Moral Short Story – Widow Women
Photo credit: mvictor from morguefile.com
An women in her 30’s , lost her husband in a bike accident works in a private school. She teaches English and mathematics to 6th grade students.
Her everyday routine was to get up in the morning , make coffee, cook breakfast and lunch at the same time , to take a bath and to have breakfast and get ready to school at 8: 30 am and waits for school bus to pick her at her stopping.
One day, she realizes that her life is so routine and nobody is around her to show love and care. She was beautiful even though she was married 8 yrs ago. Day after day, she was very upset with her life and worried in loneliness.
One day evening , right after came back from school she opened the door of her house and went inside bedroom and throws her handbag to the corner of the room in vexation. She washed her face and wore a loose , comfortable payjama suit and went to the park in the same street where her house was located.
She entered the park and sat on the park bench and watching children playing happily , elderly people chattering with strangers and walking slowly, some youngsters jogging with music on their ears.
A men in 40’s sat down on the same bench where she was sitting. He started the conversation first.
He :hello friend! I’m santosh kumar and I teach yoga and meditation.
she : Hi! I’m anandhi and I work as a school teacher in a private school
Santosh: oh! That’s sounds good. Teacher! We both have one thing in common . Guess what ??
Anandhi: No , I don’t know .
Santosh : huh! Santosh and anandhi both names mean happiness and joy.
he laughs after saying this and commenting ” what a coincidence!!”
Anandhi gave her smile back at him
Santosh: Though you have a joy in your name, your eyes are very sad. There is no life in your eyes.
Anandhi acknowledges by nodding her head at him
Santosh : ok anandhi ! Let me tell you one basic truth to you.
” There is nothing to be worried of, life is constantly changing and nothing is permanent , then what’s the use of worrying and wasting life . Live life moment to moment . No past , no future . This moment is a gift . Stop worrying and start enjoying life whatever it brings to you. Life changes. Whatever your situation is, just drop the worry and go on!
Anandhi widened her eyes by hearing all these and thanked him for sharing all these with her. Something in your words stirs inside me. I don’t know what’s that exactly
Santosh: Truth always stirs and he laughs again and got up from the bench and said good bye to her and walked away
Anandhi with a smile on her face ,walked back to her house and read a novel before going to sleep and she slept very peacefully.