The Book – A Short Story
Photo credit: jeltovski from morguefile.com
m .. writer, sachin …
“The boookkk came in ma mind when i was 16……”
It started wid the fact that i wanna be a writer {one from the crowd of artists}.. I started readinn novels, stories and more books instead of studyinn ma school books… As iwanna be a writer, ma life wasss full of imagination,…
Ma mom was an indian and ma dad wass a citizen of “Norway” ..As i was livinn in middle town street,one night while walkinn down the street i saw adog..
An exterior scene on the street.
I saw the dog runnin down the street and he suddenly stopped at the corner.he had a piece of meat in his mouth and one of his leg seemed to be scratched badly..as if he came from a bigg fight for that piece..i started imagining about that dog’s scene ..but smbody came and shitted on all my ideas…
“wake up, wake up,its already 7:30,sac you are gettin late”.It wass ma mom.
My school timing was 8, and i usually go there late..It was my rule,never to sit for attending lectures.Instead i spent all ma time in readinn books .That was my life and it was goinn very simple…….But…. that night was really a great night…
An interior scene ..
At one night ma dad was talking to me .. and my mom told me to study..she usually shouted at me wenn i was nt studying..she came to me and told me that everyone has to do some thing in life .. you have to study to achieve something.. as she wass an Indian ,i usually hav to face these lectures once in a week.But at that time i was bit frustated,.. so i came outside the house…
outside street scene…
I suddenly saw a begger on the street, while in search of food in the bin he founded a book.I stopped, and started staring at him {hiding from behind} .He stared at the cover page of the book and threw that away,as he had already known something about that book..Then he started crying and went back to find that book…He took the book with him and started walking down the street.. I started following him,and suddenly he threw the book in other street and ran away..Some questions started commin in my mind,but instead concenterating on them i went to the other street and started srchinng that book…Finally, i founded that book…The book had the wierdest front page, as it was written by a person by his own hands…it was titled “Boookkkk” by “Nelson Crook”.. And i took that book with me and went back to home…
Then i started imagining about that beggers’ scene , that was my firstever composition..And i started my book after reading that books’ story…
My book was entirly dependent on my imagination on that beggers’ life story..
my story wass like this wen i imagined myself as the begger;
‘…once i was a writer as well as a typist.. but Boookkkk was the story for which i would have done anything,inside the book;;the farmer came to a place… He invented a product from wood and steel that was helpful for the people in farming….after sellign his idea he became rich,but he died of some problems..then came the king …heee…………bla bla ballla……..which resulted in a great story as according to me..but i failed to make any success as the book composing companywas not satisfied with my story…as i had losst my job, friends everything for that, i came on road. I lost my mental healthand losst my family too..and i threw that book in the dust bin and come back to take the book and as my mental health was bad i usually do that “throw and take” everynight…’
My imagination ended at that time..At the other day i went down to the place where i saw the begger last time..i started walking down to the area where i saw that begger running..then i came to a place where people started staring at me then some one came and said,”hello boy, how r u?” as if they had known me..I asked him about the book and and i come to know that begger was himself ” Nelson Crook”,who was living with him. And that person told me that Nelson was my father and told me the same story as i imagined…..I was in a big shock….and he told me that Nelson died at one night wenn he lost his book…It was a big twist in my life story..he also told me not to tell anyone about Nelson..So, i thanked him and promised himto print that “Boookkkk” and came back to home…
this wass the story of the boookkkk…
-Sachin bhat