Moral Short Story – The Tongue
Photo credit: dorne from morguefile.com
Tongue is used in reference to a person’s style or manner of speaking. What we speak makes people to understand what we are. If we twist our tongue by wrongly using words to invade on others, first wounded by the tongue is heart which is biggest damage in my opinion.
It is why we are advised to speak only what our heart feels, not all that our ears hear. We can believe hearts, not the ears. What we hear cannot be always true. When the words are not silent, the silence is great to read. Don’t speak something that you like, as speaking anything is not good, instead of that keeping silence is always better.
Your tongue can bring tears in the eyes of your loved ones, so look at those eyes before speaking and forget that you have a tongue to speak anything that you like to speak. People say that a sharp tongue will damages while a smooth tongue saves your head from being get beheaded. It is true that the burning words set fire to dry tongues. When your tongue is not in control, your reputation is no more than a sinking ship.
Hold your tongue to hold impending danger:
“I know that. Hold your tongue.”
“You don’t know. Stop talking rubbish.”
“You are talking much. You don’t know who I am.”
“Who are you? Why speak like you are the President of America?”
“You are a big fool.”
“You are No1 fool of the big fools-society.”
The ego made them quarrel like this and they started fighting. The issue started on a simple issue of the birth place of a popular hero. Mega says that the place is Vijayawada and Yoga says that the place is Kakinada. The name of that place is unknown to both of them. Everything went on assumption or supposition. Both have presumed something and thinking that what they have thought is right, they started quarreling.
Mega and Yoga have a friend called Raga who was the classmate of that hero. He is going by that way and saw these two quarreling on the subject of the birth place of the hero. He said that it is not this or that, it is Rajahmundry.
It is why elders say that hold your tongue to hold impending dangers.
Fire and sword do less destruction compared to the tongue:
His name is fire. He always speaks like burning people. His wife is sword. She does not know to speak properly. If she speaks with anyone it will be like cutting the body and soul hearing her words. The husband and wife are helping a lot for destruction around them.
They know what they are. One day they are arguing.
“I have helped a lot for the destruction in our office.” Husband said.
“I have helped for more destruction in our neighborhood.” Wife argued.
“There is one more in the city and she is the real one for more destruction.” Their neighbor said.
“Who is she?” Wife and husband asked with wonder.
“Her name is tongue. She knows to transform herself in many people to do her bad work of destruction”
As the neighbor was telling this, wife and husband wondered very much to know the fact. It is why elders say that fire and sword do less destruction than tongue.
We have two ears and just one tongue to say that hear more and speak less:
Agni is a short tempered man. He never hears what others say. He quarrels with everyone. One day his father is saying something important. But Agni is not hearing. He did not bother to understand what his father is saying.
“Get your two ears cut. They are waste.” Agni’s father said in cool voice.
Agni was again angry. He is looking at his father with furious eyes.
“What advice you are giving me father? What wrong I did? Why you ask me to get my ears cut?”
“You have no patience to hear what others say. You always quarrel and do not use your ears. Then what is the use of having ears?”
If somebody says as advice, he will be angry on those suggestions. He starts fighting. He never hears and understands things in a proper way. Agni got humiliated by these words and he tried to rectify. He started hearing more and speaking less.
It is why elders say that fire we have two ears and just one tongue to say that hear more and speak less.
Teach your tongue to say that I don’t know, you will be one liked by many:
A man is called Know always says I know that and I know this. He really thinks that it might have been like this and he says his theory as the things he saw with his own eyes.
One day the people are breaking their heads in his street. Know came and asked them what happened.
“My daughter has not returned from her office. It is 10 PM and we are all worried about her.” Raja said with pain.
“I know what happened.” Know said with simple words.
Everybody looked at him. Then he said like this- “I saw her coming home and Kumar was on the way. They both were talking something seriously. It means that they both have decided on something and gone.”
Kumar was the young man working with her and he is the son of a police officer. He came out from the house and said that what he said is half right that we were talking on some office work and departed. The later part he said is not true.
Just then she came in a car of her friend. She told that she heard about her friend’s mother is in serious health condition and she has assisted her friend in admitting her mother.
Everybody looked at know with angry.
“Teach your tongue to say that I don’t know, then you will be one liked by many.” Raja said looking the man called ‘know’.
Know is not “all I know” after that and he knew what his defect was and he tried to rectify himself.
Body is tired and rests, only tongue never take rest though very much tired:
His name is Tomato. He is old. People respect him as he is a old man. But he always speaks meaningless and makes things worse. People know well about him and so they excuse him as nothing bad happens as everybody knows that his words should not be taken as facts.
The doctor Apple is living in the same street. One day tomato’s relatives came to him and said that tomato is ill. DR Apple came to see Tomato.
Tomato is sleeping on the bed. But he is saying something. Nothing is heard.
“A peculiar disease “Doctor said.
“What is it Doctor?” Patient’s family members asked.
“BTTN… Body tired and tongue not. He cannot fight with people as his body is tired. But his tongue thinks it is not tired, so it is working.” Doctor explained.
Tongue cheats, deceives and makes you stand as a culprit:
Tongue is designed to speak what your heart feels. It is not to cheat and deceive people. If you think that the tongue is your shield and you can use it to offend people and then use it again as shield for your protection, there is no use. People think that this is a double edged knife and your dangers will be more. So you must know that “tongue cheats, deceives and makes you stand as a culprit”.
The silence is more expressive than your tongue:
My uncle is always silent and he speaks very less. He hears what ever people say and he simply smiles with a great silence. People say about him that he is silence and there is no use to say ant thing to him. My uncle’s name is yogi.
“Yogi is a man of great prudence. Let us settle our matter before him” Krishna said.
“But he speaks very less. You may be right that he is a person of high knowledge. I agree to get our dispute solved before him. Whatever he says, it is acceptable for me.” Raman accepted.
It is understood by this that Silence is more expressive than your tongue. We must use the tongue in very minimalist manner. That means use the tongue moderately.
Finally, I want to say that You are known well by your tongue, so ask your tongue to know you better before speaking.