Social Short Story – Sweet
Photo credit: manuere from morguefile.com
I’m supposed to be feeling happy today as this is my house warming ceremony.
But the day was a mess. Nothing went right from the morning. First Rain God has decided to bless us with sudden spell of Rain for last six hours. Next, the minivan we hired for the occasion couldn’t make it as it got struck in rain. It took us almost two hours to arrange for an alternate transport and reach our destination which is just 12 kms apart. The priest too got struck in rain and reached the destination late. A lot of my relatives who were invited couldn’t make it as the rain has caused a huge traffic jam. And finally when I thought things were going smoothly…
Now the caterer is not picking my phone. Hope it’s not the rain story again. Though there are only twenty five people who had come in, I have to serve them a good lunch. I decided to walk to caterer’s place and find out how the situation is.
‘Sorry mam. Both of my cooks weren’t able to make it today. So it’s only me & wife cooking now.” The caterer said on spotting me
“When will it be ready?”
“By One thirty. Also adjust on food quantity..”
“I reduced the order from fifty to twenty five this morning.”
“ I know. We weren’t able to get the vegetables in market because of rain, so can’t help it.”
I didn’t argue much with him. At least he is doing something despite the odd circumstances. But it’s already nearing twelve; it will be hard to keep my guests at home without food. Thinking hard,I bought some sweets and snacks on the way from a sweet shop.
“That’s the carry bag of sweet shop” Shouted the little girl, as I entered the apartment.
She must be the watchman’s small kid. Watchman’s family is staying in the car-parking for time being as the construction is yet to be completed. I stopped for a minute thinking whether there are sufficient numbers of sweets to offer for their family. No, the count was bit risky. There are five members in watchman family, including three kids. Probably I can invite them to lunch, but again caterer has hinted on less quantity of food.
I dismissed the incident from my mind and went inside the house. Thankfully caterer delivered the food in the said time. I breathed with relief after first batch of relatives ate. Don’t know whether the serving of sweet and snack has dwindled their appetite, there was enough food left. At least I can invite the watchman’s family for lunch, I thought.
I was greeted by aroma of food, on stepping inside the watchman’s temporary quarters.
“I thought of inviting you for lunch, but it seems you already staring eating. ”
“Oh yes. We just started with our lunch.” Said watchman
I felt very bad on myself. I should have made some proper arrangements or at least given them some money beforehand.
“Madam, please eat this.” Watchman’s wife gave me a spoon of sugar.
“It’s our custom to offer sweets for those visiting our house for first time. Please eat it madam.” Said watchman.
Bitter taste filled my mouth….