Moral Story – Working with NGO gives you a new highlight of your existence!
Photo credit: emlyn from morguefile.com
23rd April 2008 was brand new start of my professional life. I was very excited yet nervous. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. As a degree holder in Bachelor’s of Business Administration, we were being taught more about companies and businesses that make profit. We were given tips and insights about corporate life. Contrary to my education, I chose to be in NGO field just because I could not find good opportunity in the corporate world. Sad but indeed true. Degrees are meant only for files.
Today on 16th April 2014, I am eating my lunch at a restaurant called “Hotel Mardol”. I make it a point to eat there at least once a month. I must say, this is one place in Goa you should definitely count on, if you are a fish lover. I saw a young waiter of about 18-20 years old approached my table for taking order. He had a different gleam in his eyes when he saw me. I found his face familiar but could not recognize him. I was sure I had seen him somewhere. I was too hesitant to approach him. I guess even he was hesitant to approach me.
After having my sweet lime soda, I ordered for my fish thali. I must admit that its heaven for fish lovers. While I was having my scrumptious lunch, I forgot that I had a meeting. I had to gear up for a meeting with my client in Verna. It was my time to pay the bill and leave for the day. I had a look at my watch; I had around more 40 minutes for the meeting. Lazing around the place, I was having a look at the new fishes in the aquarium. Suddenly, I felt somebody looking over my shoulder. I saw that it was the same waiter, who served me. He had gathered guts to talk to me this time. He called me out “Teacher”. I have never ever taken any kind of tutions or classes nor taught anytime for anyone to call me teacher. I signaled him if he was talking to me. He confirmed that.
“Are you talking to me?”
“Yes teacher”
“Teacher? I have never taught any time? How can you call me teacher? I guess you are mistaken me for someone else.”
“You are Priyanka teacher. You are from Vasco. You used to teach in my school when I was in 8th standard.”
I was perturbed to hear that. It was true.
“I want to thank you. Whatever I am today is because of you and Ashwini teacher.”
He continued as follows
“Teacher, you and Ashwini teacher used to teach us different things about why not to smoke and drink and chew tobacco. You used to come to our class and explain us what are the ill effects. I studied in the same school. I was in 8th std. when you used to come to our school. I had always seen my father drinking and beating my mother. She is a poor women who worked at other people’s house as maid just to keep us happy.
First day when you came, those wounds were fresh in my mind. When you started showing us the pictures of bad effects of drinks and smoke, it aggravated my wounds. I started to hate you both. I started bunking your classes. I took up smoking and drinking out of frustration. One day when my neighbor, who is also my classmate, told me you helped him to cope up with the stress at his home, I thought of giving it a try. I attended your class. It was my second class, where you had arranged for painting competition and the theme was “ILL EFFECTS OF SMOKING AND ALCOHOL ABUSE”.
I saw my classmate’s paintings. Just a thought came to my mind, this is the reason my mother is being beaten every single day. How could I even think of having it? I love my mother a lot. And that was the start to a newly discovered me.”
I asked him “Than why do you want to thank me? It was you inner conscience that provoked you for that U turn in your life.”
He replied to me “If it was not you and Ashwini teacher, I would have gone with the flow of drinks and smoke like my father. With the help of knowledge gained from your seminars and continuous backup, I chose to educate my father and his friends. I managed to start a small group of children, women and men to educate the locality. And you know what teacher?”
I could not believe what he was saying. Just a small task of my work made such a difference to him n people around him. My thoughts were disturbed. I asked him to continue.
He told me that his father is d leader of the small group and they named this project as “SHARAB – Ek dayan”.
After talking to him I felt a proud that yes, I was able to at least help somebody in his life.
Today Mahesh and his neighbors (classmates) are earning Rs. 4000/-per head as waiters, bellboys and drivers at restaurant and hotels. Some of the boys and girls/ladies are currently working as petrol pump attendants.They are quite happy. Mahesh is due to a promotion.