Article – THE MIRROR
Photo credit: digitallatina from morguefile.com
Mirror is the very strange topic for me. No , no , there is no need to apply your extra ordinary mind. Just keep calm and give attention to my words. I am not going to explain you that what the mirror is. How many kinds of mirror do you have?
I am simply talking about plain mirror. Yes , the plain mirror. All of us read about it , in our physics subject . Mirror is being used everywhere. It is just an equipment. But for me it has only one meaning since my childhood days.
We all know, plain mirror has very special kind of tendency . It shows left of right and right of left i.e opposite from reality. But it is definitely wrong. Do you know, why? Because it does not hide any demerits of any human being, including me.
No matter , is the person has a good heart ? Is he/she humble , lovable ,caring or not ? It only shows his/her physical demerits and beauty. Neither shows inside meanness nor shows your emptiness , your pain. This is exactly the plain mirror in my dictionary.
But this should not be the end of life , no , never think that this is the end of your dream . If you think , the life is over, then your are wrong. You know what? Who wants to be a fairy ? Who ?
Now listen to me carefully . If anyone really dying to be a fairy , so I must suggest, just start working on your character and behaviour because it is the only way to be a fairy amongst your beloveds. Beauty of color is volatile but the good character and behaviour remains with you untill or unless you die . I think after your death people will remember you , if you had these things with you when you were alive .
Your life is important , neither become upset nor give up . Society is back stabbed , that’s it. Just focus on your life and try to give break to your negative thinking. Go through your life thoroughly and check whether you need a break from such a weird society and their back bitters. Just take a break and start with your fresh mind . You will soon realize , it works .
Lastly I conclude one thing , I also have demerits but I always say to myself these lines whenever I become sad. The lines are :-
” How I am looking ? I do not care , I am more myself and God is my maker,
I do not care that anybody leave me or be together ,
Though I have demerits , I am the princess of my father and mother ,
I will never fell down and become a star brighter, brighter , brighter . “