the film doesn’t suffer any longer.
Rajyog (in his house) opens his cupboard and takes out the police uniform along with the cap (This is the uniform which Shashi Kapoor had worn in Deewar). There are more film costumes in the cupboard arranged neatly. Then he closes the cupboard, wears the uniform and looks into the mirror.
Rajyog in police uniform climbs the stairs where Don Recyclone is waiting below the bridge with a file in his hands (This is the same bridge where Rajyog got the camera from Swami Muktidham). Rajyog reaches up and they stare into each other’s eyes.
Don Recyclone (giving the file to Rajyog): Here sign it.
Rajyog doesn’t take the file and says: I have a camera given by Swami Muktidham himself. I have seen the lab test. The shots have perfect exposure.
Don Recyclone: I am offering you a share from US, UK, Middle East and Australia. All are prime territories.
Rajyog: I have Vidya, Laxmi and Durga all rolled into one. And mind you, soon she will become the number one heroine of this country.
Don Recyclone: Ok I also give you share from Germany, France, Poland, Israel, Turkey, Japan, South America and even China. You know dubbed versions of Indian films are getting very popular now a days.
Rajyog: I’ve already sold a million Draupadi sari fancy dolls in the market. Draupadi has become world famous. She is selling like hot cakes.
Don Recyclone takes out a laser gun and points it on Rajyog: Mind it, this is from Star Wars l, 2 and 3. Now you’ll sign it or not?
Just then we hear the sound of a train passing over the bridge and they stand there again staring into each other’s eyes.
Rajyog approaches Swami Muktidham for his help. Swami is also an expert in Indian martial art technique and runs a school to teach the ancient fighting skills to his disciples. A fierce fight takes place between Swami Muktidham and Don Recyclones’ army of filmy clones. A fight between good and evil.
Swami Muktidham is fighting Don Recyclones’ men with his stick. The whole fight sequence is in circles, with the men in black coats attacking from all the directions. Muktidham is moving his stick swiftly and black coat guys are falling one by one. At the same time all the Gods are throwing flower petals and currency of different countries from the top.
Swami and Rajyog win the battle against evil and finish their film. The censorship board raises objection to the use of Gods and mythological reference in the film. Rajyog explains the fictional aspect of the story. He is also willing to change the name of these characters. Laxmi becomes Juno Moneta, the Roman Goddess of money. Durga becomes Pele the Hawaiian fire goddess, Draupadi becomes Green Tara who is Tibetan Buddhist goddess of protection. The unsold dolls are called back from the market. Rajyog also puts up a disclaimer at the beginning of the film about the film being a work of fiction. Tribunal fully supports and the film is passed without any cuts with a universally acceptable certificate. The film premiere party takes place. We see a poster of the film CIRCLE OF FUSION and hear applause and clapping.
The film is declared hit after running successfully for three days at various multiplexes of Mumbai. Single screens also put house full boards outside the hall. The film fetches good sum from selling satellite and home video rights. Rajyog marries his childhood sweetheart and is signed for yet another project. Making a sequel to the CIRCLE OF FUSION is also discussed. Vidya wins the Filmfare award of the best heroine. Her husband becomes her chauffeur. Don Recyclone sells his facebook market collection to the bidders and leaves the industry for good. Swami Muktidham starts his own TV channel.
Rajyog climbs the stairs and reaches below the bridge. Swami Muktidham hands him a gold statue of Gandhi ji in a walking position with his stick. Applause and clapping continues.