A Distant Past – Short Story

Short Story: A Distant Past – First Prayer to God
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
The eyes looked at the distant landscape. It swiped the entire landscape in a one quick glance. For as far the eyes could see there was plain land. With the yellow grass covering the red earth like a blanket. He could see the trees filled with green that stood up in the landscape in various places. He saw the blue blanket which spread over his head. It seemed to be starting where the yellow land ended in the distant. He had traveled a lot but as of yet he had not reached the place where the yellow met the blue. The land had such lovely colours. Such a beautiful mixture of colours. On the other hand he wondered why the blue blanket over his head never showed so many colours. It only changed in black showing many little light spots. And rest of the time it remained blue. Sometimes when water fell from the sky, he saw colours coming down from the sky. Maybe the sky gave colours to the land. Today the water didn’t fall from sky. The big ball of fire burnt with all its heat. He tried to look at it but his eyes hurt. He had seen fire which gave out heat during the dry days. But this burning ball of fire was much stronger and much hotter. He had seen it traveling on the blue blanket above. But nothing happened to the blue blanket. It was a strange thing. Why didn’t it burn? He had seen things such as trees and animals burn in the fire. But the blue blanket never burned. Slowly the ball of fire traveled and disappeared in the hills. Things started to cool down. The blue blanket changed its colour. The little bright spots appeared. Another ball appeared. It was not hot. It was cool. The light it gave out was a cool one. The entire landscape changed. How amazing! It was such a beautiful thing, he wondered. Who was doing this, he asked himself. Whoever is doing this must be a powerful being. The most powerful and the vicious being he had encountered was a four legged demon with two sharp teeth that came out of his mouth. It could run very fast. He could never outrun it. So climbing the green trees was his only option. The things happening around him made him wonder of things. He had seen that he was weaker than most of the other creatures that roam on this landscape with him. He had not got any sharp claws or teeth. But he could make a substitute from a stone. It was just as hard and strong. Maybe even stronger, he thought. Sitting on a rock beside his little cave, he saw his little family. They were sleeping. He looked up. And he wondered so many things. This amazing place and he was a part of it.
He had started thinking. Thinking about his surroundings. How could he manipulate it to his own comfort? He was trying to understand his place in this nature. Evolution was taking place. Information was being recorded in his genes. Slowly he was developing his intellectual senses. Things would change now. He would go on to change this vast fields of land in to a landscape which he desired. He would go on to discover the vastness of the sea to the coldness of the mountains. In about 50000 years, Earth as he knew it would have changed. But that was a distant future for him. So he lied down on the cold ground. And his eyes closed, he dreamt. He hoped that somebody was watching him and taking care of him. Maybe the same being that controlled the big ball of fire, he thought innocently. He said a little thank you to the imaginary being for taking care of him and his little family, in his mind. The first prayer to god had taken place. And with a relaxed mind he went on to sleep.