Moral Short Story – Keep My Fists Wide Open
Photo credit: pjhudson from morguefile.com
The great warrior suffered from mental agony. Consequently he became restless. His heart was so weakened that he was afraid of his own shadow. The moment he recollected the sparking eyes of the king, he started shivering as if he were no longer a great warrior. Whenever he showed his face in a mirror, he found the king there too making faces to him. He had no peace of mind nor did he have sound sleep at night the result of which his appetite gone and within a short period of time he fell sick.
The physicians diagnosed and said that the great warrior suffered from acute depression – so to say mental agony, no medicine for such a disease, clearly he told and advised him complete bed rest. His commandants were also worried about their master. One morning they brought a saintly man for consultation. The saint and the great warrior were sitting face to face. The saint after cross examination came to know the root cause of his illness he suffered from. In brief he advised the great warrior to see the king. Only the king can cure him of the disease he suffered from for a long time.
‘The king is not an ordinary king , he is an angel of God’s” – he added.
The great warrior and his commandants were influenced so immensely that they wasted no time to see the king. No sooner did the great warrior reach the entrance than the king rushed to receive him with due respect and honor. He took him to his palace and wanted to know the reason of his sudden visit to his kingdom. Showing his pale face he asked what he could do for him. The great warrior explained him everything. After listening to him patiently the king asked the great warrior to live with him for a couple of days , he would be his family member henceforth. He advised him to eat, drink and be merry that day and from the next day he would to follow him sincerely.
The king as usual got up early in the morning at about four a. m. and asked the great warrior to follow him. He came out of his palace for morning walk to his farm house – five kilometers away in the midst of greenery – situated in a quite quit and calm place – far- far away from the din and bustle of city life – well surrounded by natural beauty, scene and scenery. On both sides of the passage of the firm house different flowers of different colors and smell were blooming – were soothing not only the eyes but hearts also. The pet animals – hares and dears were hopping in happiness as if they were near and dear to the king.
As soon as the king reached the farm house, the caretakers on duty welcomed him and his associates to the guest house where necessary provisions were readily available for getting fresh. The king and the great warrior after bath , entered a prayer hall where his people were waiting anxiously for their king to bell the ring at the stipulated time to start with. The king along with his people prayed to God and wished that everyone should be happy and healthy and obey His order in all that he did for himself and for all His men, women, birds and beasts that He had created in order to make this world a beautiful place to live with and live in . After the prayer was over, the king was escorted to the dining hall where he along with the great warrior, took breakfast. Now it was the time for return to the palace. In return he found the people at work in their fields. Whosoever met him in the way, the king heard him/her patiently and asked him / her to see him in his court at the appointed day and time.
The great warrior realized in the company of the king that half of his agony gone, he was feeling better and his desire to live longer not for himself but for his fellowmen in distress had enlivened afresh .
At lunch the king invited the great warrior to the dining hall where his family members were present to dine with. The king said to the great warrior,‘ We take care of our food and drink properly. It is pure and fresh in all respect. It is nutritious too. Food and drink affects our body and mind direct, so no compromise with the quality of food and drink we take. As we eat and drink , so will be our energy, even our thought . Just see my son sitting in front of you. His not only the face resembles with mine , but his nose , his eyes , his lips etc. also, then why not thought , behaviour, action , art and style of living, the ways of ruling himself and others in right spirit and letters for the right cause. I mean to say that the quality or dis quality of parents pass through to their wards ( sons and daughters ) in accordance with that of semen and eggs of man and woman respectively while in intercourse. It is a natural phenomenon, no ground to argue. No exaggeration to say that such a vital role our food and drink plays in our life! Let us be careful while taking it. Let us think thrice before we take it into our mouth – so to say into our stomach.
Secondly eat & drink in pleasure with good sense so that it can repay you with good return in your body as well as in your mind. Think and always keep in your mind that you are doing the most important thing of the day. Vigour and vitality is the outcome of good nature, good habit and good thought.
The great warrior was stunned to see the ways the king was talking and disclosing the knots of secrecy and art of living. He neither heard nor did he see such a noble person – so to say king in his life. He was quite calm and cool like ocean. He was listening to the king’s attentively as a good disciple.
After the lunch break the king asked the great warrior to take rest for two hours and then come to attend the ‘Public Court’ ( Deewane Aam ) at 3 PM sharp. He also suggested him to read the books of autobiography of the great men of the world and their invaluable contribution to mankind from the attached library to his guest house where he was accommodated.
At the stipulated time the great warrior was escorted to the king’s Public Court and offered a seat beside the king’s.
Case No. : 1
King: what’s your name ?
X, your majesty!
your complain ?
Your majesty! my wife doesn’t obey me.
For how many days or months?
For one month.
When were you married?
Ten years back.
Did she obey you last ten years?
Yes, my lord!
I order you to obey your wife for the next five years, then come to me if you have any problem with your wife.
Case No. : 2
King: Your name please?
Y, your majesty!
Your complaint ?
I have five sons. All are earning members but the tragedy is that none is ready to keep and feed me whole life. I have to live one month in each house by turn which I ,at this old age ,do not like. Please do justice with me.
I order your youngest son to keep and feed you whole life since he has the least liability.
Next ?
your majesty, we are your villagers . There is only one grazing field in the centre of our village where our cattle graze grasses gracefully.. Now your military men have occupied it and do not allow our animals to enter.
Well, I order my men to vacate the grazing field within a week.
Is there any other case?
No, Your majesty ! – the minister replied.
After the court was adjourned, the king along with the great warrior came back to the palace.
The king at tea break asked the great warrior, ‘ How are you feeling now? ’
I am now feeling better. I am surprised to see you how nicely you live and lead your life and how promptly handle the cases submitted to you. Please tell me what inspires you.
My own soul where Almighty dwells in . I am always in touch with it, truly speaking to Him. I hear His order before I execute anything. I obey His order in right spirit and letter. People think that I am a king of all I survey but in fact I am not a king, I am the custodian of God’s. I have learnt somewhere in jurisprudence that ‘ Justice delayed is justice denied ’. So I deliver judgement promptly. You may ask me as to how I do it. Truly Speaking I apply my six sense.
Amazing! I have never thought of it.
If you are judicious from within your heart or soul , you can also do it . You must be impartial and must be determined to dispose off the cases irrespective of caste , creed or blood . I mean to say there must not be any favour to anybody or group or class. Judgement must be fair,and above all it must be acceptable to your own conscience . Death is inevitable. None has come to this world to live for ever. I must do something good to the people that they can remember me even after my death. The world is a beautiful place to live with and to live in and its people are no less beautiful in any way than that, only the important thing is that you will have to be positive in outlook, optimistic in thought, faithful to your Master and judicious in dealing with and dealing in with whomsoever and in whatsoever respectively .
I have one great problem. My past acts of sin start haunting my mind and I don’t have sound sleep at night. I have killed the innocent people. I have looted their property. I often hear the cry of their children. I know even God will think twice to forgive me for what I did.
You have confessed your crime , it is enough for God to forgive you. Henceforth swear before God to lead and live saintly life. – said the king to the great warrior.
I will do it and I do swear before you that I will be good and do good to the people till the last breath of my life .
Tomorrow morning I want to leave for my country as I am feeling better and all my anxieties are gone, no tension at all. Please allow me to go back.
I am very happy to know that in you a great change has taken place within such a short period and you have learnt actually what life is and how nicely you should lead and live it in society for better cause of the people living in and around you. May God help you, guide you and teach you in what you do!
The king invited him to dinner and left. The great warrior came back to the guest house. He was in leisure. He thought of visiting the library adjacent to the guest house. The moment he reached the hall, the librarian approached and asked him what type of books he wanted to read. “I want to read about those men who had lived in deed, not in years.”
“One minute, Sir I here is the book for you, please take it away and read it leisurely.”
The great warrior came back to his bed room and read the whole book – so inspiring stories they contained that after reading them he felt enthusiastic and decided to go back to his country and lead the rest of his life in serving the people there as their servant , not as their master in the right perspective.
The king’s man on duty appeared and requested the great warrior to see the king for dinner. The great warrior followed him to the dining hall where the king was awaiting him anxiously.
After the dinner was over, the great warrior expressed his desire to go back to his country in the morning. The king with his heavy heart allowed him to go back happily as he wished.
In the morning all necessary arrangements were made by the king to bid him farewell with due respect and honour. The king himself accompanied him to the boarder of his kingdom and while departing with presented him a small gift
as a token of reminiscence. The gift was nicely packed in a golden rapper. The great warrior bowed his head in gratitude and left with tears in eyes.
Even the animals can understand what is wrong and what is right, what speak of man, as man has been bestowed with super power of sense of distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong. Naturally by that time the great warrior understood everything. He called all his commandants and ordered them to return their native places – their homes – their families – their parents and lead and live life livingly by honest means and be satisfied with whatever they would have there. Let us be good and do good to our fellowmen who are in misery and distress. Make our life sublime. Forget all we did in the past and start a new life afresh. Let us go back tomorrow morning. Let us ask apology from those whom we had hurt and harmed, whom we looted and killed for no fault of them. Let us return the booty to them with apology. None believed in how the change took place in their master’s mind within a couple of days, but order was order, none could dare to disobey it.
As per the order the commandants with their soldiers were ready at the stipulated time in the morning.
The great warrior looked happy and gay in returning to his country – his motherland – his people – his family and what not?
Within a few months the king returned his country. When the king heard about the whole story how the great warrior changed his idea of leading and living differently, he requested him then to wear the crown and rule over the kingdom in his place. It was obligatory on his part to pay him back with what he ( the great warrior ) did for him while leaving the country on his mission .
On an auspicious occasion the great warrior took oath before his subject that he would serve the people of his country not as king but as their custodian and moreover as their servant and he would exert his utmost sincerely to make the people healthy, wealthy and wise.
For that you will have to be sincere to your duty and responsibility.
For that you will have to be self-disciplined, self-dependent and self – assessor in all that are assigned to execute for better cause for self, for family and over and above for the country.
For that all must have some goal or mission in life and in order to achieve the goal or mission all will have to assess actually what they will have to execute and how it will be executed, all have to plan properly, and then to implement the planning properly in time. Even after implementation, the goal or mission would be far – far away from you. The last but not the least all must have a regular control over all these key factors. There must not be any if or but in between your assessment and control. If you succeed, means your family succeeds, your family succeeds means your country succeeds. I mean to say there will be overall progress and prosperity in whole of the country.
I assure you all rather take it for guaranteed that you will get all assistance and co-operation in all that you will do in the right perspective for the right cause.
Once again I advise all of you not to sit idly, not to be fearful , not to be lazy , not to be angry and not to defer your job or work in your hand.
All that you have done wrong in your life, forget it and live and lead your life afresh henceforth like me. Develop in and within you – your family members good quality of an ideal citizen and for this be good and do good in society.
I am happy to announce from tomorrow onward I and my people will be at your service in all that you need and for this my grievance cell be open for 24 hours to listen and redress your grievance.
The great warrior was sworn in as king of the country and ruled the country successfully for a couple of decades. He loved his people like anything and in turn his people had had much more regard than ever for their king.
Wherever the king ( the great warrior ) visited his country or out of his country people in a large number greeted and honoured him as prophet of God on earth.
His country was reckoned and recorded as one of the most peaceful and prosperous countries amongst all.
One day the king called all his courtiers and commandants and thanked them for what they had done for the betterment of the life of the people of the country during his regime. He made it clear that he was summoned by God and he would not live longer, he would have to obey His order, any day, any time he might leave for heavenly abode.
Here is a very good book on life and work of 100 great men of the world. I suggest you to hand it over to the next king to follow the good lessons contained in it.
I want all of you to fulfill my last desire after I breathe my last. – the king added.
Please tell us.
Keep my fists wide open outside while taking the coffin to the churchyard.
O.K. Sir ! – the Commander – In – Chief replied in the affirmative.
The next day at midnight the king died.
Whosoever heard about the sad news was shocked and rushed to the palace to bid last farewell to the beloved king. A large number of people took part in the funeral ceremony. While the coffin was being taken from the palace to the churchyard, the people in a large number were standing calm and quit in grief in both the sides of the road.
Some of the people were more surprised than shocked to notice the king’s hands outside the coffin and his fists wide open. They were whispering and wanted to know the reason about it. An old man came forward and said to them, “ The theme behind this is that the king wanted to teach a lesson to all that everyone comes to this world bare handed and leaves the world bare handed – meaning thereby does not come with anything nor does take away anything with him after his demise.
The very morale contained is that we all know about it , even then we quarrel for a trifle thing and gather wealth and power for no good for anything , for anybody.
Writer: Master Durga Prasad Govindpur , Dhanbad ,
Date : 10th. December 2013, Day : Tuesday.